
sī zhuànɡ rǔ tóu
  • filiform papilla;conical papilla
  1. 菌状乳头在丝状乳头之间,顶部呈火山口状。

    Fungiform papillae were distributed among filiform papillae and to be cavernous in shape at the top .

  2. 舌神经不仅有支配和营养菌状乳头及其味蕾的作用,而且还有抑制菌状乳头向丝状乳头异化的功能。

    Lingual nerve not only supports fungiform papilla and taste bud , but also suppresses the filiform like degeneation of fungiform papilla .

  3. 结果放射后味觉组织变化主要表现为味蕾味细胞减少,丝状乳头高度及密度明显减少。

    Results There were changes in the number of dark cells per bud instead in the number of buds per fungiform papilla , the number of cells per bud .