
sī jiāo
  • sericin
丝胶[sī jiāo]
  1. 用X射线衍射法对丝胶结晶度的研究

    A study on the crystallinity of sericin by X-ray diffraction

  2. 初步探明煮沸丝胶溶液并不发生崩坏,而是发生变性,从而重新支持传统的易溶性与难溶性A、B丝胶论;

    Therefore , the traditional theory of both easily and difficultly soluble sericin A-B has been supported again .

  3. 丝胶溶液的pH值影响动态表面张力和分子吸附面积。

    The pH of sericin solution has influences on the dynamic surface tension and the adsorbed molecule area .

  4. 快速pH响应丝胶/聚甲基丙烯酸互穿网络水凝胶的合成及表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Fast pH-Responsive Silk Sericin / Poly ( methacrylic acid ) Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogel

  5. 本论文采用反复冷冻-解冻的方法制备了聚乙烯醇(PVA)/丝胶共混水凝胶,通过风干得到力学性能良好同时具有良好生物相容性的PVA/丝胶共混凝胶薄膜。

    The PVA / Sericin blended hydrogels were prepared by the method of repeated freezing and thawing .

  6. 利用阳离子交联剂DE,将丝胶蛋白固着在大豆蛋白纤维上,确定了DE和丝胶交联改性大豆蛋白纤维的较优工艺。

    Cationic crosslinker DE was used to cure sericin on soybean protein fibers , and an improved process for this combined modification was detd .

  7. BTCA与丝胶对棉织物的改性工艺研究

    Study on the modification of cotton fabrics with BTCA and sericin

  8. 茧层丝胶在热水中的初期溶解性能显著降低,DSC分析表明,茧层丝胶的吸热分解温度范围大,且吸热峰在高温侧出现。

    Furthermore , the initial dissolvability of cocoon shell sericin declines strikingly in hot water . DSC analysis indicates a wide temperature range in sericin endothermic decomposition with an endothermic peak at the side of high temperature .

  9. 测定茧丝中的内、中、外层丝胶的CD谱表明,从外层到内层有由无规卷曲结构转变为β折叠结构的趋势;

    As for the inner , middle and outer layers of sericin in a bave , the tendency for conversion from random-coil to β - folded structures , from inner to outer layers , has been shown by the circularly dichromatic measurement .

  10. 结果表明,FeSO4和Ca(OH)2法提取的丝胶率最高,经盐溶液处理获得的丝胶蛋白粉末在室温下易溶于水。还探讨了丝胶在不同领域中的应用效果及其开发前景。

    The result shows that the method of FeSO_4 and Ca ( OH ) _2 is more effective than that of other methods , the recovery rate is high , and the extracted sericin is easy to dissolve in water after salt solution treatment .

  11. PEG-DE引起了膜内的丝胶蛋白结晶形态的变化。

    PEG-DE caused the condensed structure of sericin films to change .

  12. 考马斯蓝G-250比色法快速测定丝胶蛋白质浓度

    Quick measurement of the Concentration of fhe Sericin Protein by colorimetric method with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 as Colorimetric liquid

  13. 在酸性水介质中,以硝酸铈铵为引发剂合成了丝胶-甲基丙烯酸甲酯接枝共聚物,其结构经1HNMR,IR,SEM和GPC表征。

    The graft copolymers of silk sericin and methyl methacrylate were synthesized by using ceric ammonium nitrate as initiator in acidic aqueous medium . The graft copolymers were characterized by ~ 1H NMR , IR , SEM and GPC .

  14. 以HFIP为溶剂将冻干的丝胶蛋白溶解,最终制成5%(w/v)的溶液。

    Dissolving the freeze-dried sericin protein with HFIP as the solvent and eventually making into 5 % ( w / v ) solution .

  15. 本文研究了在茧衣丝纤维上进行丝胶固着的GA,TA-GA和UF方法及其固着效果;

    The effects of the GA , TA-GA and UF sericin gumming methods of floss fibre are investigated , and the floss fibre gummed by the GA method is made into staple core yarn .

  16. 利用共混方法,把天然乳胶和丝胶进行共混,考察不同的配比对乳液性能以及所成薄膜的影响。同时,用FTIR表征手段证明丝胶成功封端水性聚氨酯。

    By means of characterization technique with FTIR , we proved that sericin had successfully grafted to the polyurethane prepolymer . Then through the heterocoagulation method , natural rubber latex was blended with graft copolymer to study the influence of different blending ratio on properties of latex and films .

  17. 在丝胶水溶液中添加占丝胶质量30%~40%的PEG-DE,采用流延法制得的丝胶蛋白膜具备很好的柔软性和很高的断裂伸长率。

    Sericin films with 30 to 40 percent of PEG-DE against sericin prepared by casting , showed good flexibility and high elongation at break .

  18. 稀土固着丝胶增重真丝纤维的结构变化

    Studies on Structure Changes of Silk Fiber Using Rare Earth-fixed Sericin

  19. 丝鞘长度、丝胶溶失对生丝抱合力的影响

    Effects of Croisure Length and Sericin Dissolution on Raw Silk Cohesion

  20. 介绍了一种用阴离子交换纤维来回收丝胶蛋白质的方法。

    A method to recycle sericin using anion-exchange fiber is introduced .

  21. 丝胶蛋白液的护肤功能及应用研究

    Studies on Skin Care Function and Application of Sericin Protein Fluid

  22. 丝胶用作固井水泥浆外加剂的室内初步研究

    A preliminary study on silk glue as additive for cementing slurries

  23. 丝胶固着蚕丝的红外光谱和拉曼光谱分析

    Analyses on FT-IR and Raman spectra of sericin fixed silk fibres

  24. 大豆蛋白纤维的丝胶改性及其性能研究

    The sericin modification of soybean protein fiber and its performance research

  25. 固化茧丝的丝胶稳定性检测和染色性试验

    Stability Detection and Dyeability Test to Sericin in Solidified Silk Filament

  26. 真丝精练污水的处理和丝胶回收的研究

    Study on Treatment of Silk Degumming Water and Sericin Recycling

  27. 研究了丝胶对棉织物的改性。

    The modification of cotton fabrics with sericin was studied .

  28. 蚕丝丝胶-锰(Ⅱ)络合物的制备及其氧化催化活性的研究

    Study on the Catalytic Activity of Silk Sericin-Manganese (ⅱ) Complex

  29. 丝绸工业废水中丝胶蛋白质的回收技术

    The Technique of Reusing Sericin Protein from the Wastewater of Silk Industry

  30. 丝胶的分子结构与胶粘强度的相关研究

    Relationship Between the Molecular Structure and the Adhesive Properties of Sericin Protein