
  • 网络High Street;Shopping mall;mall;a shopping street
  1. 米德尔顿会穿设计师制作的服装,也会穿购物街上买来的衣服。

    Middleton is as likely to wear designer clothes as high street ones .

  2. 真希望我经常光顾的购物街与那些计算通胀率的统计学家们去的是同一个地方。

    I wish I frequented the same high street as the statisticians who calculate measures of inflation .

  3. 淮海路是与南京路齐名的旅游、购物街。

    Huaihai Road and Nanjing road is a famous tourist shopping street .

  4. 所以,昨天我终于去圣特莫妮卡的购物街买了个iPod。

    So finally yesterday I went shopping for an iPod down at the mall in Santa Monica .

  5. 在主要购物街上,古驰(Gucci)门店已被低成本时装公司XXIForever的店铺所取代。

    On the main street , a Gucci store has been replaced by low-cost fashion outlet XXI Forever .

  6. 一些房东以及包括博柏利(Burberry)在内的奢侈品品牌将受到冲击,但Zara和芒果(Mango)等较低端零售商可能会成为受益者,因为门店租金的降低为它们在知名购物街开店提供了机会。

    While some landlords and luxury brands including Burberry suffer , cheaper retailers like Zara and Mango could benefit from the opportunity to open in high-profile streets at lower rents .

  7. 最近几年,中国对珠宝、手表以及设计师产品的需求飙升,推动香港最知名购物街的门店租金直线上涨,超过了纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)、巴黎香榭丽舍大街(Champs-Élysées)和伦敦邦德街(BondStreet)。

    Surging Chinese demand for jewellery , watches and designer goods sent rents in Hong Kong 's most famous shopping streets rocketing in recent years , overtaking New York 's Fifth Avenue , Paris 's Champs - É lys é es and London 's Bond Street .

  8. 罗迫欧大道是世界上最棒的购物街之一,从迪奥、卡迪亚、JimmyChoo到路易·威登,只要你说得出来,那里就有,你会逛到累得筋疲力尽,这里的人都这么说。

    Rodeo Drive is one of the best shopping streets in the world , everybody from Dior to Cartier to jimmy Choo to Louis Vuitton . You name it , they are there . You 're gonna shop until you drop . That 's what they say here .

  9. 一天,熊哥哥和熊妹妹去购物街。

    One day , Brother and Sister go to the mall .

  10. 图书馆正在酒店和购物街之间吗?

    Is the library between the hotel and the mall ?

  11. 高端购物街两旁的树木和大楼上点缀着节能灯。

    Energy-efficient lights adorn the trees and buildings of upmarket shopping streets .

  12. 日本女孩走在东京购物街上。

    Japanese women walk down a Tokyo shopping street .

  13. 酒店提供多种休闲节目可供选择,步行不久便可来到购物街和港口。

    Colourful shopping streets and the inner-city port are just a short walk away .

  14. 这是一条购物街,只准行人行走,车辆禁止通行。

    This is a shopping street for pedestrians only and no motors are allowed here .

  15. 由于这个原因,3月16日他在东京最时尚的繁华购物街——东京银座——开设了其史上最大的购物店。

    So on March 16th he opened his biggest-ever store in Ginza , Tokyo 's smartest street .

  16. 喻文琪和我走在中山路上,一条非常有名的购物街,我们聊着天。

    Yu Wenqi and I walked down the jongshy road , a popular shopping street , and chatted .

  17. 号称是“中国最好的购物街”,但事实远非如此。

    It bills itself as the " best shopping street in China ," but in reality it 's far from that .

  18. 著名的购物街如南京路、淮海路、四川路,它们和世界上其他大城市的主要购物街很相似。

    Huaihai , and Sichuan Road are much similar to the main shopping streets of any large city in the world .

  19. 每当他们有钱,他们就会立刻去熊王国的购物街花掉。

    When they get some money , they run as fast as they can to the Bear Country Mall and spend it .

  20. 购物街被看作一种没落,吸引了公共目光的关注,由此投影出对于周边地带城市发展的不同理解。

    The shopping street is regarded as a rundown area that attracts public attention because various ideas about urban development are projected onto this neighborhood .

  21. 晚上进时髦的酒吧,白天逛购物街、玩迷你高尔夫,冬天去滑雪场,夏天玩水上乐园。

    There are hip bars for evening . Mall shopping and miniature golf for day . Ski resorts for winter . Water parks for summer .

  22. 她表示:过去几年,香港购物街门店租金被推升到一个很高的水平,因此很难抵御不景气的冲击。

    Hong Kong street-store rents have been boosted to such a high base in the last few years so they are very vulnerable to a downturn , she said .

  23. 此工作室坐落于一条高雅的购物街上,以其对作品的保护异常凶猛而著名。雇员们以艾尔热早先的一些办公室为基地,在全世界范围内搜寻对其版权的滥用行为。

    The studios are known for the ferocity with which they guard the works , scouring the world for abuses of copyright from Herge 's old offices on a smart shopping avenue .

  24. 伦敦&沿着购物街向下,一群年轻人,穿着松松垮垮的短裤,脚踩溜冰板,满嘴粗话,拥挤在一块,慌张地穿行在连锁快餐店之间。

    LONDON-Down in the mall , between the fast-food joint and the bagel shop , a group of young people huddles in a flurry of baggy combat pants , skateboards , and slang .

  25. 为了实现他的干涉主义作品《贝鲁特和上海的云烟》,他让人制作了一台造雾机,放置在上海著名的购物街南京路上。

    To realize the intervention A cloud on Beirut and Shanghai he constructed a smoke machine and placed it on the busy , famous , and central shopping street Nanjing Lu in Shanghai .

  26. 周末的时候,我穿梭于北京的老胡同(那些历史悠久的狭窄街道),参观中国著名的艺术博物馆和购物街。

    My experiences range from weekend hikes in the old Hutongs ( or narrow streets during the China 's dynastic period ) to trips at China 's famous art museums and shopping streets ;

  27. 在同一天十二月十八日,2009年,在一个下午的航班,您和耶鲁了普吉岛的海滩和圣诞假期的购物街曼谷起飞。

    On the very same day , December18th , 2009 , on an afternoon flight , you and Yale took off for the beaches of Phuket and shopping streets of Bangkok for Christmas vacation .

  28. 从这条闻名遐迩的购物街第三季度税收与去年持平来看,昂贵物品的销售有的可能停顿,但并没有衰退。

    Jen Rogers for the third quarter tax revenues from this storied street , were flat from the year before . a sign luxury sales may have stalled , but they 're not slumping .

  29. 本周四,150名年轻女子踩着细高跟鞋在阿姆斯特丹最著名的购物街上抢夺有利位置、像羚羊一样奋力狂奔,夺冠者可获得1.5万美元的奖金。

    Like a herd of antelope , jockeying and shoving for position , 150 young women raced down Amsterdam 's most famed fashion street in stiletto heels Thursday , racing for a $ 15,000 prize .

  30. 每逢周末,大城市的购物街上到处都是所谓的“美甲师”在路边为顾客美化手指甲或脚指甲。

    On weekends , some nail " technicians " can be seen filing , polishing and pounding the hands and feet of customers on the sidewalks of Orchard Road , the city 's main shopping street .