
fēng xì
  • wind system
风系[fēng xì]
  1. 城市温度效应引起的沈阳市城市低层风系的变化

    Change of urban lower atmosphere layer wind system caused by urban temperature effect in Shenyang City

  2. 季风看来具有受行星总风系的不同性质和不同程度的影响,这比以往更为可信。

    To a greater extent than was formerly thought to be the case the monsoons appear to be in the nature of various kinds and degrees of modification of the general planetary wind system .

  3. 末次冰期以来的全球冷期中,造成砂丘砂、亚砂土和黄土沉积的NE和NW风系及其影响下的风力未有显著变化,因此,这几个风成相带沉积界线亦没有明显移动。

    During the global cold periods since the last glacial age , the NE and NW wind systems and their wind forces that deposited them had no obvious change and therefore no obvious migration of the depositional boundaries of the three aeolian facies belts took place .

  4. 推测可可西里地区中新世早-中期海拔高度已超过了2000m,并已超过影响行星风系的临界值,阻挡了来自海洋湿润气流进入内陆,导致气候变干。

    The altitude of Hoh Xil region might have exceeded 2000m in early-middle Miocene . Thus the higher altitude influenced the planetary system of winds , which in turn prevented the moist air into the inland from the ocean and caused the dry climate .

  5. 冷气是指为了调节室内温度,利用制冷设备生产的,并通过供风系向用户提供的低温气体。

    Cold air refers to the low-temperature air produced with refrigerating equipment and provided by wind-supply department to the users .

  6. 我的身体立刻长出长五米的翅膀,我没有多想,立刻把他们放在翅膀上,我立刻使用风系绝招:风卷残云!

    My body grow long five meters immediately the wings , I did not think , immediately put them on the wings of the wind , I immediately use trick : wind & cloud residual volume !

  7. 并用细网格Mass模式对该地区的海陆风风系作诊断研究,得到了该地区海陆风风系的细致分布特征,在指标站该诊断结果与观测资料相一致。

    The diagnostic study of sea-land breeze is carried out also by Mass model of fine-mesh . The distribution characteristics of wind system is obtained , which is not obtained to use observational network . The diagnostic results are agreed with the known observational data at index stations .

  8. 我要登上那阆风山顶系我玉虬。

    My steed 'll be tethered on the Mt Langfeng 's peak .

  9. 轴流引风机轴系振动超标的原因及调试

    Causes of Shaft System Vibration Beyond Standard for Axial ID Fans and Its Regulation

  10. 我公司生产的风机系国家定型产品。

    The company produces national standard products .

  11. 利用时域内的直接积分法求出结构响应的时间历程,并且通过统计,得出了结构脉动响应三个方向的位移风振系数值。

    Gust loading factor of displacement on three direction of the dynamic responses is obtained by the direct integral calculus method in time-domain .

  12. 目的:疏风宣肺汤系导师范伏元教授多年临床治疗慢性咳嗽之经验方,具有疏风宣肺、止咳化痰之功效。

    Objective : Shufengxuanfei Decoction is an effective proved recipe on treating chronic cough in clinical .

  13. 论文以风电机组主轴系为研究对象,对主轴系的结构特点、热特性和载荷进行了分析,完成两点支撑主轴系的设计,利用有限元法对该轴系进行了详细分析与研究。

    With the wind turbine main shafting as the object of the research , the structure characteristics , thermal property and load of main shafting are analyzed . The two-point main shafting is designed and researched deeply with finite element method in this thesis .

  14. 极地涡旋是冬季风形成的一个风系。

    The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds .