
  • 网络comparative grammar
  1. 波普:德国哲学家,他的《比较语法》(1833-1852年)举例说明了印欧语系各语言间的相同点。

    Bopp : German philologist whose Comparative Grammar ( 1833-1852 ) illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages .

  2. 他的研究兴趣主要是汉语句法学、汉语方言的理论分析、比较语法学。

    His research interests lie primarily in Chinese syntax , theoretical approaches to the study of Chinese dialects , and comparative grammar .

  3. 英语比较语法及其在法语二外教学中的应用

    English-French Comparison Grammar and Its Application in the Teaching of French as a Second Foreign Language

  4. 比较句语法项目的选取和排序

    The Selection and Arrangement of Grammatical Items concerning Comparative Sentences

  5. 其次,统计、描述、比较研究语法形态的同时论述了特殊的语法现象。

    Secondly , it makes statistics , descriptions , comparative study to dis-cuss the grammatical forms and the special syntax phenomenon .

  6. 本文试比较常规语法现象和非常规语法现象、现代语法教学与传统语法翻译法教学;

    In this paper , grammar is divided into regular and irregular phenomena and modern grammar teaching is differentiated from traditional grammar-translation approach .

  7. 比较的语法点主要包括:句型、比较项、省略、比较结果项、比较点和否定形式等。

    The main grammar points we compared include : sentential form , contrastive item , ellipsis , contrastive result item , contrastive point , and negative form .

  8. 鉴于学生比较熟悉语法、词汇衔接手段,本文重点论证主位结构和信息结构对写作教学中连贯教学的现实指导意义。

    As college students are familiar with the grammatical and lexical cohesion , the thesis focuses on elaborating the guiding effect of thematic structure and information structure to coherence teaching .

  9. 通过简要分析比较中外英语语法学家对英语名词的不同分类方法,谈MaterialNoun的汉译及其对理解可数名词与不可数名词的意义。

    In this paper , the author briefly reflects upon and compares the different classifications of English nouns by typical western and Chinese grammarians , and proposes a unique Chinese version of the English phrase & Material Noun .

  10. Snort是一个开源、免费的入侵检测系统,因为它能够适应多种操作系统,而且对硬件的要求比较低,语法简单,更新比较及时,是世界范围内比较流行的入侵检测系统。

    The Snort intrusion detection system is an open and free source because of its ability to adapt a variety of operating systems relatively low hardware requirements , simple syntax and more timely updates . So Snort is a worldwide popular intrusion detection system .

  11. 名词作状语是现代汉语中一种比较特殊的语法现象。

    Nominal adverbial is an especial grammatical phenomenon in Modern Chinese language .

  12. 歧义是比较常见的语法现象。最普通的歧义由多义词引起。

    Ambiguity is a common phenomenon in grammar .

  13. 语用平面歧义指同一语句可以解释为不同的预设义,是一种比较特殊的语法歧义。

    The grammatical ambiguity refers to a sentence open to an interpretation of several different presuppositions .

  14. 但从目前来看,和比较完善的语法分析技术相比,语义分析技术还处于很不成熟的阶段。

    The technology of semantic analysis in MT is far from satisfying compared with the technology of syntactic processing .

  15. 源自动词的日语复合助词和汉语介词的比较&从语法化的角度出发表动词语态的助动词

    A Comparative Study between Japanese Compound Auxiliary Words Derived from Verbs and Chinese Prepositions & In the Perspective of Grammaticalization

  16. 通过定量分析,统计和比较了人际语法隐喻在语料中的频率和分布情况,试图回答第一个问题。

    Through quantitative analysis , the occurrence and frequency of the interpersonal metaphors in this corpus are counted and compared .

  17. 汉语中的趋向补语是语法中很重要,也是比较难的语法点,通常学生在理解时会有困难。

    Chinese Directional Complements are grammar is very important , but also more difficult grammar point , usually the students understand there will be difficulties .

  18. 从文献综述来看,其中五种方法比较常见:语法分析法,社会语言学分析法,心理语言学分析法,会话分析法和语用分析法。

    Five approaches stand out in the literature : the grammatical approach , the sociolinguistic approach , the psycholinguistic approach , the conversation analysis approach , and the pragmatic approach .

  19. 英语动词不定式补语与汉语兼语结构比较构式语法框架下英语致使-移动句的语义研究

    English Infinitive Form of Verb and Chinese Both Subject and Object Construction : towards a Generative Analysis ; Semantic Study on English Caused-Motion Sentences within the Framework of Construction Grammar

  20. 英语和韩语中没有与汉语补语比较对应的语法成分,所以很多学习汉语的学生认为趋向补语尤其是复合趋向补语是一个很难掌握的语法点。

    There is no the corresponding grammar points in English , Korean and Chinese , so many students who are learning Chinese think that the complement especially the compound directional complement is hard to master .

  21. 结合英汉语言差异的比较,从语法、修辞、结构、逻辑等不同角度,分析了英文经贸合同中的句法特点,并介绍了一些翻译经贸合同应采取的方法和技巧。

    This paper studies the characteristics of sentences in international economic trade contracts in English on basis of comparison between the English language and the Chinese language focusing on grammar , rhetoric , structure and logic , and introduces some methods and skills in translating these contracts .

  22. 先分析三者各自的语法意义,再比较三者的语法意义的异同。

    First we analyze their own grammatical meanings , and then compare the three meanings together .

  23. 比较句在汉语语法点中是属于庞杂、繁复的语法点之一。

    The Chinese comparative sentences belonging to one of a large amount of complex grammar in Chinese grammar .

  24. 从语法意义出发,通过比较,可以研究语法形式;

    This article proves from the grammatical meaning and the glossary significance embarks the research grammatical form possibility .

  25. 比较句在汉语语法中是一个重点,同时也是一个难点,特别是对于外国学习者,更是难上加难。

    Comparative sentences in Chinese grammar are key , but also very difficult , especially difficult for foreign learners .

  26. 非亲属语言语法比较与亲属语言语法比较,在方法上、要求上是不同质的。

    The nature of the grammatical comparison of related languages and that of non - related languages is different in terms of methodology and requisition .

  27. 文章指出泰国汉语生语中受泰语干扰比较明显的几种语法偏误现象:量词、否定词误用,定语、状语后置等。

    This paper points out several obviously grammatical error phenomenon caused by the interference of Thai language in Chinese life in Thailand , such as the mistaken use of measure word and negative word , post attribute and post adverbial , etc.

  28. 从比较到程度:程度副词相当、比较的语法化分析

    From Comparison to Degree : Analysis on the Grammaticalization of Adverbs of Degree " Xiangdang " and " Bijiao "