
zhōng xīng
  • ZTE;resurgent;resurgence;reviving;resurgence of a country;coming back to activity
中兴 [zhōng xīng]
  • [resurgence of a country] 通常指国家由衰退而复兴

  • 国家中兴

  • 中兴机会。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

中兴[zhōng xīng]
  1. 然通观其帝纪后论,则清晰地揭示了东汉皇朝从中兴走向衰亡的几个转折,堪称卓识。

    However , on the whole , the comments was with outstanding insight because it explicitly revealed the several turning-points from reviving to decline of East Han Dynasty .

  2. 荷兰莱顿大学医学教育的近代转型及其启示莱顿大学的世纪中兴与现代转型&以物理学教育为例

    The Modern Transformation of Medical Education at Leiden University in Netherlands : Lessons Learned Leiden University 's Century Reviving and Modern Transformation : Taking Physics Education as an Example

  3. 中兴2012年推出了其首款WindowsPhone系统智能手机。

    ZTE launched its first Windows smartphone in 2012 .

  4. 中兴固网3G:平滑演进构建全IP的IMS架构

    ZTE 's Fixed 3G Network : Construct All-IP IMS Architecture with Smooth Evolution

  5. 中兴通讯IPv6核心路由器体系结构与关键技术

    Architecture and Key Technologies of ZTE 's IPv6 Core Router

  6. U口中继器在中兴PCS网络中的应用

    Application of U Repeater to ZTE 's PCS Network

  7. 中兴开发的智能手表已在国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)以及世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)等商贸展会上亮过相了。

    The ZTE smartwatch has already been shown off at trade shows such as CES and Mobile World Congress .

  8. 根据咨询公司StrategyAnalytics数据,去年中兴在美国市场的表现不俗,是表现最好的海外市场。

    According to consulting company Strategy Analytics , the US was the best-performing overseas market for ZTE last year .

  9. 中兴通讯WCDMA核心网的QoS策略

    QoS Strategy of ZTE WCDMA Core Network

  10. 中兴通讯SDR拓展3G网络新平台

    ZTE Software Defined Radio Technology Developing 3G Network New Platform

  11. 本论文的成果已在中兴通讯公司的CDMA网管系统中得到了应用。

    The production of this thesis has been applied in CDMA network management system in ZTE Company .

  12. 基于上海电信中兴IPTV系统的机顶盒软件设计

    Design of STB Software System Based on Shanghai Telecom ZTE IPTV System

  13. 中兴通讯WCDMA系统高性能的软切换技术

    High-performance Soft Handoff Technology in ZTE 's WCDMA System

  14. 中兴WLAN无线宽带接入系统的典型应用方案

    Typical Application Plans of ZTE WLAN

  15. 中兴通讯WCDMA系统呼叫时延解决方案

    ZTE Corporation WCDMA System Call Delay Solution

  16. •中国在对美国国会对待华为(Huawei)与中兴(ZTE)的态度进行报复。

    • China is retaliating for Congress ' treatment of Huawei and ZTE .

  17. 华为及其上市的竞争对手中兴通讯(ZTE)分别赢得了约三分之一的合同。

    Huawei and listed rival ZTE won about a third each .

  18. 目前国内的主要设备商华为、中兴、烽火拥有基于SDH的ASON产品。

    At present , main domestic manufacturers Huawei , ZTE and Fiberhome have SDH-based ASON products .

  19. 中兴通讯布局WCDMA室内覆盖

    ZTE Deploys WCDMA Indoor Coverage

  20. N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(NMDA受体)是中枢神经系统中兴奋性递质谷氨酸受体的一种类型,属于离子型受体。

    NMDA receptors are a subtype of excitatory transmitters-glutamate receptor in the central nervous system .

  21. 去年,中兴通讯通过巴西运营商Vivo,在拉美市场上推出了一款具有数字电视功能的低价手机。

    Last year , the company launched a low-cost cell phone with digital television through Vivo , the Brazilian operator , in the Latin-American market .

  22. 主板包含万科集团(ChinaVanke)等地产股,以及电子产品生产商中兴(ZTE)等消费品公司。

    Its main board features property stocks , such as China Vanke , and consumer-related companies such as electronics manufacturer ZTE .

  23. 最后,本文详细讨论了中兴3G平台上数据同步模块的设计和实现。

    Finally , this paper discusses the design and implementation issues of the data synchronization management in the ZTE 3G platform in details .

  24. 该技术是XILINX公司2006年首次提出,中兴通讯公司首次在FPGA设计开发项目中使用该技术。

    XILINX first advanced this technique , and then ZTE adopt it firstly in the design of FPGA .

  25. 结合案例,将中兴WCDMA的网络仿真结果与试验网路测结果进行对比分析。

    Combined with cases , it compares the network simulation result and trail network measurement result of ZTE WCDMA .

  26. 中兴通讯在PHS设备上营销的成功主要是抓住了通讯系统设备产品营销的特点;

    The success of ZTE is catch the point how to sale the communication system equipment .

  27. 然后从无线、交换系统分别阐述语音单通故障产生的原因,并结合中兴CDMA系统进行分析;

    Then analyses the cause of one way traffic with focus on radio part and switch part with ZXC CDMA system as an example .

  28. 其国内竞争对手中兴(ZTE)获得了另外三分之一。

    Domestic rival ZTE claimed another third .

  29. 今年早些时候,美国国会报告称,中兴与竞争对手华为(huawei)威胁到美国的国家安全。

    Earlier this year , a US Congress report said that ZTE and rival Huawei posed a national security threat .

  30. LG和中兴(ZTE)交换了位次

    LG and ZTE have switched places