
  1. 中朝关系走出低谷,并进入新的历史时期。

    Out of trough , China-DPRK relations got into a historical period .

  2. 分析师们提出的问题是,这起明显的纠纷是否表明中朝关系出现恶化?

    Analysts questioned whether the apparent dispute signalled a deterioration of ties between Beijing and Pyongyang .

  3. 在全球化浪潮下,影响中朝关系的三种因素均发生变化。

    Under the globalized tide , the three factors to the Sino-North Korean relations have all changed .

  4. 纵观具有数千年悠久历史的中朝关系史,可以看出传统时代的中朝关系是以中国为中心的朝贡关系为其表现的国际秩序。

    Judging from the long history of Sino-Korea , the center of Sino-Korea relation is the tributary relation .

  5. 置中国于尴尬境地,动摇中朝关系基础。

    It put China into an awkward place , and shook the base of the relationship of China and DPRK .

  6. 文章认为适合分析中朝关系的模式是问题领域模式。

    In my opinion , the proper mode that can be used to analyses China-North Korea relation is issue mode .

  7. 两次辨诬之间的联系与反映出的文化心态折射出了明清时期中朝关系的错综复杂性。

    From the process of their defending against the false records , it reflected the complexity of the Sino & Korean relation during Ming-Qing period .

  8. 去年,当朝鲜不顾中国的反对进行导弹试射和核试验之后,中朝关系达到历史低谷。

    The bilateral relationship hit new lows last year when Pyongyang conducted missile tests and then later exploded a nuclear device , in defiance of Beijing 's wishes .

  9. 然而,朝鲜核问题的迂回反复不仅对东北亚地区安全产生了深刻影响,而且给中朝关系带来了微妙变化。

    However , the roundabout and repetition of Korean Nuclear issue not only profoundly affects the safety of Northeast Asia , but also brings subtle changes for China-DPRK relation .

  10. 研究高丽与宋的朝贡贸易对进一步分析和正视这一时期的中朝关系具有重要意义。

    The research on the Tributary Trade between Song and Gaoli is very important for analyzing and facing go step further the relationship between China and Korea in that period .

  11. 明清时期的中朝关系一般被视为典型的朝贡关系,但在文化心态上,朝鲜一直采取尊明贬清的态度。

    The Sino-Korean relationship during Ming-Qing period has been regarded as a typical tributary relation , but Choson Korea took a totally different cultural attitude towards Ming and Qing dynasties .

  12. 中朝关系的改变既是两国关系发展进程中的具有转折性的改变,又与这一地区国家关系的变化紧密相关。

    The Chinese and Korean relations change not only is in both countries relations development advancement to have the transition change , also with this local country relations change close correlation .

  13. 中国外交政策的调整(尤其是中韩建交),使得中朝关系受到前所未有的冲击,一度陷入冰点。

    The adjustment of China foreign policy especially about the Sino-South Korean establishing diplomatic relations , unprecedentedly impacted the Sino-North Korean relations , even which was once fallen into the freezing point .

  14. 本篇文章逐一分析三大问题,从正反两方面理性分析中朝关系的现状和未来。

    This part of the article analyzes three major problems one by one , and then rationally analyzes the present situation and the future of the Sino-North Korean relations from the pro and con .

  15. 19世纪80年代前后,恰逢中朝关系从传统的东亚宗藩秩序向近代条约体制转型的关键期。

    In the late 1880 , it was the key period for the Sino-Korean relations to change from the order of traditional royal governors in East Asia to the treaty system in modern times .

  16. 朝鲜半岛的三大问题,即朝鲜半岛和平统一、朝鲜核危机以及朝鲜的改革模式等,其发展和态势将直接影响中朝关系,成为中朝关系发展中的变数。

    The three major problems in Korean Peninsula , namely the peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula , the nuclear crisis of North Korean and the reform mode of North Korea , immediately affect China and North Korea relations .

  17. 但中国国内舆论则转向抨击朝鲜的一面,部分学者公开呼吁中国不要再向这个社会主义邻邦提供帮助。按照中国官方的宣传,中朝关系唇齿相依。

    Yet Chinese public opinion is turning against North Korea , and some academics are openly calling for China to turn its back on a socialist neighbor described in Chinese propaganda as being as ' close as lips and teeth . '

  18. 笔者认为,在冷战开始至解体的40多年时间里,地缘特征是影响中朝关系的主要因素,地缘因素又带来中朝两国在历史、文化传统乃至意识形态的交融和趋同。

    The author believed that the geography characteristic is the primary factor to the Sino-North Korean relations from beginning to end of the cold war , which has brought China and North Korea the blending and homology of the tradition and ideology .

  19. 中朝特殊关系可以远溯至古代。

    China can be traced back until ancient time far towards the special relation .

  20. 以中国为中心建立起来的东亚的传统的国际秩序开始了动摇,传统的中朝朝贡关系也面临着严峻的挑战。

    The central role of China in East Asia was lessened and the tributary relation between China and Korea was challenged .

  21. 为了使中朝外交关系正常化,清政府决定派使臣前往朝鲜,具体商议订约事宜。

    In order to make the normalization of diplomatic relations , the Qing government decided to send envoys to Korea , specifically discussed contracting matters .

  22. 进入新世纪,两国间的高层互访频繁,经贸往来密切,在地区和国际事务中保持了良好的沟通与协调,中朝两国关系也逐步发展成为成熟的新型国家关系。

    China and DPRK keep good communication and coordination in regional and international affairs . China-DPRK relation has also developed to be mature new country relation gradually .

  23. 第三章:中朝宗藩关系的强化。略论一边倒外交政策下的中朝关系

    Preliminary Discussion on the Sino-Korean Relationship under the Context of Predominating Foreign Policy

  24. 为中朝友好合作关系的不断巩固和发展

    To the constant consolidation and development of the China-DPRK friendly and cooperative relationship

  25. 清代中朝宗藩关系嬗变研究

    The Study on the Relationship between China and Korea as Suzerain and Vassal State during Qing Dynasty

  26. 中朝宗藩关系的崩溃,是内因与外因共同作用的结果。

    The collapse of the Sino-Korean suzerain-vassal state relationship was the result of the effects of both intrinsic factor and extrinsic factor .

  27. 19世纪中后期,中朝宗藩关系受到西方列强和日本的冲击。

    In the late 19th century , the relationship of tribute system between China and Korea was impacted by the Western powers and Japan .

  28. 我们愿与朝鲜同志一道,携手并肩,继往开来,为中朝友好合作关系下一个更加美好的60年而不懈努力。

    We would like to work hand in hand with our DPRK comrades for an even better next sixty years of China-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations .

  29. 中法战争爆发后,日本迅速调整了对朝政策,尝试着对中朝宗藩关系的进一步破坏。

    However , the japanese attitude to korea changed quickly after the erupt of Sino-France War with trying to ruin The Sino-Korean suzerain-vassal state relationship further .

  30. 自从两国人民相继获得解放,成了自己国家的主人以后,中朝的友好关系就发展到了一个新的阶段。

    Since the liberation of the two peoples have been , became the masters of their own country , our friendly relations to a new stage .