
  • 网络scenic tourist city
  1. 杭州是著名的旅游城市,全国重点风景旅游城市和历史文化名城。

    Hangzhou is a well-known tourist city as well as a key national scenic tourist city famous for its historical and cultural heritages .

  2. 主要包括了风景旅游城市杭州会议旅游发展模式分析和桂林市会议旅游发展SWOT分析。

    Including development pattern of conference tourism about Hang zhou , SWOT analysis on conference tourism of Guilin .

  3. 国际风景旅游城市指标体系研究

    The evaluation of the international landscape and tourist cities

  4. 浅论风景旅游城市道路规划设计

    Initial Exposition on Road Plan'mug Design of Tourist City

  5. 乐山市是风景旅游城市。

    Leshan is a scenery touristy city .

  6. 风景旅游城市地名变更现象透析

    On the Name Changing of Tourism City

  7. 作为国内首批的风景旅游城市,大连在旅游市场上的知名度并不高。

    Among the first tourist cities in China , Dalian does not enjoy wide recognition .

  8. 旅游业对风景旅游城市人居环境的影响分析&以陕西省华阴市为例

    Tourism Influence on Human Settlements of Tourist City : a Case Study in Huayin City , Shaanxi Province

  9. 苏州作为国家历史文化名城和重点风景旅游城市,历来是中外旅游者重要乃至首选的旅游目的地之一。

    As a national history culture city and an important scenic city , Suzhou is a major and preferable destination for tourists at home and aboard .

  10. 基于交通集成度分析的城市饭店空间布局研究&以风景旅游城市桂林主城区为例

    A Study on the Spatial Layout of Urban Hotels Based on the Analysis of Transportation Integration Degree & Taking Urban Area of Tourist City Guilin as An Example

  11. 杭州是国际风景旅游城市,国家历史文化名城和长三角中心城市之一,浙江省省会。

    Hangzhou is an international tourist city , a famous national historic and cultural city , a central city in the Yangtze River Delta , and the capital of Zhejiang Province .

  12. 宜宾市作为历史文化名城和风景旅游城市,急需解决旅游经济发展和城市急剧扩张给城市带来的种种问题,编制一项科学合理的园林绿地系统成为当务之急。

    Being a eco-tourism city , Yibin badly need to solve a lot of problems on the environment which is caused by the rapid expand of city scale and the development of tourism economy .

  13. 最后,赵小明表示,相信通过不懈努力,张家界将处处实践“纯净空气,让城市更清新”的理念,成为享誉世界的国际风景旅游度假城市。

    Finally , Zhao noted that after taking unremitting efforts , Zhangjiajie will turn itself into a a world-renowned international scenic city under the concept of " Fresher Air , Fresher City " .

  14. 分析昆明的风景旅游资源,依据城市的发展定位,提出昆明市建设国家园林城市和国际花园中心城市的战略目标。

    This article analyzes the tourism resources of Kunming , and proposes the strategic objective that Kunming should construct itself to be a national garden city and an international central garden city on basis of its urban development orientation .

  15. 这里气候宜人,物产丰富,风景优美,是中国重点风景旅游城市。

    As one of the key tourist cities of China , Wuxi boasts a congenial climate , rich products and beautiful scenery .

  16. 厦门,一个国际性海港风景城市;中国四个经济特区之一,是中国东南沿海重要的中心城市、港口及风景旅游城市。

    Xiamen , an internatioal seaport city , tourist city and one of China 's four special economic zones , plays an important role in the southeast of China .