
  • 网络Middle East Airlines;Middle Eastern airline
  1. 中东航空公司在未来数年内也准备扮演一个加速的作用。

    The Middle East airlines are also poised to play an accelerated role over the next couple of years .

  2. 澳航一直面临拥有较低成本基础的中国和中东航空公司的激烈竞争,同时还受到燃料价格高企和欧元区危机的冲击。

    The Australian carrier has been battered by competition from Chinese and Middle Eastern Airlines that have lower cost bases , as well as by high fuel prices and the eurozone crisis .

  3. 除了中东一些航空公司(高油价为其扩张提供了资金支持),整个航空业都处在困境中。

    With the exception of a few airlines from the Middle East , for which high oil prices are helping to fund an expansion , airlines are in deep trouble .

  4. 图为新加坡,一名澳航的飞行员正在检查一架空客飞机的尾部。就连快速增长的中东地区的航空公司也开始对航空业面临的环境表示担忧。这些航空公司一度被认为不受全球趋势的影响。

    Even fast-growing Middle East airlines , once perceived to be immune from global trends , have started to voice concern about business conditions .

  5. 譬如,我的航空公司女友就是澳大利亚人,负责中东某大型航空公司的所有培训工作,这家公司的乘务员来自100多个国家。

    My Airline Girlfriend , for instance , is Australian and runs all the training for a large airline based in the Middle East that draws its cabin crew from more than 100 nationalities .