
  • 网络memory space
  1. 分区拥有独立的CPU时间和内存空间,并与其他分区相隔离。

    Each partition has independent CPU time and memory space , and is isolated from other partitions .

  2. 在Java语言中,内存空间的回收工作是由垃圾收集器(GarbageCollector,GC)来完成的。

    In Java language , the recycling memory space is finished by the garbage collector ( GC ) .

  3. 在IBM的PS/2工作站中,物理存储器的一块(即内存空间的一种单位)。

    In PS / 2 , a block of physical memory .

  4. Java程序内存空间优化策略的研究

    Strategy on Optimizing Memory Size for Java Applications

  5. 但同时也带来了其自身新的设计问题,必须重新设计数据库算法及数据结构,以便更有效的利用CPU及内存空间。

    However meanwhile , new design problem of database itself has occurred .

  6. 然而,s指向的String对象依然占据着内存空间。

    However , the String object that s was pointing to is still occupying memory .

  7. 为缓冲池分配更多的内存空间在大多数情况下都是有好处的,DB2的默认值只能当作最小值。

    More memory allocated through bufferpools is good in most cases and DB2 default values tend to be minimalist values .

  8. 在内存空间中的内存地址允许代理访问物理RAM中的内存。

    The memory addresses in the address space allow the agent to access the memories in the physical RAM .

  9. 723.1语言编码算法中的两个关键模块进行了分析和优化以减小算法复杂度和节约内存空间,使得算法有可能在DSP上实时实现。

    723.1 algorithm to reduce the computational complexity and the memory size , and to make the real time implementation of G. 723.1 on DSP possible .

  10. 录制GIF动画时,更长的时间片断将占用更大的内存空间。

    As recording GIF animator , longer time segment will take more RAM .

  11. SVM可以自动的对样本进行训练,从而获得分类器,但它的训练时间通常较长,而且某些训练算法需要占用的较大的内存空间。

    Though SVM can automatically train the samples to obtain classifier , the training time is usually long and some algorithms need a great amount of memory .

  12. 在Win32中,线程的栈由进程的内存空间自动分配。

    In Win32 , the thread stack is allocated automatically in the memory space of the process .

  13. 实验结果表明改进后的系统能够回收大量内存空间,减轻GC负担,提高内存利用率和Java应用程序的执行效率。

    Experimental results show that the improving JIT-assisted GC system can reclaim plentiful memory spaces , reduce GC effort , improve the memory utility and the performance of Java applications efficiently .

  14. 程序启动时,程序会根据这些指令的说明把一些相关的dll加载进程序的内存空间中来。

    On a program 's start , the system loader reads these instructions and loads the appropriate DLLs into the process'address space .

  15. 在求解最优路径时经常使用经典的Dijkstra算法,但在实际应用当中计算最优路径时非常消耗内存空间和计算时间。

    In shot path calculating , Dijkstra algorithm is used , but it needs more memory and computer time .

  16. IP完整的协议栈需要较多的内存空间和代码空间,MSP430F149不能满足这些要求。

    To realize TCP / IP demands much ram and code space , but MSP430F149 can 't meet this demand .

  17. 工作站模式/非并发执行-当负责分配内存空间的托管线程发现没有足够的内存可以分配时,它会在同一个线程中启动GC。

    Workstation / Concurrency OFF – When the managed thread responsible for memory allocations runs out of available space , it calls the GC which runs in the same thread .

  18. 实验结果表明,CBS算法节省内存空间,能够实现对网络的实时监控。

    Experimental results show that CBS algorithm not only saves memory space , but also can achieve real-time monitoring of the network .

  19. Hypervisor可以访问整个内存空间,并且通过全局分区页表来维护分配给分区的内存。

    The hypervisor has access to the entire memory space , and maintains the memory allocated to partitions through a global partition page table .

  20. 每台客户机就像独自占有所有硬件资源,正如32位系统上的普通进程以为一直占有CPU和4G内存空间。

    Every guest OS think it occupy all the hardware resources , just like the process think it occupy the CPU and 4G memory space in 32-bit system .

  21. 基于二阶修正Dennis格式,提出了采用时间相关法求解定常对流扩散方程的一种具有节省内存空间和提高定常解收敛速度的有理式型优化半隐和松驰半隐紧致格式。

    The improved and relax semi-implicit compact schemes are presented , based on the second-order modified Dennis scheme for the convection-diffusion equations .

  22. 该算法既有最佳的I/O代价(即结点访问量)和较低的CPU开销,又有最少的内存空间耗费,并在性能上明显地好于目前最好的同类算法。

    In particular , the algorithm not only has optimal I / O cost ( i.e. , the number of node accesses ) and low CPU overhead , but also minimizes storage space .

  23. TIC算法分类速度接近或优于目前最快的软件分类算法,并且所需的内存空间及预处理时间均有大幅度的降低。

    Furthermore , TIC has the speed that is close to or higher than current fastest software-based algorithm , and the memory requirement and preprocessing time are greatly reduced .

  24. 将打开的HTTP连接留在VU脚本中,会导致每个VU占用较大的内存空间,因此会消耗TestManager和TestAgent机器上很大的内存。

    Leaving open HTTP connection in VU scripts results in a heavier memory footprints per VU , thus eating up a lot of memory on TestManager and Test Agent machines .

  25. 有一种称为SYN泛滥(SYNflood)的网络攻击,它使ACK数据包无法返回,导致服务器用光内存空间,无法处理到来的连接。

    An attack called the SYN flood ensures that the ACK packet never returns so that the server runs out of room to process incoming connections .

  26. 也许还需要其它一些系统资源,比如:网络IO,或者用来存放临时表的内存空间。但我们先关注另一个问题。

    You may also need other resources such as network IO or memory to store temporary table , but let us ignore them for a moment .

  27. 与Casiofx-4500P比较,Casiofx-4800P有较大的内存空间。

    Comparing with CASIO fx-4500P , the memory space of CASIO fx-4800P is much bigger .

  28. 时间切片显示采用分块处理、分块调度、分片显示、OpenGL、二维纹理贴图等技术实现。对数据文件大小和显示占用内存空间之间的联系做出分析和探索,并给出了几种数据处理方案。

    Slice display take technology such as block processing , block scheduling , fragmentation , OpenGL , two-dimensional texture-mapping , etc. we also analyze the connection between file size and memory space .

  29. RFC(RecursiveFlowClassification)算法是目前速度较快的基于软件实现的多维包分类算法,但是随着规则集规模的增大,其消耗的内存空间迅速增大。

    Among software-based multi-dimensional packet classification algorithms , RFC ( Recursive Flow Classification ) has the reputation of high efficiency , but it also has the shortcoming of incurring excessive memory consumption with the expansion of filter sets .

  30. 此JTAG调试电路与IEEE1149.1标准兼容,具有设置断点、单步、查看或修改CPU寄存器/内存空间、在线FLASH编程等多种功能。

    The debugging circuit is compatible with the IEEE standard 1149.1 . Its feature includes : Breakpoint , Single step , View or modify CPU register / memory space , in-circuit FLASH programming .