
  • 网络Vegetation Ecology;ecology of vegetation
  1. 应用植被生态学理论恢复森林生态系统,提倡和强调用乡土树种重建乡土森林植被(Nativeforestwithnativetrees),容易在较短的时间内恢复当地森林生态系统。

    Applying Vegetation ecology theory to reconstruct forest ecosystem is a new focus of restoration ecology , which emphasizes reconstruction of the native forest with the native trees to restore local forest ecosystem .

  2. 浙江植被生态学研究现状与展望

    Current Status and Perspective of Vegetation Ecology Researches in Zhejiang

  3. 山西滹沱河流域湿地植被生态学研究

    Study on Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Hutuo River Valley , Shanxi

  4. 昆明机场植被生态学调查及生境控制策略

    Investigation of the Vegetation in Kunming Airport and Strategies for Bird Habitat Control

  5. 土壤种子库研究是植物种群生态学和植被生态学研究的热点之一。

    The research on soil seed banks is one of the current research hotspots in plant population ecology and vegetation ecology .

  6. 初步提出了计算植被生态学这一新的生态学分支学科及其面向算法的计算机技术支持新方案,认为数据结构和算法研究是其核心研究内容之一。

    A new branch of ecology called computational vegetation ecology ( CVE )) is proposed . Data structure and algorithm are considered as the core of its researches .

  7. 并且运用植被生态学的有关原理对互通式立交区绿化群落特征进行了定量的分析,从而为创造优化互通区植物群落景观效应打下基础。

    And made a quantificational analysis to the grade separation areas plants community characteristic by ecological principle , so that to build a base for the better greening landscaping .

  8. 本文从植被生态学角度,分析了各种生态因素与山西植被水平地带性之间的相互关系。

    In this paper , the relationship between the ecological factors and the horizontal zonality of the vegetation in , Shanxi province is analyzed from the viewpoint of vegetation ecology .

  9. 沙漠人工植被的生态学取向及其途径

    Ecological orientation and approaches for establishment of artificial vegetation in desert areas

  10. 塔克拉玛干沙漠植被的生态学性质和持续发展

    The Ecological Features and Sustainable Development of Vegetation in the Taklimakan Desert

  11. 山西桑干河流域湿地植被数量生态学研究

    Study on Quantitative Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Sanggan River Valley , Shanxi

  12. 汾河运城段湿地植被数量生态学研究

    Study on Quantitative Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Yuncheng Section , Fen River Watershed , Shanxi

  13. 海南岛退化热带森林植被恢复生态学研究

    Study on Recovery Ecology of the Degraded Tropical Forest Vegetation in Hainan Island , South China

  14. 山东森林植被恢复的生态学研究

    Ecological Studies on the Forest Restoration in Shandong Province , China

  15. 塔里木河下游天然植被恢复的生态学机制

    Ecological Mechanism of the Natural Vegetation Restoration in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River

  16. 铅锌矿尾矿场植被重建的生态学研究Ⅰ.尾矿对种子萌发的影响

    Ecological study on vegetation reconstruction at tailings site ⅰ . Effect of lead - zinc tailings on seed germination

  17. 开发基于物理过程分布式参数水文模型可以为认识森林植被变化的生态学后效和客观评价森林植被水文生态效益提供可行的工具。

    Current generation of physically based , distributed parameter models could accommodate the assessment of hydrological impacts of forest vegetation changes to certain degree in comparison with traditional approaches .

  18. 笔者从植物群落演替的研究、植物群落更新的研究、群落的波动和边缘效应、退化生态系统植被恢复的生理生态学研究等4方面作了简单评述;

    The summary includes four directions : plant community succession , plant community renewal , community fluctuation and edge effect , the physiology and bionomics on vegetation renewal in the area where the ecosystem was degenerated ;

  19. 随着人们对植物生命活动各个过程研究的不断深入,以植物生理过程、物理过程为基础的各种生理生态学模型逐渐发展起来,而植被冠层尺度生理生态学过程模型已成为生态系统模型的核心之一。

    With the deepening of plant life research , different eco-physiological models based on plant physiological and physical processes are developed step by step , and the eco-physiological model of plant canopy scale becomes one of the cores of ecosystem model .

  20. 以地带性植被所蕴含的生态学理论为对照,以长春、青岛、南京、柳州等城市绿地树种规划文本为对象,分析城市生态绿地系统建设中树种选择、配比存在的问题。

    Controlled with ecology theory contained in zonal vegetation and taken tree species planning text of Changchun , Qingdao , Nanjing and Liuzhou as study object , issue about tree species selection and proportion configuration in the urban green space ecosystem was analyzed .

  21. 并对3S技术在群落生态学、植被调查、生物多样性研究、植被制图以及其它生态学领域中的应用作了展望。

    Future advance of the application of 3S technologies in community ecology , vegetation survey , biodiversity research , vegetation mapping and many other ecological fields are also discusses in this paper .

  22. 植被数量分析是现代植被研究的重要手段,数量分类和排序是现代植被生态学研究最重要的,也是应用最广泛的生态学技术。

    Techniques of numerical analysis are dominant ways in modern vegetation research , and means of numerical classification and ordination are not only the foremost but also applied widely in modern vegetation ecology research .