
  • 网络Plant Water Physiology;water relations of plant
  1. CO2浓度增加与干旱胁迫对植物水分生理生态的影响

    Effects of Elevated CO_2 Concentration and Drought Stress on Water Physio-ecological Characteristics of Plants

  2. 固体水释放规律及其对植物水分生理的影响

    Release Law and Effect of Solid Water on Plant Water Physiology

  3. 沙区五种珍稀濒危植物水分生理指标测定及分析

    An Analysis on Water Physiological Characteristics of Five Species of Rare Plants

  4. 几种沙生植物水分生理生态特征的研究

    An investigation on the water Physio-ecological Characteristics of some Psammophytes

  5. 对以灌木为主的沙地植物水分生理特征及其研究内容、方法进行了简述。

    The water physiological characters of shrub grown on sandy land and research on them were reviewed .

  6. 本文通过对13种植物水分生理指标的分析,对其抗旱能力做了综合评定。

    A comprehensive evaluation on the drought resistance of 13 plants was made by analysing water physiological indices .

  7. 塔里木河下游五种典型荒漠植物水分生理及自维持特性研究

    Study on Water Physiology and Self-maintaining Characteristics of Five Typical Desert Plants in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River

  8. 植物水分生理指标,是判别植物抗旱性的重要依据。

    The water physiological index of plant is an important basis that is used to distinguish the drought resistance of plants .

  9. 认为在今后,应加强对克隆植物水分生理整合的精确定量化研究,同时,应运用生态学、生理学、生物化学及分子生物学等方法,综合深入地研究克隆植物水分整合的机理。

    It holds that it is necessary to strengthen quantitative researches about water physiology integration of clonal plants and carry out in-depth researches about water-integration mechanisms of clonal plants by employing the methods in ecology , physiology , biochemistry and molecular biology .

  10. 克隆植物的水分生理整合及其生态效应

    Water Physiology Integration and Its Ecological Effect of Clonal Plants

  11. 新疆策勒绿洲外围四种多年生植物的水分生理特征

    Water physiological characteristics of four perennial plant species around Cele Oasis in Xinjiang

  12. 策勒绿洲前沿两种植物的水分生理生态特征

    The Physiological and Ecological Characteristics of Moisture in Two Plant Species at the Foreland of Qira Oasis

  13. 通风干湿表和气压计测定大气水分状况。分析了两种植物的水分生理特征与环境的相互关系。

    The study makes a comparison of water physiological characteristics between two species and analyzes the relationship among the components of the SPAC system .

  14. 提出克隆植物的水分生理整合包括水平和垂直两个方向,而水力提降为垂直方向的水分生理整合提供了一个重要途径。

    It points out that water physiology integration of clonal plants includes vertical and horizontal directions and hydraulic lifting and lowering provides an important way for vertical water physiology .

  15. 多种节水性生理指标的比较,明确植物多种水分生理指标的变化特点和相互关系,是进一步研究生物节水机理和提出生物节水调控技术的基础。

    Contrast of multi-index can expose the varying characters and relationships between them , which is the basis of further learning the mechanism and developing the technology of biological water saving .

  16. 荒漠植物蒙古扁桃水分生理特征

    Hydrological characteristic of the Desert Plant Prunus mongolica on the Mongolian Plateau of China

  17. 新疆阿克苏地区属于西北干旱地区,植物有其自身独特的蒸腾耗水特性,水对于这一地区有着特殊的意义,因此对这一地区植物水分生理生态等相关主题的研究具有重要意义。

    Water plays an important role in Aksu prefecture of northwest arid area where plants have their unique water consumption characteristics , so it has important significance to make studies on moisture physiological ecology characteristics of plants .