
  1. 信是中国伦理思想的一个重要范畴。

    Credit ' is an important category in Chinese ethics .

  2. 中国伦理思想史上,荀子的性恶论和韩非的自然人性论影响深远。

    On the Chinese ethics history of thought , Xunzi 's evil human nature and Hanfei 's nature humanity have profound influence .

  3. 中国伦理思想史上的道义论有两大支派:德性论的伦理学说和义务论的伦理学说。

    There are two major branches on the theory of morality on Chinese ethics : ethical theory of virtue and ethical theory of obligation .

  4. 在中国伦理思想史上,孔子第一个自觉地意识到义与利的关系问题在道德关系中的重要性,提出了先义后利的道德理论。

    In the history , Confucius was first consciously aware of the importance of the relationship between " justice " and " interest " in ethics .

  5. 在这一过程中,充满了各种思潮的碰撞,在各种思想力量的搏弈中实现了中国伦理思想的近代转向。

    In this course , full of of different ideological trends collisions is in thought strengths fight and realize thought modern to turn to ethics China in playing chess .

  6. 土族伦理思想是指土族历史上各种伦理思想和道德观念的总称,是中国伦理思想不可或缺的组成部分之一。

    The ethic concepts and moral beliefs of Yi nationality are the indispensable part in the whole Chinese ethic concept system , which plays a key role in the survival and development of Yin .

  7. 孝是中国伦理思想史上的重要范畴之一,是中国文化中最悠久、最基本、最重要而且影响最深远的传统伦理观念。

    Digest : " Filial piety " important category of intellectual history one of , ethics of China ,, Chinese culture most long most basic most important to influence most far-reaching traditional ethics idea .

  8. 诸子百家中,儒家思想对中国古代伦理思想的发展影响较大。

    Philosophers of Confucianism in ancient China influenced the development of ethics .

  9. 第三部分:中国传统伦理思想的诠释学视域。

    The Hermeneutics ' view of the traditional Chinese thoughts on ethics .

  10. 道教对中国古代伦理思想发展的作用

    Taoism ' Function in the Developing of Ethical Thought in Ancient China

  11. 中国传统伦理思想中萌生和蕴含了丰富而深刻的环境道德思想;

    The Chinese traditional ethic thought has embodied rich and profound environment morality .

  12. 中国传统伦理思想与现代契约精神

    Traditional Chinese Ethics and Modern Spirit of Contract

  13. 君子人格地提出,对后世的儒家思想,以及中国传统伦理思想都产生了巨大地影响。

    The Confucius ideal personality also deeply influenced later Confucian and Chinese traditional ethics .

  14. 荣辱是中国传统伦理思想中的基本范畴。

    Honor or disgrace is one of the basic categories in traditional Chinese ethical thoughts .

  15. 博大精深的中国体育伦理思想与中国泛道德化的传统文化背景紧密相关。

    The thought of sport ethics had close relationship with the tan-moral culture background of China .

  16. 最后文章简单总结了中国佛教伦理思想的特色和意义。

    At last , it simply summarizes the characteristic , significance of the ethics of Chinese Buddhism .

  17. 和谐是中国古代伦理思想史上的一个重要范畴,也是中国传统文化的根本精神。

    Harmony is an important category of Chinese ancient ethics and the basic sprit of Chinese Culture .

  18. 这些思想在中国佛教伦理思想史上有着不同层次的影响,对于当代中国的道德建设也有一定的启发意义。

    These thoughts have great influence in Chinese Buddhist ethics and will enlighten moral construction in contemporary China .

  19. 中国古代伦理思想直接或间接地推动着编辑活动的成熟;

    ( ii ) the ancient Chinese ethical thoughts directly or indirectly promoted the mature of editorial activities ;

  20. 诚信是中国传统伦理思想的重要内容,也是中华民族的传统美德。

    Integrity is not only an important content in Chinese traditional ethics ideology , but also a traditional oral .

  21. 义利之间&中国传统伦理思想史中的义利关系及其当代审视

    Righteousness and advantage & The Relation between Righteousness and Advantage in Chinese Traditional Ethic Thought History and Contemporary Considering Cautiously

  22. 其次,重释中国传统伦理思想是建设有中国特色现代伦理文化的召唤。

    Secondly , it is necessary to explain the traditional Chinese thoughts on ethics again for constructing the Chinese ethics culture .

  23. 以孔子、孟子、荀子为代表的中国传统伦理思想是传统文化的核心。

    The traditional Chinese ethic thoughts , represented by Confucius , Mencius and Xunzi , are the core of our traditional culture .

  24. 也为了更好的理解和认识中国传统伦理思想中某些伦理要素的发展和变化。

    As well as to better understanding and awareness of development and changes of some of the ethical elements of traditional Chinese ethical thought .

  25. 必须坚持马克思主义经典作家关于两种文化的观点和方法才能真正理清中国夫妇伦理思想的发展线索。

    It is necessary to stick to the Marxist ideology and methodology about " Two Cultures " to understand the development clues to Chinese couple ethics .

  26. 诚是中华民族的传统美德,也是中国传统伦理思想史上重要的哲学范畴。

    " Honesty " is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation , and also the important philosophical category in the history of Chinese traditional ethical thinking .

  27. 在中国传统伦理思想史中,义利关系是备受思想家们关注的一个重要议题。

    In Chinese traditional ethic thought history , the relation between righteousness and advantage is so important a subject that many scholars pay close attention to it .

  28. 本文对中国经济伦理思想的转型作了整体性把握,通过具体分析传统经济伦理产生的社会历史条件及特点,阐述传统经济伦理思想对中国经济的影响。

    This paper makes an overall statement on the transformation of Chinese business ethics thought , and elaborates its effects on Chinese economy by analyzing its original historical condition and their characteristics .

  29. 归根结底,它还是中国传统伦理思想的产物,不可能超越那个时代,创造出一种新的思想体系来代替正统的教条。

    In the final analysis , it is the production of Chinese traditional ethics , and cannot surmount that times , or create a kind of new ideology to replace the legitimate doctrine .

  30. 这种与中国传统伦理思想相背离的局面虽然受到了保守势力的激烈抨击,但是仍然有不少妇女毅然走上信教之路,客观上对长期以来束缚中国妇女的封建礼教形成一种抗争。

    The impact is against traditional Chinese ethic and was attacked by conservationists , but many women still began to have belief in religion , which objectively formed women 's opposition to feudal etiquette .