
  • 网络Business Model;traffic pattern
  1. 在对XML技术分析的基础上,对业务模式进行归纳总结,并从中抽象出数据交换模型。

    Data exchange model is abstracted on the basis of analysis of XML technology and summary of business model .

  2. 第七章对零部件制造业的各种业务模式进行分析,提出E公司的标杆企业,并进行深入研究。

    The chapter 7 shows the analysis of business model in the various parts and components manufacturing industry .

  3. 就像我们所提及的那样,Web服务几乎不影响现有的一组业务模式、集成模式以及应用程序模式。

    As we noted , web services have very little impact on the existing set of business , integration , and application patterns .

  4. 匹克体育用品(PeakSportsProducts)发布了全年盈利预警,而李宁(LiNing)更换了长期执掌的首席执行官,以求找到新的业务模式。

    Peak Sports Products issued a full-year profit warning , while Li Ning dumped its long-serving chief executive in the hopes of finding a new business model .

  5. 正在针对用户自建内容进行“保卫战”的制造商,应该看看谷歌(google)等公司开发的新业务模式。

    Manufacturers fighting rearguard actions against user - created content should look instead to the new business models being developed by companies such as Google .

  6. 史泰博应该立即转变业务模式,向IBM那样朝着增值产品和服务转型。

    Instead , staples should immediately leverage its corporate business and transition to services and value-added products in the way that IBM ( IBM ) did .

  7. 第三方物流(TPL)及其业务模式研究

    Study on TPL and its Business Mode

  8. 在GC的商家帐户管理服务解决方案这个案例中,案例的要求将我们导向自助服务和扩展企业业务模式。

    In the case of GC 's Merchant Account Management services solution , the requirements lead us towards both the Self-Service and Extended Enterprise business patterns .

  9. 由于互联网信息的不断丰富,很多Web应用往往不能迅速跟进大量信息衍生及业务模式变革的脚步,常常需要花费许多时间、人力和物力来处理信息的更新和维护工作。

    Many web applications can not follow the pace of the increasing information and changing business model , a lot of time , manpower and material resources has to be spent on the information updating and maintenance work .

  10. Ebay上周三宣布,公司将重塑在华业务模式,以帮助当地企业把产品销往海外市场。

    It announced on Wednesday that it was reinventing its China business by helping local companies sell to consumers overseas .

  11. 这些操作包括指导用户与后端系统(预定处理系统)进行交互,并指定一个自服务(Self-Service)的业务模式。

    These actions involve direct interaction between users and back-end systems ( Order Processing system ) and indicate a Self-Service business pattern .

  12. cme预计将坚决捍卫其业务模式,抵制任何使之加大开放度、面对更大竞争的企图。

    CME is expected vigorously to defend its business model against any attempt to open it up further to competition .

  13. 然而,国际唱片业协会(ifpi)董事长兼首席执行官约翰肯尼迪(johnkennedy)警告称,保持平行业务模式具有挑战性。

    However , sustaining parallel business models will be challenging , warns John Kennedy , chairman and chief executive of the IFPI , the music industry association .

  14. 过去几个月,新生银行(ShinseiBank)有一连串高层离职。由于这家日本银行难以确立业务模式,导致员工士气低落。

    Shinsei Bank has suffered a string of senior departures in the past few months amid a decline in morale as the Japanese bank struggles to establish a business model .

  15. 据悉,高盛正在调整业务模式,最近通过收购总部位于百慕大的保险公司ArielHoldings,拓展其保险业务。

    It is known to be examining ways to tweak its business model and recently bulked up its insurance business by buying Ariel Holdings , a Bermuda-based reinsurer .

  16. 一些高管表示,如果埃克森美孚(exxonmobil)、英国石油(bp)和荷兰皇家壳牌(royaldutchshell)等国际石油企业希望企业兴旺,它们将不得不改变业务模式,变得与服务公司更相似。

    Some suggested that the international oil companies such as ExxonMobil , BP and Royal Dutch Shell would have to change their business model to become more like service companies if they were to prosper .

  17. 由于美邦的经纪人目前就在花旗银行(Citibank)的部分分支机构当中工作,如果真的实现上述合并,也算是花旗集团当前业务模式的一种自然产物。

    That would be a natural outgrowth of a strategy already under way , in which Smith Barney brokers now work in some Citibank branches .

  18. 最大的风险是,Facebook会抢走新闻媒体与读者的关系,而当Facebook随后转头追求其它东西时,它会在不经意间摧毁新闻公司的业务模式。

    The big risk is that Facebook plunders the relationship that news companies have or should have with their readers , and then destroys their business model almost accidentally , while it is in pursuit of other things .

  19. 他并不想取消目前的多领域业务模式,该模式是由四大会计师事务所和安达信(Andersen)共同开发的,其中安达信已因安然丑闻而解体。

    Mr McDonough shows no appetite for the dismantling of the multidisciplinary business model developed by the big four accounting firms and Andersen , which was destroyed by the Enron scandal .

  20. “市政wi-fi”概念陷入困境有多方面的原因:用户采纳速度慢、技术问题、政治拖延、不切实际的预期和业务模式。

    The " Muni Wi-Fi " concept has run into difficulties for a number of reasons : slow user adoption , technology problems , political delays , and unrealistic expectations and business models .

  21. 与此同时,有证据表明在首次公开发行(IPO)领域,业务模式发生了转变:去年香港的融资额高于纽约,一定程度上是因为中国企业的一波IPO热潮。

    Meanwhile , in the area of initial public offerings there is evidence of a business shift : last year there was more fund-raising in Hong Kong than New York , partly due to a wave of listings by Chinese companies .

  22. 波士顿JackCardsLLC的业务模式就是:一个名为“杰克”(Jack)的虚拟通信管家会替你考虑周到,让你成为称职的朋友/配偶/亲戚/老板。

    Jack Cards LLC of Boston based its business after the notion that an imaginary correspondence butler named ' Jack ' could take care of you , making you look like the friend / spouse / relative / boss of the year .

  23. 福里斯特研究的BryanWang称,小米可能将需要在海外市场调整业务模式,通过提高手机售价来提高利润率,以便帮助公司维持在相关国家扩张的费用。

    Mr. Wang , of Forrester , said Xiaomi will likely have to tweak its business model abroad , charging more for phones to make the margins to support the outlays it will take to expand into those countries .

  24. Groupon和它的山寨大军正因为业务模式单一而陷入困境,但Yipit却重新整合它们的原材料,形成了一个新的商业模式。

    But while Groupon and its army of clones are stuck with a monotonous business , yipit has reassembled their raw material into an entirely new model .

  25. 工业时代的思维方式以及NAICS产业代码使企业的思维模式陷入窠臼,它们的业务模式不是以产品为中心,就是以服务为中心。

    Industrial-era thinking and NAICS industry codes force companies into characterizing their business models as being either product - or service-focused .

  26. 总部位于纽约的Juno就是这样的一家公司,该公司正在围绕反优步理念打造自己的业务模式,向司机们承诺更大提成比例并提供准股权。

    One such company , the New York-based Juno , is building its business model around being an anti-Uber , promising its drivers a bigger slice of the take and quasi-equity .

  27. 直销业务模式的灵感或许来自戴尔先生,但至少它的有效实施至少在同样程度上要归功于罗林斯。当初这位贝恩(Bain)的顾问加入了戴尔,出任首席运营官。

    The inspiration for the direct business model may have come from the founder , but its effective application is down at least as much to Mr Rollins , the former Bain consultant turned chief operating officer .

  28. 由于BPO是一种高门槛的业务模式,所以目前真正从事这类业务的本土企业还很少,相关的理论研究也刚刚开始。

    For its high bulwark , few domestic companies involve BPO business totally at present , and the theory study for BPO also just starts . Secondly , this article focuses on the common strategy for BPO .

  29. Areva迫切希望保持其“一站式”的业务模式,该公司称像CGNPC这样的客户认为应该从同一家公司购买核燃料和核反应堆。

    Areva is keen to retain its one-stop-shop structure , arguing that customers such as China 's CGNPC see advantages in buying fuel and reactors from one company .

  30. 介绍了ADSL技术及其组网结构、业务模式、封装协议、局域网接入方式等内容,着重指出了ADSL组网时应注意的系统定位、DSLAM配置、宽带接入服务器配置、网络传送模式、用户计费等问题。

    This paper introduces ADSL technology and its network structure , service mode , biding protocal , local network access , etc. It mainly discusses its system position , DSLAM , broadband access service equipment , network transmission mode and client payment .