
  1. 西方银行可以通过购买交易对手的信用违约互换(cds)来对冲风险,但在很多发展中国家市场上,企业和银行无法获得cds。

    Western banks can hedge their risk by buying credit default swaps on their counterparties , but CDs are not available for many developing market companies and banks .

  2. B2C电子商务低成本、购买交易安全、价格优势、方便快捷的特点迎来了迅速扩张,同时也带动了物流的急剧发展。

    The advantages of E-commerce like low cost , purchase security , cheap , convenient ushered in the rapid expansion of e-commerce , and also led to the rapid development of logistics .

  3. 全美房地产经纪人协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)的一份报告称,中国人现在是美国房地产遥遥领先的最大外国买家,无论以数量、美元销售额还是交易价格衡量都是如此。该协会追踪全美各地的房地产购买交易。

    Chinese are now by far the biggest foreign buyers of US real estate in terms of units , dollar volume and price paid , according to a report from the National Association of Realtors , which tracks property purchases across the country .

  4. 这也当然解释了很多国家电力市场化改革初期为什么热衷于选择单一购买交易模式的原因。

    It also explains why many countries choose one-buyer pattern in the early stage of electricity market reform .

  5. 最近的一项估计数据表明,英国15%的耕地购买交易,是由外国投资者作出的。

    One recent estimate is that 15 per cent of all purchases of UK agricultural land are made by foreign investors .

  6. 它可用于确定购买交易是否完成,还可确定如果购买交易失败所应采取的操作步骤。

    It can be used to determine whether a purchase transaction has been completed , and to determine the course of action if a purchase transaction fails .

  7. 从当前出台的政策法规与成功借壳的案例来看,未来相当长一段时间内,反向购买交易会多以净壳方式进行。

    According to current regulations and the success case of backdoor , during a long period of future time , many reverse acquisitions will be net shell .

  8. 另外在中国,社交网络增长势头如此迅猛还有一个重要的影响因素:由于许多在线购物网站不可靠失去了用户的信任,开始有越来越多的购买交易在社交网络上完成。

    And finally , there is another element with a strong influence on the rapid growth of social networks in China : as various online shopping websites are not very reliable and therefore losing their users ' trust , various purchase transactions are being completed on social networks .

  9. 眼下,硅谷也被一种妄图一夜暴富的气氛笼罩着,华尔街投资者们竞相购买场外交易的社交媒体公司股票,Facebook、Twitter和它们的效仿者都是被热捧的对象。

    A get-rich-quick atmosphere is also enveloping Silicon Valley at the moment , with Wall Street investors competing to buy privately-traded shares in social media companies such as Facebook , Twitter and their imitators .

  10. 与基本交易的断线导致购买高速交易机的普通投资者更容易亏本。

    That disconnect from fundamentals makes ordinary investors more likely to lose money at the expense of high-speed traders .

  11. 该计划要求各航空公司为其进出欧洲航班的二氧化碳排放购买可交易的额度。

    The scheme obliges airlines to buy tradeable permits to emit carbon dioxide for any flight in or out of Europe .

  12. 农场主和农场里饲养员会带着他们的动物到市场来展示、购买和交易。

    Farmers and farm animal breeders would bring their animals to market every April to show , buy , and trade .

  13. 收购融资也是一个占支配地位的主题,而且市场充斥着流动性,因为投资者渴望通过购买参与交易。

    Acquisition financing is also a dominant theme and the market is flush with liquidity with investors keen to buy into deals .

  14. 楼继伟近日表示,剩下的大部分资金将用于购买公开交易的产品,不过其中一部分可能用于更直接的股权投资。

    Most of the rest will be dedicated to publicly traded products , although some could be used for more direct stakes , Mr Lou said yesterday .

  15. 平均而言,每位消费者在过去6个月在商场进行了9次购买或交易,消费者在商场的年度支出总额超过7000亿元人民币(合1130亿美元)。

    On average , mall visitors made nine purchases or transactions over the past six months , with total annual spending in excess of Rmb700bn ( $ 113bn ) .

  16. 他其他的提议还包括未来十年间总额为6340亿美元的医疗改革方案,但是他希望通过这样的系统来筹款,即释放二氧化碳的企业可以购买和交易排污许可证。

    His other proposals include six hundred thirty-four billion dollars over ten years for health care reform . But he hopes to raise billions through a system in which businesses that release greenhouse gases would buy and trade pollution permits .

  17. 据标准普尔全球市场情报(S&PGlobalMarketIntelligence)的数据,这项购买Supercell的交易,将会成为百度、阿里巴巴和腾讯——中国所谓的BAT——所完成的最大的一笔收购交易。

    A deal for Supercell would be the biggest takeover by any of China 's so-called BAT trio of Baidu , Alibaba and Tencent , according to data from Standard & Poor 's Global Market Intelligence .

  18. 美国司法部也批准了微软、苹果和黑莓手机制造商RIM向已破产的电子通讯设备厂商北电网络(Nortel)购买专利的交易。

    The DoJ also approved deals for Microsoft , apple , and blackberry maker research in motion ( RIMM ) to buy patents from Nortel , a bankrupt maker of telecommunications equipment .

  19. 一些大企业购买的衍生品交易合同十分复杂,该监管人士说。

    The derivative contracts that some large Chinese firms purchased are very complex , he said .

  20. 如果顾客输入错误的密码,该程序可以终止购买或者拒绝交易。

    The process can result in shoppers abandoning their purchase or having the transaction declined if they enter the password incorrectly .

  21. 装备采购是军方向装备研制生产厂商购买装备的交易过程,是一个存在大量交易费用的过程。

    Defense equipment procurement refers to the transaction course of military purchasing of armaments from the armaments manufacturers , involving a large sum of transaction cost .

  22. 本文阐释了麦德龙现购自运和为专业顾客服务的经营理念,现购自运是指现场购买,现金交易,自行运输;

    This article interpreted the managing philosophies of Cash Carry and serving for professional customers : C C means purchasing at site , cash in payment and transport as self-help ;

  23. Delta甚至正在敲定一桩购买炼油厂的交易。

    Delta is even now finalising a deal to buy an oil refinery .

  24. 一旦有人愿意购买这些信息,交易将会在论坛之外的聊天室,通常是私密安全的ICQ聊天室进行。

    Once someone agrees to buy the information , the transaction takes place out of the forum in a secret chat room , usually using a private and secure I.C.Q.room .

  25. 股权优先购买权研究:交易成本视角

    Research on the First Refusal of the Shareholder from Transaction Cost

  26. 他建议,投资者应当转而购买在香港上市交易的中国公司股票。

    He is recommending investors should buy Hong Kong-listed shares in Chinese companies instead .

  27. 典型的欺诈交易从最初的香烟购买到从合法交易循环中消失的过程中会有几个独立的买主。

    Fraudulent transactions typically involve several separate buyers between the initial purchase of the cigarettes and their disappearance from legitimate circulation .

  28. 周一巴西表示,再次上调外资购买巴西债券的交易税率至6%,此前该国政府已将这一税率提高一倍到4%。

    On Monday Brazil said it was increasing again the taxes on foreign bond purchases to 6 per cent , having already doubled them to 4 per cent .

  29. 作为主要的谈判方和中间人,诺布尔给各方领导人提供了掩护。如若不然,他们可能会因直接向以色列政府购买天然气的交易而面临政治打击。

    As the main negotiator and broker , Noble is giving cover to leaders who could otherwise face political blowback for buying gas supplies in deals directly with the Israeli government .

  30. 这些公司正首次转向大宗商品交易商来雇用交易员,并购买复杂的金融交易系统,以帮助自身对付全球通胀的新时代。

    Companies are turning to commodity trading houses for the first time to hire traders and are buying complex financial trading systems to help them cope with a new era of global inflation .