
  • 网络personalized medicine;Individualized medication;individualized medicine
  1. 个体化用药促使临床试验发生转变

    Personalized medicine prompts push to redesign clinical trials

  2. 为了促进个体化用药的发展,笔者对药物基因组学的产生以及研究现况进行阐述。

    To promote the development of personalized medicine , the author expounded the generation and present status of pharmacogenomics .

  3. 目的建立中国癫痫儿童丙戊酸钠(VPA)的群体药动学(PPK)模型,促进个体化用药。

    OBJECTIVE To set up a population pharmacokinetic ( PPK ) model of Valproate ( VPA ) in children with epilepsy in China , and promote reasonable use of antiepileptic drugs ( AEDs ) in clinical practice .

  4. 临床个体化用药的研究现状和评价

    Current researches of clinical individualized medication and their evaluation

  5. 药物基因组学应用于临床药学是个体化用药的必然趋势

    The application of pharmacogenomics in clinical pharmacy is the necessary path of individual medication

  6. 临床应用须结合小儿的生理特点,个体化用药。

    It should be applied individually basing on the physiologic characteristics of children in clinical practice .

  7. 结论:实用药动学参数表可作为指导个体化用药的重要工具。

    CONCLU ˉ SION : The practical pharmacokinetic parameter table is an important tool in directing personalized medicine .

  8. 本文介绍了药物基因组学的概念、研究内容和方法及其在临床个体化用药中的应用及意义。

    The article introduced the concept , content , methods of pharmacogenomics and its applications in establishing clinical individualized medication .

  9. 结论:掌握好个体化用药原则,维拉帕米可安全有效地治疗老年快速室上性心律失常。

    Conclusions : Verapmil was effective and safe in elderly pations with superventircnlar tachyarrhythmia , but should be given individually .

  10. 目前临床已有较丰富的抗真菌药物以供选择,有利于合理的个体化用药。

    Currently , reasonable individualized treatments for patients are realizable for much more types of antifungal drugs are available in clinic .

  11. 发现药物基因组学作为功能基因组学在医药学中的应用,能通过对基因多态性的研究,从根本上促进个体化用药的发展。

    Pharmacogenomics essentially promote the development of personalized medicine by focus on the influence of human inherited polymorphism to the drug response .

  12. 目的:探讨全麻患者术前疼痛敏感度与气管插管、切皮应激反应的相关性,为全身麻醉的个体化用药提供参考。

    Objective : To investigate whether preoperative pain sensitivity predict patients , stress response and opioids consumption during anesthetic intubation and skin incision .

  13. 近年来定量药理学中涉及的模型化和仿真预测在新药研发、治疗药物监测和临床个体化用药等方面得到了广泛的重视和研究。

    Pharmacometrics has been widely valued for its utility of modeling and simulation in drug research and development , therapeutic drug monitoring and individualized therapy .

  14. 现概述代谢物组学在新药筛选、药物作用机制研究、个体化用药研究方面的应用。

    In this paper , its application in screening of new drug , in drug mechanism research and in study of individualized drug use are reviewed .

  15. 目前,随着人们对药物基因组学的深刻了解,临床个体化用药已经成为治疗肿瘤的策略,越来越受到人们的关注。

    With deeper understanding of pharmacogenomics , clinical personalized medicine has become the strategy of the treatment of cancer and it was paied more and more attention .

  16. 方法对127例快速室上性心律失常的老年患者,根据全身状况和基础病变,采用个体化用药原则,分别给予上述四种药物。

    Methods 121 elderly patients with super ventricular tachyarrhythmia were given the above four drugs with individual administrate principle according to general conditions and basic pathological changes .

  17. 目的:让学生充分了解临床病例的复杂性和多样性,提高学生个体化用药的思路和能力。

    Objective : To let the students understand the complexity and variety of clinical cases and to im prove the ability of the students in individual treatment with drug .

  18. 方法回顾性分析采用抗生素和免疫抑制剂的个体化用药对31例肝移植受体术后的感染发生率、病原菌谱以及病死率的影响。

    Method There were 31 cases of liver transplantation from March 2001 to May 2005 . The recipients received individual antibiotic and immunosuppressive regime based on the drug susceptibility testing and monitoring of blood drug concentration .

  19. 由于不同患者对药物的敏感性存在显著的差异,其预后相差甚大,这就要求对不同的肿瘤患者进行个体化用药,以取得最佳治疗效果。

    Because different patients have a significant differences in medicine sensitivity , their prognosis also have a significant differences . This requires that adopting individual treatment with different individuals in order to achieve the best therapy effect .

  20. 方法:总结首都医科大学宣武医院药师走入功能神经外科病房以来,参与癫患者术后的个体化用药教育工作,从中总结与患者及患者家属之间沟通的一些经验。

    Methods : The experience of the pharmacists of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital University of Medical Science in communication with patients and their family since the participation of the pharmacists in ward round at the department of Functional Neurosurgery and education of individual medication for postoperative epilepsy patients was summarized .

  21. Flatiron希望,通过让这些数据以符合健康保险便利及责任法案(HIPAA)的方式分享传播,能促进个体化的用药和研究。

    By enabling that data to be shared in HIPAA-compliant ways , Flatiron hopes it will accelerate personalized medicine and research .

  22. 结论:通过对高危人群的基因分型,有可能达到以个体化的用药方案预防激素性高眼压。

    Conclusions : Genotyping of high risk steroid responders may allow an individual therapy to avoid steroid-induced ocular hypertension .

  23. 这篇综述主要回顾预测大肠癌化疗药物疗效的分子和基因指标,分析其联系,从而指导临床按个体化原则用药。

    The article will review several molecular or genetic markers , which can predict the chemotherapy outcome of most commonly used agents in colorectal cancer , through those marker lead tailor individual treatment .

  24. 结论:该院呼吸科抗菌药的应用符合有效、安全、经济、个体化的合理用药原则。

    Conclusion : The utilization of antibiotic in the Respiratory Department of the General Hospital of PLA has followed the effective , safe , economical and individual principles of rational drug use .

  25. 目的:探讨血药浓度监测对个体化、合理化用药的重要作用。

    Objective To discuss the importance of blood concentration monitoring in more individualized and rationalized administration of Digoxin .

  26. 所以临床在用药过程中,药物浓度的监测对实施个体化、合理化用药,减少药物中毒的发生起着重要作用。

    So clinically , to monitor the blood concentration plays a very important part in implementing individualized and rationalized medication , as well as in reduction of drug poisoning when using digoxin .

  27. 通过分析吉西他滨敏感性个体细胞在蛋白质峰表达上的区别,找到影响药物反应程度的关键蛋白质峰,有利于个体化用药。

    Gemcitabine sensitivity by analyzing the individual cells in the protein expression differences between the peak to find the key to the degree of protein drug reactions peaks , is conducive to individual drugs .