
  1. 她们是意气风发、生性活泼,具有创业精神的奶奶辈,她们打破一切固有规则,放弃稳定的退休生活,只为成就个人创业。

    They are a generation of spirited , vivacious1 and entrepreneurial grannies , ripping up the rule book and eschewing2 steady retirement3 in order to launch successful businesses .

  2. 加强职业培训,鼓励个人创业等。

    Enhance the job-training and encourage the individual struggle .

  3. 个人创业行为与创业规模有其内在的联系。

    There is an inner link between personal pioneering activities and their scope .

  4. 特许经营是当今世界上最为流行的企业扩张和个人创业途径之一。

    Franchise is one of the most popular ways to expand and start undertakings .

  5. 个人创业是创造财富;

    Personal entrepreneurship is to create wealth ;

  6. 美国鼓励个人创业的文化背景与制度设计

    The Cultural Background and the System of Individual Business Encouragement in the U.S. Personal Communication

  7. 银行应在观念上把开展个人创业贷款看作一种金融创新;

    Banks should view the initiation of the personal pioneering loan service as a financial innovation .

  8. 知识经济条件下创业教育政策与个人创业活动的关系探讨

    An Exploration of the Relationship between Work-Pioneering Education Policy and Work-Pioneering Activities under Intellectual Economic Conditions

  9. 个人创业巧妙融资

    Skillful Financing in Initiating Private Business

  10. 个人创业在哪里都艰难,在中国做“民营”创业则更难。

    Where individual entrepreneurship are difficult to do in China " private " business is even harder .

  11. 随着个人创业现象的兴起,农村微型企业创业也逐渐发展起来。

    With the rise of individual business , rural micro enterprise startup is also gradually in development .

  12. 最后,战略和目标对个人创业绩效有直接和交互的影响。

    Finally , goals of entrepreneur and business strategy had both direct and interactive effects on individual entrepreneurial performance .

  13. 借鉴贫民银行经验,开展个人创业贷款业务

    Using the Experience of " Bank for the Poor " for Reference to Carry on Personal Pioneering Loan Service

  14. 在中国,风险资本的概念就像外星来客。过去的二十年是单打独斗的二十年,也是个人创业的二十年。

    The concept of venture capital is quite alien and the past two decades is characterized by individualism and personal entrepreneurship .

  15. 商业特许经营作为一种高效的经营方式,是当今世界企业扩张和个人创业的绝佳途径。

    Franchise , as a high efficient commercial method , is considered to a fabulous way to expand business or individual entrepreneurship .

  16. 耶格系统文化理念:为人类提供优质商品和为愿意实现经济独立和自由的人士提供个人创业机会。

    Jaeger system culture philosophy : In order to provide quality goods and human beings are willing to achieve economic independence and freedom to give his personal business opportunities .

  17. 布朗的目标是提高英国个人创业者的比例英国的这一比例与欧洲平均水平相近,但仅为美国的一半。

    His ambition was to increase the proportion of individuals starting or running their own business , which was similar to the European average but half the rate of the US .

  18. 在这种转换中,个人创业主体的叙事内涵虽然明显大于历史主体,但历史主体的精神价值也得到了充分的开掘,并建构起特殊的关于财富的一种道德训诫方式。

    Though the former narrative connotation is more extensive than that of the latter in the course of transition , the latter 's value in spirit is revealed fully and constructs a special style of moral instructions about the wealth .

  19. 创业型经济的发展需要个人,创业主,机构和政府的共同努力。

    The vigorous development of entrepreneurial economy needs joint efforts by individuals , enterprises , institutions and governments .

  20. 推动个人自主创业也是缓解就业矛盾,维护社会稳定的一个重要途径。

    Personal entrepreneurship is an effective way to ease the contradiction of employment , and maintain the social stability .

  21. 是否最好和一个能够在工作上和花销上帮助你的伙伴或者个人一起创业?

    Is this more likely to work with a partner or another individual who can assist you in the work and expenses ?

  22. 近几年来,随着网络经济的迅速发展,个人网店创业变得越来越普遍。

    In recent years , by mean of intenet economy , personal online shop entrepreneurship brings huge innovation and rapid development , becomes more and more common .

  23. 本课题合成了三种不同的,但互补性的理论,采用交互的方式去解释了影响个人的创业动机机制,并最终影响个人创业绩效。

    This study draws on three different , yet complementary , theories , which we combine in an interactive manner , to explain the motivational mechanisms of individual entrepreneurial behavior and ultimately impact performance .

  24. 民间借贷是最原始的一种借贷方式,长期以来都是个人投资创业的融资形式之一,而且还是中小企业最基本的原始资本和风险资本的来源。

    Folk loan is a loan of the most primitive , has long been one of the forms of financing of personal investment venture , but also small and medium enterprises the basic original capital and risk capital source .

  25. 此外,书中广泛涉及了创业理念,提出了个人和企业创业精神是贯穿21世纪的主要的管理挑战和机遇的论点。

    It also looks at entrepreneurship in a big way to illustrate that individual and organizational entrepreneurship is a major managerial challenge and opportunity in the21st century .

  26. 过去十几年里,创业活动在中国得到了迅速发展,而随着网络经济的到来,个人电子商务创业也越来越普遍。

    In the last decade , new venture activities have been developed throughout China . By mean of internet economy , personal e-business entrepreneurship brings huge innovation and rapid development in China .

  27. 他们大多数人不计个人得失,不畏创业的艰辛。

    Most of them faced up to the hardships of pioneering without thought of personal gain or loss .

  28. 高校是影响区域经济发展的重要因素,高校在投资建设、个人消费和科技创业等方面对区域经济有着直接的影响。

    Colleges and universities influence regional economy in investment and construction , consumption , science and technology ? development .

  29. 个人认为工作与创业是两回事,两者所需的经验与基础能说完全是不一样的。

    I personally think that work is different breed of cat from set up a business , theirs necessaries of experience and base are totally different .

  30. 与此同时,在社会转型和时代的要求下,大学生的素质也直接与个人的就业、创业密切相关。

    In the meanwhile , for the demand of social transformation and era , the quality of college students will closely related to the personal employment and an enterprise starting directly .