
  • receipt
  1. 她们需要参加数学考试,然后研究团队会评估她们在不同情况下的数学焦虑程度,例如看购物小票时或准备数学考试时。

    Levine 's group also evaluated the teachers'math anxiety by asking them to rate how anxious they would feel in various situations , such as reading a cash register receipt or studying for a math exam .

  2. 萨克斯百货的纽约旗舰店算得上一个旅游目的地,在每年的感恩节及诞节期间会迎来近百万顾客,它的每张购物小票的底部都印着该商场总经理约翰・克鲁兹(JohnCruz)的电子邮件地址。

    At the Saks Fifth Avenue flagship New York City store , a tourist destination that sees close to a million shoppers between Thanksgiving and Christmas , every receipt has the email address of John Cruz , the store 's general manager , printed at the bottom .

  3. 将购物小票和商品标牌保存至少两个月。

    Keep your store receipts and product tags for at least two months .

  4. 在其它的一些网店,店主甚至会提供假的购物小票。

    In some other stores , the owners even provide fake purchase receipts .

  5. 妓院负责人说,这个活动与顾客用超市购物小票换折扣油价类似。

    Brothel owners claim the system works much the same way as supermarkets which offer shoppers discounted gas prices by presenting their grocery bills when they fill up their tanks .