
  • 网络plant landscape;Planting the Landscape;flora landscape
  1. 运用BIB-LCJ审美评判法评价棕榈科植物景观

    The Application of BIB-LCJ in the Aesthetic Estimation of the Palm Plants Landscape

  2. 南京市高校校园植物景观研究

    Research on Colleges and Universities ' Campus Plants Landscape in Nanjing

  3. 评价结果如下:(1)采用SEB方法对两个小区三种不同绿地的植物景观进行了量化评价。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The SEB method is used to evaluate three different plant landscapes in two communities .

  4. 济南市居住区植物景观分析与研究

    An Analysis on Residential District 's Plant Scenery in Jinan City

  5. 天津市水上公园植物景观评价研究初探

    Study on the Evaluation of Plant Landscape in Tianjin Aquatic Park

  6. 森林公园植物景观规划设计初步

    A Study on the Planning of Plant Scenery in Forest Park

  7. 北京当代居住区植物景观的研究

    Study on the Plant Landscape of Contemporary Residential Zone in Beijing

  8. 寒地城市居住区冬季植物景观研究

    The Study on Resident Community Winter Plant Landscape in Winter Cities

  9. 模拟延安地区自然群落的植物景观设计研究

    Research on Planting Design by Simulating Natural Plant Communities of Yan'an

  10. 现代植物景观设计的理论与手法

    The Theory and Method of the Modern Plant Landscape Design

  11. 吉林师范大学校园植物景观现状与规划

    The Present Condition and Plan of Plants Landscape in Jilin Normal University

  12. 国外室内植物景观设计发展浅议

    Discussion on the Development of Interior Landscaping in Foreign Countries

  13. 园林植物景观的形式美与意境美浅析

    Form Beauty and Poetic Imagery Beauty in Landscaping with Plants

  14. 对空间的设计是植物景观设计的基础。

    The design of space is the basis of plant landscape design .

  15. 株洲市道路植物景观数量化评价。

    Quantitative analysis on greenway plants landscape of Zhuzhou city .

  16. 公园植物景观综合评价方法及其应用

    Study on the synthetical assessment of park plant landscape and its application

  17. 质感与植物景观设计

    Design A Study on the Texture of Plants in a Plant View

  18. 深圳市莲花山公园植物景观评价

    The evaluation of Lotus Hill Park plants landscape in Shenzhen

  19. 论植物景观设计的可持续发展

    The Sustainable development of the Landscape Design for the Planting

  20. 中国元素在园林植物景观中的应用初探

    Preliminary Research on Application of Chinese Elements in Plant Landscape

  21. 哈工大校园绿地规划与植物景观的研究

    Study on Landscape Planning and Plant Landscape of Harbin Institute of Technology

  22. 城市滨湖区植物景观视觉分析

    The Visual Analysis of Plant Scenery in Urban Lakefront Regions

  23. 第二,从植物景观形象方面的分析。

    Second , the analysis from the view image of the plant .

  24. 桂林市主城区石山园林植物景观

    Rocky Mountain Plant Landscape in the Main City Proper of Guilin City

  25. 浅说中国古典园林的山林植物景观

    Discussions on the Mountain Forest Landscape in Chinese Classical Gardens

  26. 颐和园植物景观的研究

    Research on the Plant Landscape in the Summer Palace

  27. 海南大学校园植物景观赏析

    A landscape study on campus plant in Hainan University

  28. 蒙山植物景观资源的开发和保护

    The landscape of plant resources and their exploitation and protection in Mengshan Mountain

  29. 中庭植物景观设计初探

    A Primary Discussion on The Planting Landscape in Atrium

  30. 环保思想体现在了北方高速公路植物景观防风及减噪作用的设计上。

    Environmental protection is embodied in the design of wind and noise reduction .