
  • 网络chinese medicine institutions
  1. 中医药院校有机化学实验教学模式改革的实践

    Practice of Reform and Teaching Mode About Experimental Organic Chemistry in Chinese medicine institutions

  2. 现代信息技术对中医药院校教学发展的影响

    Study of the development of Chinese medicine institutions teaching models under the modern information technology situation

  3. 中医药院校VISUALBASIC程序设计的教学实践

    Teaching practice of Visual Basic programming in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine

  4. 论高等中医药院校大学生创业能力的培养

    On nurturing career - exploring ability among college students of TCM

  5. 全国中医药院校病理学网站的建设与实践

    Building and Practice on National Academies of Chinese Medicine Pathology Website

  6. 高等中医药院校企业管理专业人才培养定位调查研究

    Personnel training orientation of enterprise management specialty in TCM colleges and universities

  7. 高等中医药院校办学理念的形成性思考

    Formative pondering on idea of running TCM colleges and universities

  8. 中医药院校架构非均衡型人才的途径

    Means of forming non-equilibrium personnel in institutes of Chinese medicine

  9. 高等中医药院校英语教学若干问题的思考

    Reflection on Some Issues in English Teaching at TCM Colleges

  10. 高等中医药院校素质教育受制因素分析

    Factors Affecting Quality-oriented Education at Colleges and Universities of TCM

  11. 中医药院校附属医院科研工作的思路

    Considerations on research work in hospitals affiliated to universities of Chinese medicine

  12. 对西部地区高等中医药院校科学发展的思考中国社会科学院院报

    Scientific development of TCM colleges and universities in western region of China

  13. 中医药院校研究生学位论文质量问卷调查分析

    Questionnaire survey of the post-graduate thesis quality of Shanghai University of TCM

  14. 构建优势学科群,促进高等中医药院校学科发展

    Constructing Superior Subject-groups and Promoting the Development of Subjects in Advanced TCM Universities

  15. 中医药院校生物化学教学的改革

    Reform in the Teaching of Biochemistry in TCM Colleges

  16. 中医药院校工程制图课程教学改革与实践

    Reform and practice in teaching engineering cartography in higher learning of Chinese medicine

  17. 高等中医药院校食品化学课程教学改革探索

    Exploration into the Teaching Reform of the Food Chemistry Course at TCM Colleges

  18. 高等中医药院校信息素质教育课程体系的构建

    The construction of IL education system in medical colleges

  19. 如何加强高等中医药院校的素质教育?

    How can we strengthen quality-oriented education at colleges and universities of TCM ?

  20. 目的了解高等中医药院校培养目标的表述。

    Objectives : To know about training objectives of higher education of Chinese medicine .

  21. 中医药院校护理本科教育培养目标研究护理本科教育中开设遗传与优生课程的探讨

    Research onto training objectives of undergraduate nursing program in higher education of Chinese medicine

  22. 高等中医药院校培养护理人才之我见

    Nursing personnel trained in TCM colleges and universities

  23. 优化中医药院校学生知识结构,进行课程设置改革;

    Optimization of knowledge structure and curricular settlement ;

  24. 高等中医药院校中医专业培养目标的比较

    Comparison of training objectives of Chinese medicine major in higher institutions of Chinese medicine

  25. 我国高等中医药院校学科布局存在的问题与改革思路

    Problems concerning subject arrangement in higher education of Chinese medicine together with reforming thoughts

  26. 中医药院校专业英语教学模式改革的探讨与实践

    The Exploration Practice of the Reform of Special English in Schools of Chinese Medicine

  27. 我国高等中医药院校图书馆网站信息资源建设现状

    Current Situation of Information Resources in the Websites of the Chinese Medicine University Library

  28. 高等中医药院校数字化教学环境整体解决方案研究

    Overall project research on constructing digital teaching environment in colleges & universities of Chinese medicine

  29. 高等中医药院校学科交叉的实践与深化建设

    Practice and Deep Construction of Subjects Cross Each Other in High University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  30. 以学生为本提高中医药院校思想政治课教学实效性

    Improvement of Actual Effects in Class of Thought and Politics with the Students as the Basis