
  • 网络personal income tax;Individual Income Tax Rates
  1. 他承诺降低遗产税,调整企业及个人所得税率,以便使台湾成为更具吸引力的投资目的地,但具体事宜将留给他在5月20日就职后组建的赋税改革委员会。

    He pledges to lower inheritance tax and adjust corporate and individual income tax rates in order to make Taiwan a more attractive investment location , but specifics will be left to a tax reform commission to be formed after he takes office on May 20 .

  2. 富人承担的个人所得税率远远低于中产阶级工薪阶层。

    The average personal income tax rate on the wealthy was far lower than that paid by middle-income earners .

  3. 提高税收包括一定程度上回归克林顿(clinton)时代的个人所得税率将必须成为解决方案的一部分。

    Higher taxes including returning to Clinton-era personal tax rates for some will have to be part of the solution .

  4. 瑞安计划将最高一级个人所得税率从35%降至25%,大幅削减联邦医疗补助计划(medicaid)、食品券等面向低收入群体的转移支付计划支出。

    Mr Ryan would reduce the top rate of personal income tax from 35 per cent to 25 per cent and slash transfer programmes for the poor , such as Medicaid and food stamps .

  5. 两党的总统候选人都在大谈不对中产阶级增税,米特罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)则不仅希望将小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府的减税措施永久化,还有意将个人所得税率再整体下调20%。

    Both candidates are running on not raising taxes for the middle classes and Mitt Romney wants to not only make the George   W. Bush tax cuts permanent , he wants to cut income tax rates another 20 per cent across the board .

  6. 你也不能通过全美最高的个人所得税率来保证加州免予破产。

    And you cannot tax your state into solvency with the highest personal income tax rates in the country .

  7. 个人所得税率确定的根本的和首要考虑的因素是追求税收公平,促进社会和谐。

    Individual income tax of the fundamental factors is the primary consideration and pursuit of tax justice , promote social harmony .

  8. 将企业边际税率或个人所得税率提高至超出克林顿时代的水平,将带来激励效果方面的严重问题,还可能鼓励避税活动。

    Increasing marginal corporate rates or increasing individual rates beyond their Clinton-era level raises serious questions about incentive effects or the encouragement of shelter activities .

  9. 但即使在现行最高个人所得税率仅为45%的英国,也出现了针对富裕阶层的新的敌对情绪。

    But even in Britain , where the top tax rate is 45 per cent , there is a new mood of antagonism towards the rich .

  10. 个人所得税率已从20世纪70年代的荒谬水平降了下来。伦敦是一个激动人心的地方,有丰富的文化生活。

    Personal tax rates have come down from the absurd levels of the 1970s . London is a stimulating place , with a rich cultural life .

  11. 与平均个人所得税率和政府转移支付有所不同的是,间接税率的减小对经常项目差额的冲击是非线性的。

    Differ from the average individual income tax rate and the government transfer payment , the impact of indirect tax rates on the current account balance is non-linear .

  12. 杨婕表示:内地的薪资仍远低于国际水平,个人所得税率太高,特别是与香港相比。

    Salaries on the mainland are still much less than international equivalents and personal tax rates are too high – especially compared with Hong Kong , she says .

  13. 奥巴马仅仅希望将最高一级个人所得税率从35%提升至39.6%,同时增加对资本利得以及股息收入的征税力度。

    Mr Obama merely wants to raise the top rate from 35 per cent to 39.6 per cent , as well as increasing taxes on capital gains and dividends .

  14. 1986年,税式支出改革迈出了艰难的一步,最高个人所得税率从50%降至28%。

    In 1986 , as a result of the difficult decisions made on tax expenditures , the top individual rate was reduced from 50 per cent to 28 per cent .

  15. 尽管印第安纳州缺少芝加哥的激励政策,但是它的个人所得税率为3.4%,并且承诺在4年内将企业所得税降至6.5%。

    Although Indianapolis lacks the excitement of Chicago , Indiana has a personal taxation rate of3.4 % , and has promised to reduce corporate tax to6.5 % over the next four years .

  16. 香港企业所得税率最高为17.5%,个人所得税率最高为16%,资本利得、股息和其它形式的非劳务收入无需缴税。

    Corporate profits are taxed at a top rate of 17.5 per cent and individual income at 16 per cent , with no taxes on capital gains , dividends and other forms of passive income .

  17. 并且模拟结果显示,降低间接税率、个人所得税率、增加政府转移支付是提高居民可支配收入的根本途径,也是缓解经常项目顺差的有效手段。

    And simulation results show that lower indirect tax rates , personal income tax rate , increase in government transfer payments is the fundamental way to improve residents ' disposable income , but also an effective means to alleviate the current account surplus .

  18. 达林确认,自2011年4月开始,将把针对年收入15万英镑或以上人群的个人所得税率提高至45%,并削减年收入10万英镑以上人群的个人所得税抵免额。

    He confirmed that from April 2011 he would introduce a 45 per cent rate of income tax to those earning 150,000 a year or more , and would cut the value of personal income tax allowance for those with incomes above 100,000 .

  19. 中美英个人所得税税率比较

    Comparison in income taxes among China , America and Great Britain

  20. 中国个人所得税税率的优化

    Study on optimization of the personal income tax rate in China

  21. 基于现行税制模式的我国个人所得税税率设计

    A Devise of China 's Personal Income Tax Rate Based on Current Tax System

  22. 第一部分是关于个人所得税税率形式在比例税率与累进税率之间的选择。

    The first part introduces the selection between the proportional tax rate and the progressive tax rate .

  23. 实现转身的重要一环是完善我国当前的个人所得税税率的设定。

    Realize turn is important one annulus is to perfect the current rate of personal income tax .

  24. 我国当前存在超额累进税率级距过多、个人所得税税率过高、税率设定不公平等问题。

    Our present existence extra progressive tax rate , individual income tax payments too high , the tax rate set injustice problem .

  25. 随着我国居民收入差距的急剧扩大,个人所得税法税率制度的完善显得更为必要。

    As the rapid broadening of the income gap , more efforts should be done on the Tax rate system of Individual Income Tax .

  26. 上海等城市的个人所得税税率(最高一级为45%)已被视为阻碍吸引国外金融专业人员的因素。

    Income tax rates in cities like Shanghai where the top levy is 45 per cent are already seen as a disincentive to attracting foreign financial professionals .

  27. 调高针对高收入者的边际所得税率要可取得多只不过美国共和党人坚信,个人边际所得税率决不许提升。

    Raising marginal income tax rates on higher earners would be greatly preferable , were it not for the fact that US Republicans have convinced themselves that marginal tax rates on individuals must never go up .

  28. 高盛员工人均薪酬为399506美元,比上个月美国总统奥巴马设定的联邦个人所得税税率上调起点400000美元低了494美元。

    Average compensation at Goldman Sachs ( GS ) was $ 399,506 per employee , which falls $ 494 short of the $ 400,000 threshold that President Obama set last month for federal income tax increases on individuals .

  29. 其中第一节专门针对美国与德国个人所得税税率的特点进行了分析,第二节是我国个人所得税法采用综合课税模式的可行性分析,又分别通过三个方面进行了具体的阐述。

    Among them , the first quarter of analyzed the characteristics the American and Germany personal income tax rate . The second quarter is feasibility analysis of Chinese individual income tax by using the comprehensive taxation mode , and conducted by three aspects respectively in detail .

  30. 增税措施包括,针对200万欧元以上企业年利润的企业所得税税率提高2.5个百分点,至27.5%,上调增值税税率1个百分点,至21%,上调个人所得税税率至多1.5个百分点。

    The tax rises include a 2.5 percentage point increase in corporate tax to 27.5 per cent on annual profits above € 2m , a 1 percentage point increase in value-added tax to 21 per cent and increases of up to 1.5 percentage points in income tax .