
  • 网络MALL;Shopping mall
  1. NET编程,完成了一个网上购物商城,有两个模式,管理员和用户模式。

    NET programming , to complete an online shopping mall , there are two models , the administrator and user mode .

  2. 电子购物商城是一个很不错的网站源码,你看看吧!

    Electronic shopping mall is a very good source to the website , you see !

  3. 封印锁现在在购物商城有售。

    The Seal Lock is now available in the Cash Shop .

  4. 但卡鲁索已使露天购物商城的功能发挥到了人工的尽善尽美的程度。

    But Mr Caruso has brought the open-air mall to a pitch of ersatz perfection .

  5. 以购物商城为导向的电影也紧随其后,犹如风中的孢子散播着山谷女孩一族的文化。

    Mall-oriented films followed , spreading the Valley girls ' culture like spores in the wind .

  6. 越来越多的外国零售商也开始在中国建立自己的网上购物商城。

    A growing number of foreign retailers are setting up their own online shopping sites in China .

  7. 在中国,上海联华、并建立了自己的网上购物商城。

    In China , Shanghai association China , and has established on own net the shopping commercial city .

  8. 比利:我得去购物商城给我的汽车弄零部件。

    Billy : I have to get down to the mall to score some parts for my car .

  9. 人们早已忘记了过去,当然,这在很大程度上归功于格伦建造的郊区购物商城。

    And they have forgotten , of course , largely because of the suburban shopping malls that Gruen built .

  10. 淘宝和乐天都运营着在线购物商城,小型卖家可以在这里向企业和消费者销售商品。

    Both Taobao and Rakuten operate online shopping malls through which small vendors can sell to businesses and consumers .

  11. 由于购物商城的衰败,它们有时候开始模仿市中心,这刚好符合格伦的本意。

    As shopping malls decline , they sometimes come to resemble the civic centres that Gruen intended them to be .

  12. 但它也是对购物商城可怕的吸引力的实况报道,此后购物商城迅速在各地涌现。

    But it is also a commentary on the lurid appeal of shopping malls , which were then multiplying quickly .

  13. 泰国工业联盟说,受损最严重的将是抗议地点附近的酒店、餐馆、纪念品商店和购物商城。

    The FTI says hotels , restaurants , souvenir shops and shopping malls near the protest sites would be hardest hit .

  14. 克里斯蒂安•波蒂略是旧金山一所社区学院的学生,今年17岁,他最近到一家购物商城去找圣诞老人,想照一些家庭照。

    Christian Portillo , a17-year-old community-college student in San Francisco , recently went to a mall to visit Santa for some family photos .

  15. 1996年,随着互联网的各种可能性让人们越来越兴奋,创办网上购物商城或许正合时宜。

    Setting up an online shopping mall may have been timely in 1996 , amid mounting excitement over the possibilities of the Internet .

  16. 设计策划制作网站系统开发、购物商城等所有网站数据、多媒体网络营销广告策划。

    Design to plan produce website system development , all website datas such as shopping commercial city and multi-media network sale advertisement plan .

  17. 为了把她们吸引回来,一些购物商城做了一个大胆的尝试,这在洛杉矶的三丁目和费尔法克斯林荫大道拐角处可见一斑。

    One bold attempt to lure them back can be seen at the corner of Third Street and Fairfax Boulevard in Los Angeles .

  18. 购物商城也在欧洲扎根发展,并被看作是美国精粹,估计格伦对此一定会万分惊讶。

    Malls began to open in Europe too & where , Gruen was presumably surprised to learn , they were seen as quintessentially American .

  19. 分析了以前的网上购物商城失败的原因后,三木谷浩史采用了一种基于卖主与客户直接交流的商业模式。

    As a result of analysing the failure of earlier online shopping malls , Mr Mikitani adopted a business model based on direct communication between seller and customer .

  20. 罗德•里默施马在芝加哥市郊的一座购物商城当圣诞老人已经有很长时间了,他过去常常开玩笑地告诉孩子们,如果他们调皮,得到的圣诞礼物就会是袜子。

    As a longtime Santa Claus at a suburban Chicago mall , Rod Riemersma used to jokingly tell children they would get socks for Christmas if they were naughty .

  21. 波兰大部分购物商城的租金都以欧元计算,就像巧克力、咖啡、热带水果等原材料的成本一样,但利润却是以大幅贬值的兹罗提计算。

    Most rents in Polish malls are denominated in euros , as are costs for ingredients such as chocolate , coffee and exotic fruits , but earnings come in sharply depreciated zlotys .

  22. 另有断言称室内购物商城此后将是“美国生活方式的一部分”,这一罕见的颇具新闻夸张手法的评论后来被证实是完全正确的。

    Another asserted , in a rare example of journalistic hyperbole that turned out to be absolutely right , that the indoor shopping mall was henceforth " part of the American way " .

  23. 这款胸罩售价2800日元(合30美元),自Wishroom内衣店在曰本“乐天”大型网上购物商城推出这款胸罩两周来,已售出300多件。

    Since launching two weeks ago on Rakuten , a major Japanese web shopping mall , the Wish-room shop has sold over 300 men 's bras for 2800 yen ( $ 30 ) each .

  24. 这款文胸售价2800日元(合30美元),自Wishroom内衣店在日本“乐天”大型网上购物商城推出这款文胸两周来,已售出300多件。

    Since launching two weeks ago on Rakuten , a major Japanese web shopping mall , the Wishroom shop has sold over 300 men 's bras for 2800 yen ( $ 30 ) each .

  25. 但是,几十位在购物商城或派对表演中工作的圣诞老人说,随着经济持续低迷,许多孩子开始索要基本生活用品,比如鞋子、借书证甚至是眼镜。

    But with the economy still fragile , many children are requesting basics such as shoes , library cards and even eyeglasses , say dozens of Santas who work at malls or on the party circuit .

  26. 银行的B2C网上支付平台是专门为拥有信用卡、灵通卡、贷记卡、国际卡等银行个人客户进行网上购物时与商城进行资金结算所开发的支付平台。

    Bank of B2C online payment system is designed to have credit cards , debit cards , international cards , personal bank customers with online shopping mall for capital settlement payment platform developed by .

  27. 该网站的大部分内容看上去都整洁靓丽,这和阿里巴巴中国的购物网站天猫商城和淘宝网的设计非常不同,后者的页面色彩丰富又凌乱。

    For the most part , the site looks clean and polished , making it starkly different from Alibaba 's Chinese shopping sites , Taobao and Tmall , which are colorful and chaotic .

  28. 全美最大,最著名的购物商场非美国商城莫属。

    The largest and most popular shopping mall in the United States is the Mall of America .

  29. 但卡鲁索先生也大胆地声称,他的购物中心比其他传统的购物商城更具真实性!

    But Mr Caruso also claims , more boldly , that his creations are more " real " and authentic than conventional shopping centres .

  30. 2002年开业的格罗夫购物中心看起来一点也不像购物商城,却拥有购物商城所有的功能特点。

    The Grove shopping centre , which opened in2002 , performs all the functions of a mall without looking at all like one .