
  • 网络nbspthe traditional virtues of the Chinese nation;the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation
  1. 论中华民族传统美德的当代价值

    Actual value of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation

  2. 集体主义、真善美等中华民族传统美德不时受到个人主义、金钱崇拜、物质主义的冲击。

    Collectivism , beauty , the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation from time to time by individualism , money worship , materialism impact .

  3. 中华民族传统美德对现代和谐家庭建设的意义

    The Significance of Chinese Traditional Virtues on Building Modern Harmonious Family

  4. 加强中华民族传统美德教育的意义

    The Sense of Strengthen Moral Excellence Education of Chinese Nation

  5. 中华民族传统美德精髓探略

    On the Quintessence of the Traditional Virtue of Chinese Nation

  6. 论中华民族传统美德的科学内涵与弘扬、提升

    On the Scientific Connotation of the Chinese Traditional Virtues and Inheritance and Promotion

  7. 中华民族传统美德的儒学渊源

    The Confucian Sources of Chinese National Traditional Virtues

  8. 在英语教学中渗透中华民族传统美德教育

    On Traditional Chinese Virtues Education in English Teaching

  9. 中华民族传统美德在企业危机公关中的应用

    The Application of Chinese Traditional Virtue in the Work of Enterprise Public Relations in Crises

  10. 各电视上星综合频道要开办一个弘扬中华民族传统美德和社会主义核心价值体系的栏目。

    Every channel has also been ordered to create a program that promotes traditional virtues and socialist core values .

  11. 思想道德建设要与中华民族传统美德相承接,为社会主义思想道德体系提供重要的思想来源。

    Ideological and moral construction should inherit Chinese traditional virtues and provide important ideological resources for socialist ideological and moral system .

  12. 儒学作为中国古代社会长期占统治地位的文化,对中华民族传统美德的形成起了巨大作用。

    Confucianism which was in dominant rank among Chinese ancient culture played a great role in forming Chinese national traditional virtues .

  13. 中华民族传统美德是在中华民族的历史上存在过的、在今天仍有着生命力的优秀道德理论、规范、行为等等的总和。

    Chinese traditional virtues refer to the excellent moral theories , rules and behaviors that once existed in history and that are still alive today .

  14. 中华民族传统美德不仅在历史上而且在现代都对中国广大人民群众思想的形成产生着重要影响。

    This moral tradition has had an important influence on the form of the ideology of the Chinese masses both in history and in today .

  15. 礼仪教育肩负着选择、传递、宏扬中华民族传统美德的崇高使命。因此,在小学生中开展礼仪教育十分重要。

    Etiquette education undertakes the great mission of choosing , transferring and developing Chinese traditional virtues . Therefore , etiquette education in pupils is very important .

  16. 公民道德建设的关键是构建既符合时代发展要求,又与中华民族传统美德相承接的共同价值观。

    The key point of moral construction is to build a set of values which conforms both to the times requirement and to the Chinese traditional morals .

  17. 感恩意识有利于人与人之间的和睦相处,社会主义和谐社会的构建,中华民族传统美德的继承和发扬。

    Awareness of gratitude is conducive to harmony between people , a socialist harmonious society , is the Chinese nation and carries forward the traditional virtues of inheritance .

  18. 它歌颂了人类最美好的情感-尊老敬老、夫妻恩爱,弘扬了中华民族传统美德。

    It eulogized the happiest feelings of mankind , venerating the elderly , men and wives are affectionate , developed the excellent traditional moral of the Chinese nation .

  19. 这一系列的教学策略,从内容到形式的完善,对中学古诗文教学与中华民族传统美德教育的结合提供有价值的参考。

    This series of teaching strategies , from content to form perfect combination of secondary school teaching and the traditional Chinese virtues of ancient poetry and prose education provides a valuable reference .

  20. 在企业开展危机公关中,应充分应用融合于社会主义市场经济中的中华民族传统美德,使其所蕴含的为人处事的哲理为企业的危机公关工作提供启迪。

    Chinese traditional virtue integrated in socialist market economy should be fully applied to the work of enterprise public relations in crises whose philosophy of bearing oneself may give enlightenment to these enterprises .

  21. 我们要大力发展文化事业,加快建立与社会主义现代化建设相适应、与中华民族传统美德相承接的思想道德体系。

    We will vigorously develop cultural programs and accelerate the development of a moral and ethical code that is commensurate with our socialist modernization drive and consistent with the traditional virtues of our nation .

  22. 好意同乘是指同乘人经好意人同意后无偿搭乘机动车的行为,其具有显著的无偿性和好意性的特征,是一种与人为善的中华民族传统美德。

    Hitchhiking refers to the action that rides the same motor by consent of the kindness person . The most significant characteristics are free and kindness which is a good traditional Chinese virtues that treat people kindly .

  23. 诸葛亮文化形象是中华民族传统美德的集中体现,其形成是社会群体意识发展的必然结果,反映了社会各阶层人们的共同心理追求。

    The cultural image of Zhuge Liang manifests the traditional virtues of the Chinese people and its formation is an inevitable result of the development of social group consciousness , showing common psychological pursuit of various social strata .

  24. 第二部分从理论上阐述了中华民族传统美德的基本内涵与特征,分析了中华传统美德在中学生道德教育中的地位和作用;

    Secondly in the theory we expound the basal intension and characteristics of our Chinese traditional virtue . Besides , we analyzed the position and effect of the Chinese traditional virtue in the moral education of the Chinese middle school .

  25. 雷锋精神是对中华民族传统美德的继承和发扬,同时也是对光荣革命传统和革命精神的继承和发扬。知荣辱树新风弘扬三光荣

    Leifeng 's spirit is a developed outcome inherited from the Chinese traditionally good mores . It is also inherited from the magnificent tradition of revolution and the revolutionary spirit in China . Knowing Honor and Disgrace , Setting up New Air and Upholding Three Glory Traditions

  26. 重视大学生理想信念教育;学校要加大教育教学改革力度,重视价值观和法律意识教育,弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义主旋律;加强中华民族传统美德教育。

    Pay attention to ideal and belief education of college students ; the school should increase education to reform strength , the values and the education of law consciousness , promote patriotism , collectivism , socialism thematic ; strengthen the traditional virtue education of Chinese nation .

  27. 以德治国应坚持继承中华民族传统美德、以国家和人民为重保障公民和个人合法权益、以人为本、德治与法治统一等四个原则。

    There are four principles to follow : to carry on traditional virtue of the Chinese nation , to guarantee lawful rights and interests of individuals , to take human rights as the foundation , to integrate " Running by Virtue " and " Running by Man " .

  28. 孝敬老人是我们中华民族的传统美德,被誉为德之首。

    Respecting seniors is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation .

  29. 摘要诚信是中华民族的传统美德。

    Honesty and credibility is the traditional virtue of Chinese people .

  30. 谦虚是中华民族的传统美德

    To be modest is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation