
dōnɡ fānɡ xué
  • orientalism
  1. 在二十世纪西方乃至世界文论史上,《东方学》、《文化与帝国主义》都是不可或缺的关键词,爱德华·W。

    In the 20th century western even world literary theory , Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism are inescapable keywords ; Edward W. Said is even more indispensable .

  2. 爱德华·赛义德:颠覆型的知识分子与对东方学的质疑

    Edward Said : The Subversive Intellectual and His Subversion of Orientalism

  3. 解构中国少数民族:去东方学化还是再东方学化

    Deconstructing the Ethnic Minorities of China : De-orientalism or Re-orientalism

  4. 而这些都是在东方学中由西方人建构的东方人的整体形象。

    And these are the overall image described by occidental in the orientalism .

  5. 汉语研究的现状就是东方学造成的灾难。

    The rare study achievement of Chinese is none other than a disaster of Orientalism .

  6. 试论民惟邦本之说形成的时代解读萨义德的《东方学》&兼及对当代中国现实的思考

    An Interpretation on Said 's Orientalism & And the Thought on the Reality of Contemporary China

  7. 西方人的东方学传统并不能消除文化鸿沟。

    The tradition of Orientalism of the occidental people cannot surpass the cultural rifts at all .

  8. 学科·知识·权力&《东方学》的核心命题及其对当前文学批评的启示意义

    Discipline , Knowledge and Power & The Core Argument of the Orientalism and Its Illumination on the Present Literary Criticism

  9. 同年,季羡林就任北京大学教授,不久后在该校创建了东方学研究院。

    In1946 he became a professor at Peking University and soon founded the department of Eastern languages in the university .

  10. 论马克思主义东方学的出发点&兼驳关于马克思、恩格斯没有东方社会理论的观点

    The Starting Point of Marxist Orientalism Research : Refuting the Assumption that Marx and Engels Haven 't Developed the Theory of Oriental Society

  11. 也许他在这里有些含糊其辞,但他的目的不是想讨论,东方学讲的到底是谎言还是真相。

    Maybe he waffles a little bit about this , but it 's not really ultimately the point for him whether Orientalism lies or tells the truth .

  12. 因此所有这些问题,都来自于,赛义德对东方学研究中真理与价值之间关系的认识,他的观点来源于哪里?

    So all of these questions are then posed by Said 's sense of the relationship between truth and value in the history of Orientalist scholarship Now where is he coming from ?

  13. 对于萨义德而言,除了些许纯粹的个人兴趣,研究东方学主要起源于其个人经历和知识分子的社会责任感。

    For Said , apart from a bit of purely personal interest , the main cause of his study on Orientalism mostly lies in his personal experience and social responsibility as an intellectual .

  14. 近代学术转承:从国学到东方学&傅斯年《历史语言研究所工作之旨趣》解析

    A Turning Point of Modern Academic Studies : from National Learning to Oriental Studies & An Analysis of Fu Sinian 's Purpose of the Work of the Research Institute of History and Linguistics

  15. 不应把东方学的构造,看作是谎言的构造,一旦真相揭穿,它们就会,灰飞烟灭。

    One ought never to assume that the structure of Orientalism is nothing more than a structure of lies or myths which , were the truth about them to be told , would simply blow away .

  16. 萨伊德在《东方学》中从殖民历史的角度对西方现代知识和文化体制进行批判,认为现代西方的主体身份是在以殖民地东方作为他者的基础上形成的。

    Said criticized the modern knowledge and culture system of the west from the perspective of the colonial history , holding that the principal identity of the modern west is developed on the otherness of the colonized east .

  17. 近几年,随着萨义德《东方学》、《文化与帝国主义》等书的出版,后殖民批评和帝国研究的兴起,吉卜林再次走进人们不断更新的视野,开始重新被人们关注。

    In recent years , with the publication of Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism by Edward W. Said and other books , the rise of postcolonial criticism and empire studies caused Kipling goes into the people-to-date perspective once again .

  18. 通过追溯和考察,得出的认识是:(1)族群这个概念的兴起是与民族的普遍疆域制度化,种族、部落等东方学概念的衰退相连带的。

    Drawing on the review , the author pointed out : ( 1 ) The emergence of concept ethnicity was related to the worldwide territorialization and institutionalization of nation and nationality , and to the decline of the race and tribe as Orientalist concepts .

  19. 东方管理学的创建与发展:渊源、精髓与框架

    Oriental Management Theory : Its Source , Essence and Framework

  20. 作为我国管理学科中的一个亮点,东方管理学已经成为一个比较完整的学科体系。

    Oriental management is a burgeoning discipline .

  21. 永清扎刻自从被发现之日起,就被西方学术界称为东方构成学典范,具有极高的学术价值。

    Yongqing Carving was found as the " learning model of the East constitutes " by the Western academics since it was found , has a very high academic value .

  22. 东方管理学是扎根于中华文化,融合东西方管理精华的当代管理新理论。

    Oriental Management theory , which is rooted in Chinese culture and is merged with the essences of Chinese and western managements , is a new and modern management one .

  23. 大热天饮热茶听起来似乎有悖常理,但是从东方养生学认为这有助发汗解暑,可以清凉降火。

    While it may seem counterintuitive to drink hot liquids in the heat , but Chinese traditional health keeping philosophy believes that doing so will increase sweating and help cool you off .

  24. 将现代西方景观生态学与古老的东方风水学并置,比较了它们的相关性和同构性,其本质都是关注与人类生存密切相关的自然环境。

    As modern western landscape ecology and ancient eastern geomantic theory are juxtaposed , their coherence and homoorganicity are compared , but the concern is actually put to the natural environment that is closely related to human existence .

  25. 她在东方研究学院学日语。

    She is studying Japanese at the school of Oriental studies .

  26. 科技人文化与东方心性之学

    Humanization of science and technology and the oriental idea of Xinxing

  27. 中国道教的养生文化,用现代的眼光看,实际上就是一种东方的生命学。

    Viewed from a modern sight , the culture of care for life of Chinese Taoism is actually a kind of Oriental learning of life .

  28. 其实,陈氏所主张之仙学实质上也就是中国道教的养生学,用现代的眼光看,实际上就是一种东方的生命学。

    In fact , Chen advocated in the study cents is the folks of the China Taoist using modern perspective , is actually a life of the East .

  29. 第一章发现‘东方主义’,通过对东方学发展的历史回顾,揭示东方学背后的权力机制。

    The first chapter , " found that ' Orientalism '", through reviewing the development of the east history to reveal the mechanisms of power behind Orientalism .

  30. 因此,本文将另辟蹊径,以现代世界体系之中的东方中国所处的政治经济环境作为宏观语境,从东方学等角度考察版权贸易逆差问题,从而为全球传播研究提供东方本土经验。

    Therefore , this paper will put the deficit problem under the current political and economic environment within the modern world system , striving to support the eastern experience to global communication study .