
dōng běi
  • Northeast China;the Northeast
东北 [dōng běi]
  • (1) [Northeast China]∶指中国东北地区,包括辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省以及内蒙古自治区的东部

  • (2) [northeast]∶泛指东北方向

东北[dōng běi]
  1. 在圣诞假日期间,东北地区和佛罗里达州之间的交通十分繁忙。

    During the Christmas holidays there 's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida

  2. 10月下雪在东北不是什么希罕的事。

    Snow in October is nothing strange in northeast China .

  3. 长江是东北方向的一道天然屏障。

    The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east .

  4. 东北部又经历了一个黑色的日子,当地公布的失业人数再度上升。

    It 's been another black day for the north-east with the announcement of further job losses .

  5. 绕过菲尼斯特雷角之后,这些船开始在东北信风的吹送下破浪前行。

    After rounding Cape Finisterre the boats ride the north-easterly trades .

  6. 今天早上德国东北部两列火车迎面相撞。

    Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning

  7. 意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。

    Italy 's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions

  8. 那次地震的震中位于首都东北200公里处。

    The earthquake had its epicentre two-hundred kilometres north-east of the capital .

  9. 军队去年3月从该国东北部撤出。

    Troops withdrew from the north east of the country last March .

  10. 他们都来自英格兰东北部的纽卡斯尔。

    They 're all from Newcastle in the North East of England .

  11. 陆地向东北方向倾斜延伸成了牧场。

    The land to the north-east fell away into meadows .

  12. 我们很快就注意到东北方有一个圆锥形的庞然大物。

    We were soon aware of a great conical shape to the north-east .

  13. 9点15分时刮起了寒冷的东北风。

    By 9.15 a bitter north-east wind was blowing .

  14. 军车队向东北方向行驶,致使街道上车流缓慢,交通拥挤。

    The streets were jammed with slow moving traffic , army convoys moving north-east .

  15. 据报道,一位叫马修·欧文斯的博士在前往土耳其东北部考察的途中失踪了。

    A Dr Matthew Owens was reported missing while on an expedition to north-eastern Turkey .

  16. 最近的这次袭击发生在首都蒙罗维亚东北20英里处的凯里斯堡。

    This latest attack was at Careysburg , twenty miles north-east of the capital , Monrovia .

  17. 南行途中,他们在苏格兰东北海岸外遭遇了大雾。

    On their journey south they hit a bank of fog off the north-east coast of Scotland .

  18. 有6,000万人口的东北部是美国人口最稠密的地区。

    The north-east , with 60 million people , is the most densely populated part of the United States

  19. 这是道地的东北人参。

    This is the genuine ginseng from Northeast .

  20. 东北是祖国的粮仓。

    The northeast is the granary of the country .

  21. 城市工业主要局限于东北部。

    Urbanized industry was limited primarily to the northeast .

  22. 自然地理:位于亚洲西南部,阿拉伯半岛东北部。

    Physical geography : located in southwest asia , north-east of the Arabian peninsula .

  23. 他们向东北航行了几天。

    They voyaged northeast for several days .

  24. 东北风刮得呼呼响。

    A northeast wind is blowing strongly .

  25. 缅甸位于斯里兰卡的东北方。

    Burma is northeast of Sri lanka .

  26. 我出生于东北部。

    I was born in the northeast .

  27. 风从东北方吹来。

    The wind blew northeast .

  28. 东北三宝,人参、貂皮、乌拉草。

    There are three precious things in Northeast china , i.e.ginseng , marten , and Wula sedge .

  29. 人们数百年来千方百计搜寻的中国东北和朝鲜的野山参现在几乎绝迹了。

    The wild ginseng of Manchuria and korea , hunted assiduously for centuries , is now all but extinct .

  30. 作为一名记者,我曾与纽约大学、哥伦比亚大学和来自东北部大学的毕业生竞争工作。

    As a journalist , I have competed against NYU , Columbia , and Northeastern graduates for jobs .