
  • 网络chinese people;Children of China
  1. 试论实现祖国完全统一是全体中华儿女的共同心愿

    Realizing the Reunification of the Motherland Is the Wish Shared by All the Chinese People

  2. 是啊,弘扬民族文化,传承民族精神已经深入我们每个中华儿女的心田。

    Yes , to carry forward the national culture and spirit has been deeply rooted in the heart of our Chinese people .

  3. 啊,中国&中华儿女可亲可敬的母亲。

    Ah , China-the sons and daughters amiable and respectful of the mother .

  4. 六十年,承载了中华儿女无数的光荣与梦想;

    Sixty years on , carries numerous sons and daughters of the glory and dream ;

  5. 至情至性自强自立有胆有识三言中女性人物形象的时代风貌中国女运动员不畏艰苦、顽强拼博的精神,体现了中华儿女的时代风貌。

    The indomitable and tenacious character displayed by Chinese women athletes embody the new look of the Chinese nation .

  6. 数千名中华儿女一直在准备着,在10月1日那一天,将用他们清脆整齐的步伐和完美无缺的队形让整个世界赞叹。

    Thousands of men and women have been preparing to dazzle the world with their crisp steps and immaculate formations on Oct1 .

  7. 中华儿女共同创造的五千年灿烂文化,始终是维系全体中国人的精神纽带。

    The five-millennia brilliant culture jointly created by the Chinese people has remained as the spiritual bond linking up the entire Chinese people .

  8. 中华儿女尽心尽力的工作,不断地奋斗,中华大地将会繁荣富强。

    The China 's youth do one 's best the work , struggles unceasingly , the China will be able to be prosperous .

  9. 对于十几亿中华儿女来说,南京是一个伤心之地。1937年,几十万中国平民在南京惨遭日本鬼子屠杀。

    For billions of Chinese , Nanjing is a poignant place where thousands of Chinese civilians were slaughtered by the Japanese invaders in1937 .

  10. 我们坚信,全体中华儿女同心协力,祖国完全统一的宏伟大业一定能够实现!

    We firmly believe that with the concerted efforts of the Chinese people , we will achieve the complete reunification of the motherland .

  11. 北伐战争的胜利进军,是中华儿女用爱国主义的热血挥洒在神州大地的英雄史诗。

    The successful march of the Expedition was a heroic epic for which the sons and daughters of China shed blood on the land .

  12. 钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的固有领土,这是全体中华儿女的共同立场。

    Diaoyu Dao has been an inherent territory of China since ancient times . This is the common position of the entire Chinese nation .

  13. 自古以来,澳门是我国的领土,中华儿女世世代代在这里繁衍生息。

    Since the ancient time , Macao is a part of territory in China . Our Chinese people was born and lived generation by generation .

  14. 为了实现这个宏愿,一代又一代中华儿女以鲜血和生命为代价,前赴后继,进行了艰苦卓绝的努力。

    In order to realize this wish , generation after generation , Chinese continuously made extremely hard efforts at the cost of their blood and lives .

  15. 实现祖国的完全统一,是海内外中华儿女的共同心愿。

    To achieve complete reunification of the motherland is a common aspiration of all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation both at home and abroad .

  16. 长篇小说《四世同堂》描写了战争中中华儿女的惶惑与抗争,对整个封建传统文化进行了反省和批判。

    The saga novel Four Generations under One Roof depicted the perplexed and alarmed Chinese during the war to reflect on and denounce the traditional feudal culture .

  17. 《中国体育报》、《中华儿女》、《武艺》(日本)等海内外新闻媒体专题介绍过其事迹。

    In addition , various domestic and overseas magazines have introduced his events , including China Sports Daily , China Youth , and Wushu Skills ( Japan ) .

  18. 曾激励着中华儿女不屈不挠,英勇抗战,堪称中华民族的英雄史诗。

    It used to inspire the Chinese youth to fight against the aggression with perseverance , which makes it actually to be a heroic epopee of the Chinese nation .

  19. 凡是中华儿女,不管穿什么服装,不管是什么立场,起码都有中华民族的自豪感。

    All Chinese have at the very least a sense of pride in the Chinese nation , no matter what clothes they wear or what political stand they take .

  20. 我们坚信,只要海内外中华儿女继续共同努力奋斗,祖国和平统一大业一定能够实现!

    We are convinced that as long as all Chinese people at home and abroad work together , the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland will be realized .

  21. 我们坚信,通过全体中华儿女共同努力,祖国的完全统一就一定能够早日实现。

    We are convinced that with the concerted efforts of all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation , the complete reunification of the motherland will be achieved at an early date .

  22. 国内的中华儿女也应该珍视和热爱祖国,用自己的知识和行动回报祖国,为了建设好祖国的今天和未来。

    The Chinese still living in China should also cherish and love their country , and give back with their knowledge and actions in order to cultivate the country 's present and future .

  23. 该政策虽然在特定历史时期在打击犯罪方面起到了一定的作用,但同时又凝聚了许多中华儿女的屈辱、鲜血和冤魂!

    Although this policy had an effect on striking crime during the special history , it also resulted in the humiliation , the blood and the grievances of many people at the same time .

  24. 八、一国两制和实现祖国的完全统一实现祖国的完全统一,是海内外中华儿女的共同心愿。

    VIII . " One Country , Two Systems " and Complete National Reunification To achieve complete reunification of the motherland is a common aspiration of all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation both at home and abroad .

  25. 抗战期间,许多进步电影诞生了,例如《保卫我们的土地》、《胜利进行曲》、《华北是我们的》、《中华儿女》、《风雪太行山》。

    During the Anti-Japanese War , many progressive movies were made , such as Defend Our Land , The March of Victory , The North is Ours , Sons and Daughters of China , and The Snowy Taihang Mountains .

  26. 全体中华儿女携手努力,就一定能在同心实现中华民族伟大复兴进程中完成祖国统一大业。

    Working hand in hand , we , the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation , will surely accomplish the great cause of China 's reunification in the course of our common endeavor to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation .

  27. 第一,《新华日报》大量刊发具有抗日民族精神的优秀文艺作品,成为抗日战争时期中华儿女的伟大精神动力,使《新华日报》真正起到抗战号角的作用。

    First , Xinhua Daily published a large number of anti-Japanese national spirit of the outstanding literary and artistic works , as the great Chinese people during the War of Resistance spiritual power , so that " China Daily " really play the role of war horn .

  28. 中国传统文化是先进文化,它对中国历史前进和人类社会发展产生过积极的推动作用,中国传统文化影响了无数中华儿女,更是当代大学生德育教育取之不竭的重要资源。

    Chinese traditional culture is the advanced culture of China , its history and the development of human society have a positive promoting role , the influence of traditional Chinese culture of countless Chinese people , is the contemporary college students ' moral education an inexhaustible resource .

  29. 中华海外儿女抗日在南洋&东南亚华侨的武装抗日斗争

    The Armed Struggle of the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia during the Anti-Japanese War

  30. 孔子的道德修养思想是中华民族的优秀传统文化,对中华儿女道德人格的形成有着积极影响,对中华民族精神的沉淀起着重要的作用。

    His moral training thought is the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nations , which have great positive influence on formation of moral personality on Chinese people , meanwhile play an important role on the sediment of the spirit of the Chinese nations .