
  • 网络American Airlines;American Airlins
  1. 美洲航空公司去迈阿密的二十次航班是在这个门吗?

    Is this the gate for American Airlines flight twenty for miami ?

  2. 这是美洲航空公司十次航班的行李吗?

    Is this luggage from American Airlines flight ten ?

  3. 美洲航空公司CEO,Donald·j·Carty,AMR(1999)随着科技的迅速发展,产品生命周期逐步缩短,客户对产品的要求越来越高,其转换成本却越来越低。

    By Donald · j · Carty , CEO of American Airline . As the rapid development of technology , the life cycle of product becomes shorter and shorter . Customer has higher and higher requirement on the product , while the transfer cost is lower and lower .

  4. 我将立即赶往纽约主持美洲航空公司救援组针的救援工作。

    I will be leaving for New York immediately to lead the American Airlines Care Team that is responding to today 's accident .

  5. 他儿子临终前的唯一线索就是美洲航空公司飞机撞向世贸南楼的录影带。

    His only clue to his son 's last moments came from videotape of a United Airlines plane slamming into the trade center 's south tower .

  6. 美国美洲航空公司的飞机坐覆盖从帕卡亚火山就在在危地马拉城2010年5月28日国际机场跑道喷发火山灰。

    An American Airlines jet sits covered with ash from the eruption of the Pacaya Volcano on the runway at the International airport in Guatemala City May28,2010 .