
zhí wù ɡù chún
  • phytosterol;phytosterin
  1. 目的探讨植物固醇酯(PSE)对大鼠血脂水平的影响。

    Objective To observed the effects of phytosterol ester ( PSE ) on serum lipid level in rats .

  2. 在动物实验和人体临床实验中发现植物固醇具有降低总胆固醇和LDL胆固醇的作用。

    It has been found that plant sterol exhibits cholesterol lowering effects on total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in both animal studies and clinical trials .

  3. 临床实验的结果表明,每日摄入12g的植物固醇可以达到降低州10%15%的血清胆固醇的作用。

    Numerous clinical trials indicate that daily intake of 1-2 g plant sterol will be beneficial for 10 % - 15 % serum cholesterol lowering .

  4. Ezetimibe是一种新型选择性肠胆固醇吸收抑制剂,通过抑制肠上皮细胞的胆固醇吸收蛋白NPC1L1减少胆固醇、植物固醇的吸收以及胆汁胆固醇的再吸收,从而降低血浆固醇水平。

    Ezetimibe , a new selective cholesterol absorption inhibitor , may decrease the absorption of cholesterol and plant sterol by inhibiting the cholesterol absorption protein Niemann-Pick C1 like 1 ( NPC1L1 ) in the enterocytes .

  5. 为了探索植物固醇在纤维发育中的作用及其机制,本论文从棉花纤维中克隆了C-4去甲基复合酶体中的3p-羟基类固醇脱氢酶基因(Gh3β-HSD)。

    To understand the effect and mechanism of phytosterols in fiber development , the3 β - hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase ( 3 β - HSD ), a member of the complex genes was cloned from cotton fiber ( Gh3 β - HSD ) .

  6. 食物中确定具有降低胆固醇作用的是植物固醇。

    Substances that do lower cholesterol are plant sterols and stanols .

  7. 植物固醇也被制成了不含添加剂的无热量糖丸。

    They are also available as plain , no-calorie pills .

  8. 一种植物固醇,受紫外线照射可转化成维生素D。

    A plant sterol that is converted into vitamin D by ultraviolet radiation .

  9. 强化植物固醇牛奶的降胆固醇功效及植物固醇的作用机制

    Cholesterol lowering efficacy of plant sterol-enriched milk and mechanism of action of plant sterols

  10. 全谷类食品是食物碳水化合物、微量营养素和植物固醇的来源。

    Whole grain foods are a source of dietary carbohydrates , micronutrients and phytochemicals .

  11. 由于大豆中还富含优质脂肪、纤维和能有效降低胆固醇的植物固醇类,大豆类食物对心脏健康也大有裨益。

    Soybean products are great for heart health , thanks to their good fats , fiber , and cholesterol-lowering plant sterols .

  12. 作为膜组成成分和膜性质调控因子的植物固醇可能在纤维发育中具有重要作用。

    Phytosterols that act as one membrane composition and a regulatory factor of membrane properties maybe play an important role in the fiber development .

  13. 多伦多大学的研究人员发明一种新的饮食搭配,将其命名为“低胆固醇饮食组合”,其组成包括:富含植物固醇的人造黄油;

    Researchers at the University of Toronto created what they called a " dietary portfolio of cholesterol-lowering foods " that included margarine enriched with plant sterols ;

  14. 其作用机制与植物固醇同胆固醇的结构类似性及其在乳糜微粒中的溶解度有关,从而降低胆固醇在肠道中的吸收。

    The mechanism of plant sterol lowering cholesterol is associated with the completion between cholesterol and plant sterol in intestine due to the structural similarity and interference the solubility of cholesterol in the micelle , hence reduce the absorption of cholesterol .

  15. 此外,可以在饮食中加入可溶性纤维,每天1到25克的摄入量,会很有效;每天2克植物固醇—通常在人造奶油或类似产品中含有—也可以降低胆固醇。

    In addition , adding soluble fiber to your diet , at a range of 1 to 25 grams a day can be important , and two grams a day of plant stanols or stearols , commonly found in margarine-like products , can also lower your cholesterol .

  16. 它们还拥有能降低胆固醇的植物化合物,木酚素和植物固醇。

    They also contain the cholesterol-lowering plant compounds lignans and phytosterols .

  17. 包括植物甾醇和植物甾烷醇在内的植物固醇天然存在于植物细胞中,作为构成细胞膜的组成成分。

    Plant sterols including both phytosterol and phytostanol are naturally occurring in plant cell as part of constructive components of cell membrane .