
  1. 圆道思维与和谐生物智慧可以抽象为循环经济的文化DNA,从而丰富了循环经济的和谐哲学意蕴,为循环经济的和谐发展提供了理论依据。

    Circulation thought and harmonious creation wisdom constitute the culture DNA of cyclic economy ; accordingly they enrich its harmonious philosophy principle .

  2. 从中国传统的圆道思维与和谐生物智慧中探求循环经济的思想文化渊源和理论归宿,可以发现循环经济内涵着奥妙无穷的圆道哲理。

    It can be traced back to Chinese traditional circulation thought and harmonious creation wisdom .

  3. 对人文精神的追球体现在天下大同、和而不同、阴阳演化、圆道无极。

    The pursuit of humanistic spirit is reflected in the unity and the differences of the world , the evolution of Yin and Yang .

  4. 圆道思维是一种以回归和谐、圆润通变、循环往复为特征的思维模式,它勾勒了万物发展的圆形轨迹。

    Circulation thought is a round and versatility , return to harmony , spiraling as characteristic mode of thinking , it provides an overview of the circular orbit .

  5. 《吕氏春秋》“圆道”概念的形成,使老子之“道”的“圆境”义得以全幅的呈现,对中国文化“圆境”理念的定型具有指点与深化意义。

    The formation of the concept " round Tao " in LuShiChunQiu highlighted the meaning of round of the Tao , and deepened the idea of round state of Chinese culture .

  6. 多圆荷载下刚性道面变形和应力的计算

    Generalized Analysis of Displacements and Stresses in Concrete Pavements under Multiple Circular Loads