
  • 网络frequent flyer;Frequent Travellers;frequent traveler;frequent passenger
  1. 中国西南航空公司常旅客系统建设

    Implement of Frequent Flyer Program System of China Southwest Airline

  2. 基于客户关系管理的航空公司常旅客计划研究

    Research on Frequent Flyer Program of Airlines Based on Customer Relationship Management

  3. 此外还推出了灵活定价机制,为常旅客和商务出行人群提供优惠票价。

    A flexible pricing mechanism , offering preferential ticket prices for commuters and frequent travelers .

  4. 这位让我信赖的中介就是GreenTravel的MikeChan,他将我所有的航空公司常旅客号码记录在案,在订票的同时帮我累积里程和升舱。

    My trusty agent , Mike Chan of Green Travel , had all my frequent-flier membership numbers on file , would book tickets with mileage , and snag upgrades .

  5. 依照CRM价值链理论对客户价值分析、客户价值认识、价值网络发展、价值方案、客户关系管理以及企业支持系统等六个方面对常旅客计划的CRM应用进行了全面的分析研究。

    It studies CRM value chain of A FFP , including customer value analysis , customer intimacy , network development , value solutions , relationship management and supporting conditions .

  6. 美国航空(AmericanAirlines)在每架航班上锁定了大量经济舱座位,不仅有加长空间座位,也有常规座位,以便提供给常旅客计划中的高级别乘客。

    American Airlines blocks a large number of coach seats , both with extra legroom and without , to make them available to customers with top-level status in its frequent-flier program on every flight .

  7. 代表差旅经理和旅行社的游说组织美国商务旅行联盟(BusinessTravelCoalition)近期对业内66名管理人士进行的调查发现,84%的人认为,计算常旅客奖励的新方式会导致差旅费用增加。

    The Business Travel Coalition , a lobbying group of travel managers and travel agencies , polled 66 industry executives this week and found 84 % believe the new way of calculating frequent-flier rewards will lead to higher travel prices .

  8. 航空公司有时候不累积低价国际机票的常旅客奖励里程;

    Carriers sometimes exclude frequent-flier rewards on low international fares ;

  9. 西南航空公司常旅客系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Frequent Flyer Program of CSWA

  10. 近两年来,常旅客计划已成为航空公司竞争的主要手段。

    Frequent Flyer Plan has been one of main means of airlines competition .

  11. 常旅客计算机信息系统也成为各航空公司信息系统建设的一个热点。

    Frequent Flyer Program also become a hot point of airlines MIS building .

  12. 但常旅客计划的调整也导致乘客更多地购买价格较高的机票。

    But the frequent-flier change has led to more purchases of higher fares . '

  13. 常旅客计划己成为航空公司竞争的主要手段。

    Now , FFP has already become the main competition means among the airlines .

  14. 我累积了大量常旅客飞行里程。

    I have a lot of frequent-flyer miles .

  15. 等级较高的常旅客计划会员可以享受升舱,旅途也更为舒适。

    High status brings upgrades and smoother travel .

  16. 金斯伯格在1999年加入西北的“环宇里程优惠计划”常旅客计划,并在2005年达到白金精英的地位。

    Ginsberg joined Northwest 's WorldPerks frequent flier program in1999 and reached Platinum Elite status in2005 .

  17. 预计其他航空公司也会效仿美国西南航空、达美航空和捷蓝航空的做法,采取基于运营收入的常旅客奖励政策。

    Other airlines are expected to follow Southwest , Delta and JetBlue into revenue-based frequent-flier rewards .

  18. 航空公司常旅客计划研究

    Study of Airlines FFP

  19. 我去了香港至少20次,确实应该着手加入个常旅客计划。

    I 've been to Hong Kong at least 20 times . I really should get on that .

  20. 星盟伙伴的常旅客计划是否依旧可以在乘坐上航航班时累积里程,并且用里程兑换上航航班机票?

    Q.Would Star Alliance carriers'FFP members still be able to accrue and redeem miles on Shanghai Airlines flights ?

  21. 在航空公司纷纷调整常旅客奖励政策之际,寻求控制支出的雇主与珍惜来之不易的里程奖励的员工之间矛盾越来越大。

    Tension is growing between employers looking to rein in spending and business travelers who treasure their hard-earned frequent-flier miles .

  22. 联邦政府通过高级背景检查项目,很快就会知道常旅客是否喜欢额外的安全检查。

    The government will soon learn whether frequent fliers embrace avoiding extra security checks at airports by doing advance background checks .

  23. 以银卡常旅客为例,他们在起飞前24小时才会免费获得豪华经济舱座位。

    Silver-level frequent fliers , for example , don 't get Economy Plus seats free of charge until 24 hours before departure .

  24. 不过,她知道许多常旅客很在乎里程数,他们会在新规下想方设法实现利益的最大化。

    Still , she knows many frequent fliers obsess over miles and will find ways to maximize benefits under the new rules .

  25. 中国驻澳大利亚使馆日前宣布,澳大利亚政府已正式开始向中国旅客发放10年多次“常旅客签证”。

    The Australian government has formally started granting 10-year multi-entry tourist visas to Chinese visitors , the Embassy of China in Australia announced .

  26. 铁路客运站旅客离站信息诱导系统评价方法民航常旅客管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Evaluation of the Passengers Inducible System Departure at Urban Railway Passenger Station Design and Development of Frequent Flyer Program ( FFP ) of Civil Aviation

  27. 航空公司有时候不累积低价国际机票的常旅客奖励里程;如果你想赢得更多里程数,就得购买较贵的机票。

    Carriers sometimes exclude frequent-flier rewards on low international fares ; if you want to earn miles , you have to buy a higher fare .

  28. 通过对A航空公司常旅客历史价值的分析,提出了客户价值矩阵和相应的资源配置及客户保持策略;

    The thesis analyses the historical value of A FFP and presents customer value matrix and corresponding tactics about resource allocation and customer acquisition and retention .

  29. “明星之选”是喜达屋集团旗下非常成功的常旅客奖励计划之一,它的会员主要是负责帮其公司及客户预定客房的订房人。

    " Star Choice " is one of the Starwood successful loyalty programs and the members are bookers who are responsible for making reservations for their colleagues .

  30. 多数公司都允许员工保留常旅客里程或者在商务旅行中累积的奖励,而员工也非常看重这项出差带来的福利。

    Most businesses let employees keep frequent-flier miles or rewards accrued on business trips , a perk of being away from home that travelers care passionately about .