
  • 网络Feng Shui Master;Geomancer
  1. 让一个风水师送一些人乘着鬼马进阴间。

    And it was to send some men -- a Feng Shui master sent men down to the underworld on ghost horses .

  2. 50岁的陈振聪在证人席上表示,龚如心把他作为自己的风水师介绍给周围的人,意在掩饰两人之间的频繁幽会。

    On the stand , the 50-year-old said he was presented as her feng shui master to those around Ms Wang to provide cover for their frequent romantic meetings .

  3. 在历时漫长且备受瞩目的庭审中,法庭驳回了风水师陈振聪(TonyChan)的遗产继承请求。陈自称是龚如心的地下情人,并称龚如心曾希望将财产留给他。

    In a long-running and high-profile case , the court rejected claims by Tony Chan , a feng shui master , who said he was Ms Wang 's secret lover and that she had wanted to leave her estate to him .

  4. 风水师陈振聪是她的遗产的唯一受益人。

    Fung shui master Tony Chan Chun-chuen is the sole beneficiary of her estate .

  5. 基金会对一份遗嘱的合法性提出质疑,该遗嘱指定风水师陈振聪为龚如心的遗产继承人。

    The foundation contests the legitimacy of a will naming the feng shui master as Ms Wang 's heir .

  6. 弗朗西斯汇编了一个含有抵押贷款经纪人、工程承包商、搬家公司甚至是风水师信息的数据库。

    Ms. Francis has compiled a database of mortgage brokers , contractors , movers and even feng shui designers .

  7. 在这场将会吸引全香港关注的审讯中,笔迹专家和风水师也将出庭作证。

    In a trial that is set to captivate Hong Kong , handwriting experts and Feng Shui gurus will also testify .

  8. 隔天早上将这件事告诉老板,于是老板请一位风水师来看那间房间。

    Lie between a day to tell a boss this thing in the morning , at it is the boss asks a geomantic division to see that room .

  9. 相信风水的人,觉得风水师对日常生活问题简单易懂的解释,能够帮助他们地址物质主义,减轻科技对生活的干扰。

    Its adherents find its commonsensible approach to daily living an effective counterweight to materialism , and helps them to reduce the intrusion of technology into their lives .

  10. 风水学早期在美国的成功,得归功于一些中国风水师锲而不舍的努力。

    It owed its early success to the dogged efforts of a handful of Chinese feng shui experts .