
chánɡ rèn zhì
  • permanent tenure in office
  1. 党的代表大会常任制历史简要考察

    A Historical Review of the Standing System of the Party Congress

  2. 代理多重签名建立党代会的常任制;

    PROXY MULTI SIGNATURE establishing the standing system of Party representatives ;

  3. 扩大在市、县进行党的代表大会常任制的试点。

    Expand the city and county party congress permanent system of the pilot .

  4. 强化党内监督机制是实现党管好党的关键党代会常任制与党内监督机制的构建

    The Establishment of Permanent System of the Party Congress and the Inner-Party Supervising Mechanism

  5. 新世纪党代表大会常任制推进条件及制度建构研究

    Practice Conditions and System Construction for Permanent System of Party Congress in New Century

  6. 第三部分,健全党的代表大会常任制的设想。

    The third part offers some assumptions to perfect the system of standing party congress .

  7. 文章从党代会常任制的历史渊源、提出及实践等三个方面对其进行系统阐述。

    The author makes a systematic study from its historical origin , advocation and practice .

  8. 本章的第三节提出了对党代会常任制的保障机制。

    Section III of this chapter of the Congress made permanent system of protection mechanism .

  9. 实行党代会常任制是增强党的执政合法性的内在要求。

    To implement the permanent system is an inherent requirement of the legitimacy of the party .

  10. 论党的代表大会常任制在党的制度建设中的地位和作用

    The Status And Function Of The Standing System Of The Congress Of CPC On Its Institution Construction

  11. 第二部分,党代会常任制实践历程的总体分析。

    For the second part , it is about the general historical analysis of congress permanent system .

  12. 同时,党代会常任制的实行也面临着一些深层次的问题和制约因素。

    Meanwhile , the implementation of the National Party Congress is also facing some deep rooted problems and constraints .

  13. 第二部分,县市党的代表大会常任制试点情况分析。

    The second part analyses the condition of experimental unit of the system of standing party congress in county and city .

  14. 近五十年来,党代会常任制的理论与实践大致经历了三波探索,几经波折。

    In the recent five decades , the theory and practice of this system in general has experienced several twists and turns .

  15. 党的代表大会常任制是指党的各级代表大会在它的每届任期内都起作用的一种制度。

    The permanent system of the Party Congress is that all kinds of the congresses of the Communist Party of China is effective in it 's period .

  16. 西方国家公务员身份的身份保障,是通过政务官与事务官两官分途以及事务官常任制而获得有效保障的。

    The indemnification of servant identity in western country is validly acquired through marking off political official and clerical official as well as permanent institution of clerical official .

  17. 但是,随着各国行政环境的变化以及公务员制度自身的不断发展,职位常任制的缺陷逐步的暴露出来。

    However , with the change of the administrative environment and the continuous development of their national civil service system , Defects of " position permanent system " gradually exposed .

  18. 2004年,南京市白下区分别被江苏省和南京市确定为党代会常任制工作试点区。

    In 2004 , Baixia District of Nanjing was approved respectively by the Jiangsu Province and Nanjing as the pilot area to launch a permanent system for the party congress .

  19. 本章的第四节提出了党代会常任制的协调机制,对常任制条件下的党内权力配置及其运作进行了研究。

    The final chapter of the Congress made a permanent system of coordination mechanism , under the condition of permanent system configuration and operation of power within the party were studied .

  20. 当然,在试点改革中也出现了一些问题需要继续探索,比如党代表的专业性资格问题、党代会常任制的理论定位问题以及要不要设立党代会常设机关的问题和党内分权的问题等等。

    However , some problems need attaching more attention continuously , just as the problem of the professionalism of representatives , theoretical orientation , whether to establish the standing committee or not , and power-dividing inside the party .

  21. 第二轮党代会常任制试点改革在实践中摸索到了一些好的做法和经验,比如在党代表的产生方式、年会制和配套改革方面都迈出一定的步伐。

    Some excellent measures and experience had been groped in the second reform of the permanent system of the party congress , such as the achievements scored in the productive ways , annual session system and the consummative reform of party congress .

  22. 以浙江省台州市为代表的党代会常任制改革试点,已经在实际中对此做出了较为全面和深入的探索,同时,也面临着新的问题。

    The reform of the permanent system of the Party congress as a pilot in Taizhou , a city in Zhejiang Province has explored this profoundly and comprehensively , but at the same time , a lot of new problems have emerged .

  23. 党代会常任制试点范围要扩大,层级要逐步提升,就必须对它在理论上、制度上、观念上等方面的一些不足加以完善,赋予党代会常任制以更大的生命力。

    National Party Congress should expand the scope of the pilot and improve the levels gradually , it must improve upper aspects of the concept of a number of deficiencies in theory and system , and give the National Party Congress with greater vitality .

  24. 全文的主要内容如下:第一章绪论部分主要介绍了问题的提出、研究的现状、研究的思路与方法。第二章集中对实行党的代表大会常任制的内涵、理论依据和现实意义进行论证。

    This paper is divided into four parts : Introduction Part of the problem is introduced to study the status of research ideas and methods . Chapter ⅱ focused on the implementation of the Party congress permanent system of connotation , the theoretical basis and practical significance to demonstrate .

  25. 本文以丹江口市六里坪镇实践情况为例,六里坪镇在探索乡镇党代会常任制的工作中,结合自身7年实践经验和外地的试点经验,重点加强党代会党代表队伍建设。

    This practice of Danjiangkou City , Town , an example Liu Liping , Liu Liping town focuses on strengthening the party congress ranks in the process of exploring the work of the National Party Congress in town , with its 7 years of practical experience and field trial experience .