
  • 网络The Central Dynasty
  1. 国际史学界对六至九世纪中国东北边疆民族与中央王朝关系史研究述评

    A Research on the Chinese Northeast Border Ethnic Relations with the Central Dynasty from the 6th to 9th Century

  2. 实行武装割据,但并未断绝与中央王朝的关系;

    The implementation military establishes a separatist regime , but cuts off by no means with the central dynasty relations ;

  3. 历史上,中央王朝对新疆地区的管辖从未完全停止过。

    The rule of thecentral dynasty to XinJiang area never stop .

  4. 与中央王朝关系基本上和谐;

    Their relationship with the Central Court was in perfect harmony .

  5. 浅析晚商中央王朝对周边地区的辐射作用

    The Radiation Of The Later Period Of Shang Dynasty

  6. 明代中央王朝统治贵州的策略

    The Tactics of Ming Dynasty to Govern Guizhou

  7. 第一章清代以前中央王朝对贵州民族地区治理概述。主要是简述清政府开辟贵州苗疆的历史背景。

    The first chapter expounds the pioneering history of the central government before Qing Dynasty .

  8. 元朝是中国古代历史上第一个由少数民族建立的统一的中央王朝。

    Yuan Dynasty was first established by the minority unified central dynasty in ancient China .

  9. 政治上实现了中央王朝对少数民族地区直接的统治;

    In politics , the local political governing was abolished , and the central government conducted direct governing .

  10. 中央王朝势力的加强与南方古丝绸之路的开发

    The power of central government was strong enough to reign over frontiers and open the South Overland Silk Route

  11. 为了维护边防的安全和国家的安定,中央王朝移民实边,并调集军队驻守河西。

    To safeguard border security and State stability , Central dynasty migrants hard edges and mobilizing armies stationed in Hexi .

  12. 两汉时期,匈奴在西北地区对汉中央王朝构成了极大地威胁。

    In the Western Han Dynasty and in the Eastern Han Dynasty , Hun posed a great threat of Han dynasty in the Northwest .

  13. 这种利益认知使得东亚朝贡体系内那些农业生产条件不利的半岛、群岛国家对中央王朝统治者缺乏吸引力:得其地不足供给。

    This cognition made peninsula or island states in tributary system unattractive to the emperors of ancient China because their lands were not good for farming .

  14. 良性互动的君臣关系&明代丽江土官木氏与中央王朝关系研究

    A Favorable Relationship between the King and his Appointed Officials : the Relationship between the Central Imperial Court and the Mu Family at the Ming Dynasty

  15. 在保证国家统一的前提下,在少数民族聚居区域推行因俗而治的政治模式,是我国古代各个中央王朝的统治特点。

    Under the premise of national unity , carrying political policies adapted to customs and rule is the characteristic of domination of each ancient dynasty in our country .

  16. 本文运用比较研究、案例研究及统计实证的方法,论证了历代大一统中央王朝在不同区域内同时推行了两种截然不同的对外关系模式。

    Through comparative study , case study and statistical method , this paper expounds and proves that these dynasties simultaneously carried out two entirely different foreign relations models .

  17. 它的产生是历代中央王朝对西南的统治方略与封建土地私有制相结合的必然结果。

    Cha Huais an inevitable result of the combination of feudal private ownership of land and general plans made by successive central dynasties for dominating the southwest area .

  18. 明代以前,历代中央王朝的主要威胁都来自北方,故统治者在边防问题上都重北轻南,重陆上,轻海洋。

    Before the Ming Dynasty , the main menaces to China came from the North , So the rulers attached more importance to the land than to the sea .

  19. 而历史期海南岛区域文化的发展进度则与反映中央王朝重视程度的行政建置的级别、深入岛内实质管理的辖区大小等要素紧密相关。

    In historic period , there were high relations between the development of culture in Hainan Island and the rank of administrative regionalization as well as the acreage of real management .

  20. 元明中央王朝和土司政权采取了一些发展社会经济与文化的制度和措施,使得土司统治区的社会经济与文化均有一定程度的发展。

    Native chieftain system , on the one hand , developed the economy and culture of native domains with the policies and measures taken by the centralizing state and native authorities ;

  21. 云南文庙除了承载教育和祭孔功能外,还是中央王朝推行王道的政治象征。

    Besides bearing the function of education and worship of Confucius , Yunnan 's Confucian Temples acted as the political symbol , which the central dynasties carried out the Kingly Way .

  22. 由于山水的阻隔,古老的彝族原生态文化受中央王朝及周边文化的影响相对较少,从而较多地保留了其自身的诸多特性。

    As the landscape of the barrier , the ancient Yi " original ecology " culture by the Central Empire and surrounding cultural influences relatively small , and thus more to retain many features of its own .

  23. 西周时期,其政治体系受地缘政治与西周宗法制的相互作用,表现出与中央王朝政治结构相似性的同时又表现出一些差异性。

    In Western Zhou Dynasty , the internal political system of Jin was affected by reciprocity between geopolitics and patriarchal clan system , shown the similarity , but also shown some differences with the political structure of central government .

  24. 生息银两制度是清代的一个特色,在清代之前并未见有各中央王朝中利用官款取息,并将所获得的利息大规模的用于军队福利的举措。

    The system of Interest Bearing Silver is the characteristic of the Qing Dynasty , official conducts of it and using the intrest gained from this way for the welfare of the army was not seen in any central dynasty .

  25. 进入元代开创的大一统时代以后,由于本地区具有十分重要的战略地位,对其控制的有力与否直接关系到中央王朝对西南边疆的统治,因此三代对本地区的经营均不遗余力。

    The Yuan Dynasty created a new united country , without the thinking about stratagem meaning , which and the latter dynasties have spared no effort to govern the zone that has deep influence on the control to the southwest frontier .

  26. 自唐后期开始,中央王朝就出现了分裂的趋势,离心力日趋加强,由一个大一统且强盛的时代急转而下,这种变化在中国古代史上是颇为罕见的。

    Since the late Tang Dynasty , there was the trend of splitting in the Central Government , the centrifugal force redoubled , the unified and strong dynasty turned down sharply , and this change in the ancient history of China was quite rare .

  27. 土司制度是我国封建社会晚期中央王朝对境内的一些特殊区域,主要是南方少数民族地区采取的一种带有一定程度自治性质的管理制度。

    The toast system is the central imperial court , to some domestic special areas of later period of feudal society of our country , it is mainly a kind of management system with autonomy nature of a certain degree adopted in southern minority area .

  28. 尤其是前期与中期的巡幸活动,对中央集权的大一统王朝的巩固与发展产生了重要影响。

    The tours of inspection in the early and middle of the Western Han Dynasty , in particular , have great effect on the consolidation and development of the unified dynasty with centralism .

  29. 与此同时,行县之制在加强中央、各级政权与基层之间的政治联系,加强中央王朝对地方的行政管辖方面发挥着一定的积极作用。

    The system of touring the county play an active role in bring into close political ties between the central authorities at all levels , and between the local authorities and the grassroot organizations , thus strengthening the centralization of the dynastic power .