
  • 网络best approximation;optimum approximation
  1. Hp(p≥1)空间中有理函数的最佳逼近

    On the Best Approximation by Rational functions in the HP ( P1 ) Space

  2. W2~m空间中样条插值算子与线性泛函的最佳逼近

    Spline interpolating operators and the best approximation of linear functionals in w_2 ~ m spaces

  3. P阶联合最佳逼近的存在性和唯一性

    Best Simultaneous Approximation of P - order

  4. 函数X由五次多项式的最佳逼近

    The Approximation of | x | by Polynomials of Degree 5

  5. 再生核H0~1[a,b]空间中线性泛函的最佳逼近

    Best Approaching of Linear Functional in Reproducing Kernel H_0 ~ 1 [ a , b ] Space

  6. W空间中有界线性算子的最佳逼近及其应用

    The best approximating of bounded linear operator in the space W and Application

  7. 具有给定极点的有理函数对H′pHw类函数的最佳逼近的阶的估计

    On the degree of the best approximation by rational functions with fixed poles in h_p ′ h_w class

  8. 定义了一类新的Orlicz-Besov空间并用n阶三角最佳逼近阶对其性态进行了刻画。

    A new kind of Orlicz space is introduced and their characterizations are presented with best nth degree trigonometric polynomial approximation .

  9. Hq~p(p>0,q>1)空间多项式最佳逼近的一些结果

    Some Results on Best Approximation by Polynomials in H_q ~ p ( p > 0 , q > 1 ) Spaces

  10. 一致凸Hilbert空间乘积空间的最佳逼近元

    Best Approximation Element in the Product Space of Unanimity Convex Hilbert

  11. Banach空间中关于弱紧凸集的最佳逼近元

    Best Approximation Element of Weakly Compact Convex Set in the Banach Spaces

  12. 半序Banach空间中最佳逼近元列的序&收敛

    Order-Convergence of Best Approximate Element Sequences in Semi-order Banach Spaces

  13. Hilbert空间的最佳逼近特征

    A characterization of Hilbert spaces in terms of best approximation

  14. Banach空间中线性流形上的最佳逼近算子的表达式

    The expression of best approximation operator on linear manifold in arbitary Banach space

  15. 如果f在Rm~1中的最佳逼近都是非退化的临界点,则这些最佳逼近仅有有限个。

    If all the best approximations to f are nondegenerate critical points , then the number of the best approximations is finite .

  16. 运用对函数进行磨光法得到的具有二阶连续导数,作为原来函数f(x)的最佳逼近元,与其它的逼近函数进行比较,分析了各自的优缺点。

    As an element of best approximation comparing with other approximating function , it gives the advantages and disadvantages of various functions .

  17. 介绍了一种遗传算法在FIR数字滤波器设计&加权切比雪夫最佳逼近准则优化设计方法中的应用。

    A new application of genetic algorithm in FIR filter with weighting Chebyshev optimal approximation method is presented .

  18. Jackson算子关于二阶连续模的最佳逼近常数

    The Constant of Optimal Approximation of the Jackson Operator on the Second Order Modulus of Continuity

  19. 一种Hermite插值函数的最佳逼近性质

    Property of Optimal Approximation for a Hermite 's Function of Interpolation

  20. 本文采用最佳逼近能力的RBF神经网络对手绘电气草图进行在线识别。

    This thesis used RBF neural networks which have the best approximation capability to recognize on-line hand-drawn electronic component symbol .

  21. 关于函数空间Ep(P1)中有理函数的最佳逼近(EplP≤+∞)中具有给定极点的有理函数最佳逼近问题

    On the best approximation of functions in the e_p ( 1p ≤ + ∞) space by rational functions with preassigned poles

  22. 讨论矩阵在闭凸锥上的最佳逼近及其数值算法,在对称半正定矩阵集上,给出了最佳逼近数值算法的MATLAB程序和数值例子。

    In the case of the set of semi-definite symmetric matrices , a MATLAB program and a numerical example for the optimal approximation numerical algorithm are given .

  23. Mises屈服条件线性化的最佳逼近因子

    The Optimal Approximation Parameter of Linearization of Mises Yield Condition

  24. 线性约束下反Hermitian广义反Hamiltonian矩阵的最佳逼近问题

    The Optimal Approximation Problem of Anti-Hermitian Generalized Anti-Hamiltonian Matrices Under the Linear Constraint

  25. Orlicz空间上最佳逼近元的Kolmogorov型特征

    The Kolmogorov Type Characterization for Best Approximation Elements in Orlicz Spaces

  26. Bergman空间中多项式最佳逼近的正定理

    On Direct Theorems of Best Approximation by Polynomials in Bergman Spaces

  27. 具有予先指定的极点的有理函数在Bergman空间中的最佳逼近

    On Best Approximation by Rational Functions with Preassigned Poles in Bergman Spaces

  28. Fejér算子最佳逼近常数的渐近表示

    Asymptotic Expression for Best Approximation Constant of Operators

  29. Bezier曲面的最佳逼近

    Best approximation of Bezier Surface

  30. 赋Orlicz范数的Orlicz空间中的最佳逼近算子

    Best Approximation Operators in Orlicz Spaces with Orlicz Norm