
  • 网络vegetational zone;vegetation zone
  1. 从地带性植物群落生活型谱讨论安徽植被带的划分

    A Study on the Relationship between Vegetational Zone and the Chart of the Life Forms of Regional Community in Anhui Province

  2. 它是一种生态可塑性很强的植物,可分布于草原、荒漠草原等植被带内。

    It can distribute in the vegetation zone of steppe and desert steppe .

  3. 本文概述了国内过去5年中,在大气CO2倍增和气候变化条件下,对树木个体、森林生产力、森林植被带影响的研究。

    The researches on the impacts of atmospheric CO2 enrichment and climate change on trees , forest productivity and vegetations in the past five years in China are reviewed .

  4. 3个植被带植物总游离氨基酸、Pro和中性氨基酸的平均含量,高山流石堆植被高于高山垫状植被和高山草甸植被,高山垫状植被总游离氨基酸和中性氨基酸含量高于高山草甸植被。

    For the three vegetation zones , the sequence of the average contents of the total free amino acids , Pro and neutral amino acids was alpine talus vegetation , alpine cushion vegetation and alpine meadow vegetation .

  5. 中国东部森林植被带划分之我见

    Perspective of the Vegetation Zonation of Forest Region in Eastern China

  6. 本文通过林隙的小尺度干扰特征来探讨其长期稳定存在的可能机制,对秦岭植被带谱的划分提供理论依据。

    It could offer the theoretical foundation to Qinling Mountains forest vegetation zone .

  7. 这本地图集的最大创新之处,就是将数据按照植被带进行分类。

    A central innovation here is the breakdown of data by vegetation zone .

  8. 东亚地区森林植被带的三维空间分布

    Three-dimension distribution of forest zones in East Asia

  9. 不同植被带土壤干层发生原因有一定差别,干层发育程度有明显不同。

    There are different origins and levels of soil-drying layer development in different vegetation zones .

  10. 黑河流域典型景观植被带陆面过程同步观测研究

    Synchronous Measurement of Land Surface Processes in Typical Vegetation Landscape Zones in the Hei River Basin

  11. 沿着这条植被带海拔上升舒缓。这植物带有热带的性质。

    Along this transect the rise in elevation is gradual . The vegetation partakes of tropical character .

  12. 天山1号冰川冻原植被带种子植物区系

    Studies on the Flora of Seed Plants in Freezing Vegetution Zone Near Glacier No.1 in Tianshan Mountain

  13. 武夷山不同海拔植被带土壤活性有机碳的季节变化

    Seasonal variations of soil microbial available carbon in four plant communities along the altitude gradient in Wuyi Mountain

  14. 这一渐变群是沿着萨克拉曼多谷地到西瓦内华达山脊的植被带存在的。

    This cline exists along a transect from the Sacramento Valley to near the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountains .

  15. 这些植被带的垂直分布高度随纬度(温度梯度)和经度(干湿度梯度)的不同而变化。

    Distribution altitudes of these zones change with latitude ( thermal gradient ) and longitude ( humidity / aridity gradient ) .

  16. 分析了四个互通立交区的植物群落多样性指数,结合相同植被带上自然群落物种多样性,分析比较人工群落与自然群落的差异,为营造合理的接近自然式植物群落奠定了基础。

    Analysis of four Interchange areas plant community diversity index . Combination of the same vegetation species diversity in natural community .

  17. 人工植被带地表空气动力学粗糙度显著高于流沙区。

    Derived from the wind profiles , aerodynamic roughness of artificial vegetational belt is remarkably higher than that of moving sand surface .

  18. 长白山北坡垂直植被带木本植物的植硅体形态特征及其环境意义

    Morphological characteristics of Phytolith of woody plants from the vertical vegetation zones on the North Slope in Changbai Mountain and its environmental significance

  19. 森林河溪植被带对河流水质、水量,改善小气候、增加生物多样性和稳定性等方面起着非常重要的作用。

    The vegetation zones of forest streams play significant roles in water quality and quantity of rivers , improving micro-climate , increasing bio-diversity and stability .

  20. 不同的植被带又具有其独特的苔藓植物种类组成和分布特点新疆博格达山地面生苔藓植被的数量分类与排序研究

    The composition and distribution patterns of the bryophytes are different from the different vegetation zones . QUANTITATIVE CLASSIFICATION AND ORDINATION ANALYSIS ON BRYOPHYTE VEGETATION IN BOGDA MOUNTAIN , XINJIANG

  21. 山地荒漠带和山地草原带苔藓植物物种相似性最高,为0.6809,山地森林带和高山垫状植被带相似性最低,仅为0.1342;

    The species similarity between mountain desert and mountain grassland belt was the highest ( 0.6809 ), while that between mountain forest and alpine cushion belt was the lowest ( 0.1342 ) .

  22. 之前情侣们最爱的一处心形岛,现在看上去似乎更像是一处绝佳的疗情伤的圣地&因为岛上的两处植被带被铲平,只留下两条胶带似的疤痕。

    A heart-shaped island that became a lovers ' favourite now looks like a perfect destination for the romantically desolate after two strips of forest were bulldozed - leaving scars that look like sticking plasters .

  23. 以海拔梯度上的群落重要值和二元数据为指标,采用游动分割窗技术辨析了长白山北坡各植被带群落交错区的位置和宽度。

    Based on the community important values and present-absent data along elevation gradient on the north slope of Changbai Mountains and using moving split-window techniques , the width and location of vegetation ecotone were discussed in this article .

  24. 结果表明,在湿润气候区,各森林植被带的分布高度随纬度的增加而下降,下降趋势能用多级正弦函数来表达;

    As results , the distribution altitude of the forest zones dropped from lower latitudes to higher latitudes in a humid climate region , and from the inland to the coast ( from the west to the east ) .

  25. 但是今年临近情人节的时候,数字地球公司地球之眼一号卫星偶然拍到的一张照片显示——岛上两条植被带被推土机铲平,遗留下来的绷带似的疤痕,使情人岛现在看上去异常萧瑟。

    But a new picture from DigitalGlobe 's GeoEye 1 satellite - incidentally taken just around Valentine 's Day this year - shows Lovers ' Island looking rather more forlorn after bulldozers carved swathes across it that look like two giant bandages .

  26. 根据湖泊群落组成、结构和生态环境的差异,可以划分出5个湖泊植被带,即Ⅰ。

    It is also noteworthy that the vegetations in this region are of evident vertical zonality and can be divided into communities of 5 zones according to the difference of their components , structures , and ecological environments , they are . ⅰ .

  27. 近百年来气候的明显变干引起了森林带土壤水分降低和植被带的南移,使过去确定的延安到秦岭北麓之间的落叶阔叶林带的中北部存在着一些自然的土壤干层;

    In recent 100 years , obvious climate drying causes decrease of soil moisture and migration of vegetation to south and natural dried layers occur in the middle and north of the broadleaf trees between Yan ′ an and the northern Qinling Mountains .

  28. 总的来说,模拟值不仅在整个保护区不同植被带和气候带的相对比较中是符合常规的,而且在与相当分散的实测数据的绝对比较中也是比较准确的。

    To sum up , not only did the simulations accord with routines in the relative comparisons between different vegetation belts and climate belts in the whole natural reserve , but also was exact in the absolute comparisons with very disperse data from field survey .

  29. 结果表明:该湿地水文具有显著的年周期、月周期和日周期特征,不同高程植被带的淹水频率、淹水历时和淹水周期都有明显差异,由此控制着湿地植被分布呈现显著的带状特征。

    The result shows that this wetland hydrology has remarkable characteristic of annual period , monthly period and daily period . There exist obvious differences of submerging frequency , submerging duration and submerging period of different vegetation belts , which controls distribution of the wetland vegetation .

  30. 在污染源控制方面应重视最佳管理措施(BMPs)关键控制区的管理和岸边植被缓冲带、水陆交错带湿地生态工程对减少污染物的水体迁移的重要生态工程技术。

    Best management practices ( BMPs ) and key area management should be are applied for source control , and riparian buffer zone could be minus pollutants effectively .