
  • 网络Heterosis;hybrid vigor
  1. 我国玉米杂交优势利用回顾与未来育种改进遗传性状的前瞻

    Review on Maize Heterosis Utilization of China and Prospect of Improved Hereditary Traits for Future Breeding

  2. 霍山产3种药用石斛及其杂交优势种的ISSR-PCR分子标记鉴别

    ISSR-PCR Molecular Identification of Three Species of Medicinal Dendrobium and It 's Heterosis Species from Huoshan

  3. 化学杂交优势(包括F1和F2代)利用的研究;

    Study on the utilizations of chemical hybrid vigor of both F_1 and F_2 generations .

  4. 组合4429×CC3和4429×4430在早期采瓜数上具有杂交优势;

    Crosses 4429 × CC3 and 4429 × 430 showed heterosis on early fruit number .

  5. 河北省玉米种质基础及杂交优势利用模式的分析

    The Analysis of Maize Germplasm Base and Crossing Models in Hebei Province

  6. 子莲杂交优势的利用及新品种选育的研究

    Application of Heterosis in the selection of new cultivars of Seed Lotus

  7. 中国玉米主要种质杂交优势利用模式研究

    Studies on the Heterosis Utilizing Models of Main Maize Germplasms in China

  8. 用意大利大型牛种改良我国黄牛的高杂交优势

    The High Hybrid Vigor from Crosses Between Italian Large-Size Breeds and Chinese Yellow Cattle

  9. 良好环境对猪生长速度的杂交优势的影响

    A note on the effects of health environment on heterosis for growth rate in pigs

  10. 在自交系之间选杂交优势很大的那些组合进行大量生产。

    Mass produce those combinations between selfed lines that exhibit a great deal of hybrid vigor .

  11. 鱼肝线粒体代谢热与品种生长及杂交优势关系的微量热研究

    Microcalorimetry Study of Metabolism of Fish Liver Mitochondria and Its Relation with Growth Performance and Heterosis

  12. 波尔山羊杂交优势利用与南方灌丛草地开发

    Utilization of hybrid vigor from the Boer goat and exploitation of Bush grasslands in South China

  13. 利用配合力和微卫星标记预测虹鳟品系间的杂交优势

    Prediction of hybridization advantage among five strains of rainbow trout by combination ability and SSR markers

  14. 杂交优势率最高的可达59.88%,超亲优势率最高的达26.74%。

    Some of them have yield heterosis and heterobeltiosis are 59.88 % and 26.74 % , respectively .

  15. 预测杂交优势;

    The prediction of heterosis ;

  16. 文化杂交优势论

    Advantages of Cultural Hybridization

  17. 结果表明,回交前2代,性状分离严重,杂交优势强。

    The results showed that characters were separated in first two generations , and strong heteroses were exhibited .

  18. 改良S1后代轮回选择在玉米群体改良中应用的研究Ⅱ.群体方差、配合力及杂交优势

    Studies on Modified S_1 Progenies Recurrent Selection in Maize Population Improvement ⅱ . Genetic variance , combining ability and heterosis

  19. 其次,设计了双重选择算子、基于杂交优势思想的交叉算子和自适应变异算子。

    Secondly , double selection operator , crossover operator based on " heterosis " and adaptive mutation operator is designed .

  20. 这些结果与育种实践相符,表明配合力研究对杂交优势育种有指导意义。

    These results , which coincided with current hybrid breeding practices , verified the significance of combining ability in heterosis breeding .

  21. 结论:可利用远缘杂交优势,筛选和获得有效成分含量高的杂交新品种。

    Conclusion : The advantage of far-origin hybridization can be used to select and obtain the new hybridization breed of high content of virtual components .

  22. 资产证券化是一种信用体制的创新,是间接融资的直接化,打通了间接融资与直接融资的通道,综合了两种传统信用体制的优势,形成了体制上的杂交优势。

    Asset securitization is a innovation of credit system . It makes indirect financing and direct financing combining , and has advantages of these two traditional credit system .

  23. 西南山地丘陵生态区的地方种质资源中,蕴藏着丰富的遗传变异,不能将其简单地划入任何杂交优势群。

    Abundant genetic diversity was stored in local germplasm resources in Southwest mountain and hill ecological region and heterosis group relationship of these resources should be researched furtherly .

  24. 因此在耐热育种中单纯利用杂交优势试图获得超亲优势来显著提高耐热性是不现实的,而应该注重耐热亲本的定向选择。

    So it is not practical to improve the heat resistance significantly in breeding by heterosis , but it is supposed to select the heat tolerant parent in breeding .

  25. 辣椒资源是开展辣椒遗传改良的重要物质基础,辣椒资源的遗传亲缘关系研究是指导辣椒育种与杂交优势利用的重要基础研究。

    Chilli pepper germplasm resources is a important material basis for genetic improvement , research the kinship of pepper germplasm resources is an important basic technique used to pepper breeding and hybriding .

  26. 同时探讨了利用水稻杂交优势选育具有特异灌浆特性的杂交组合的育种思路以及在北方冷凉稻区推广大穗型超级杂交粳稻品种的可能性。

    The breeding idea of developing hybrid combination with special grain filling characters by using rice combining ability and the possibility of planting large panicle type super hybrid japonica rice in northern cold areas were discussed .

  27. 以目前湖北省主栽杨树品种的生长量为选择标准,共有18个无性系的生长量超过对照品种,具有明显的杂交优势和实际遗传增益。

    Compared with the growth increment of control varieties which were used as the major poplar varieties of Hubei province at present for selection criteria , the 18 clones had larger growth increment and had obvious heterosis and practical genetic gain .

  28. 同时,由于设计管理跨越了企业中传统的部门界线,形成一种新的,更加紧密的结构,有助于建立起一种杂交优势,这对于任何一家企业都是很重要的工作。

    At the same time , it can form a new and more close construction because design management strides over the traditional boundary of sections that is beneficial to establish a kind of complexed advantage , and it is very important for all the works of any business enterprises .

  29. C型不育细胞质对玉米单交种及再杂交当代优势的效应研究

    Studies on the C Type Sterile Cytoplasm Effects on Single Hybrid and Heterosis of the Two Single Hybrid Crossed Seeds in Maize

  30. 甘薯远缘杂交强优势组合同工酶分析

    Analysis of Isozymes in Superiority Combination of Sweetpotato Distant Hybridization