
  • 网络Shopping Festival;Dubai Shopping Festival
  1. 2009年,阿里巴巴开始举办“双十一”购物节。

    Alibaba started the shopping festival in 2009 .

  2. 中国有关部门推出网络购物节,以促进北京的消费。

    Chinese authorities have rolled out an online shopping festival to boost consumption in Beijing .

  3. 这正在变成iPad的盛大购物节。

    This is shaping up to be a big holiday season for iPads .

  4. 11月11日的“光棍节”展现了AI的一部分威力,阿里巴巴在这个购物节之前的一个月利用AI制作了4亿个定制横幅广告。

    Some of that was in evidence on Singles Day , when Alibaba used AI to generate 400m customised banner advertisements in the month leading up to the shopping day .

  5. 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇(DanielZhang)表示,阿里巴巴会把向中国消费者推销其他国家产品作为11月11日“光棍节”购物节的内容之一。

    Daniel Zhang , chief executive , said that Alibaba would promote the sale of products from other countries to Chinese consumers as part of its Singles Day sales festival on November 11 .

  6. 在美国有什么比较盛大的购物节吗?

    Does America have some big festival for discounts for customers ?

  7. 在沃尔玛,购物节拥有一个非常狂热的开始。

    It got off to a very hectic start here at Wal-Mart .

  8. 苹果公司表示,降价的原因是由于美国假日购物节临近,希望借此提高销售额。

    Apple says the price cut is designed to boost sales as america 's holiday shopping season nears .

  9. 以下是有关第四届?香港冬季购物节2006。请浏览下列资料及从速联络我们!

    Here is the information of 4th Hong Kong Mega Showcase . Please check it and reply me asap .

  10. 黑色星期五,它是在感恩节后一年一度最盛大的购物节。

    Back Friday . It 's the shopping day after thanksgiving and it 's the biggest one of the year .

  11. 看来天底下真的没有免费午餐,即便是在拥有全球最大购物节的国家。

    It seems there is no free lunch , even in the land of the world 's biggest shopping festival .

  12. 京东在购物节期间的订单量达到2700亿元,同比增长超过30%。 recorded about 270 billion yuan in orders during the shopping festival , an increase of over 30 percent year-on-year .

  13. 购物节启动当日,市城区八大商贸流通企业销售额同期增长35%。

    On the first day of the festival , the8 enterprises realized a turnover increase of35 % against the same period of2008 .

  14. 此次拍卖将持续一天,它将启动中国11月的线上双11购物节。

    The auction will last for one day , which will kick off China 's online " Double 11 " shopping festival on Nov.

  15. 本届活动的亮点在于旅游狂欢节、首届南山酒吧文化节、美食节、购物节四大经典节庆活动。

    The highlights of this year 's festival are the travel carnival the1st Pub festival of Nanshan , food festival and the Shopping festival .

  16. 去年“黑色星期五”购物节的时候,零售商的销售额骤升了110多亿美元,今年销售额有望突破去年的数字。

    Retailers racked up more than 11 billion dollars in sales over black Friday weekend last year and are expected to top that this year .

  17. 在今年的11月11日,阿里巴巴集团销售了价值57亿美元的商品。这个双11购物节是由阿里巴巴倡导的。

    On last month 's Single 's Day - a shopping holiday promoted by Alibaba - the ecommerce group sold $ 5.7bn worth of goods .

  18. 才到午餐时分,中国面向消费者的主要购物节就刷新了单日电子商务销售的纪录。

    It only took until lunchtime on China 's main shopping holiday for consumers there to click their way to a new record for ecommerce sales in a single day .

  19. 阿里巴巴,这家在中国创造了“购物节”的公司两年前在巴西开设了葡萄牙语版的网站“全球速卖通”。

    Alibaba , the company credited with creating the " shopping holiday " here in China , a Portugese version of its website , AliExpress , in Brazil two years ago .

  20. 中国监管机构表示,在本星期五的“光棍节”,他们将努力打击商家的任何不端行为。那一天是中国的购物节、全球网购成交额最高的一天。

    Chinese regulators said they would be working this Friday to tackle any abuses by merchants on Singles Day , China 's festival of consumption and the biggest online shopping day worldwide .

  21. 三星印度地区家用电器负责人麦海士?克里斯南希望在11月大型购物节-排灯节之前,将其在农村地区的份额提升五分之一。

    Mahesh Krishnan , who heads Samsung 's home-appliances division in India , hopes to increase the firm 's presence in rural shops by a fifth in time for November 's Diwali festival , a big shopping season .

  22. 进月将以一系列促进消费活动为特色。今年是全国消费促进月活动举办的十周年。朱小良就职于商务部。他表示,将有260多家电子商务企业参加网上购物节。

    The National Consumption Promotion Month will feature a series of activities promoting spending . This is the 10th anniversary of this event . Zhu Xiaoliang is with the Ministry of Commerce . He says more than 260 e-commerce enterprises will an online shopping festival .

  23. 双十一是全球日历上最大的购物狂欢节;

    Singles Day is the biggest shopping frenzy in the global calender ;

  24. 今年的购物狂欢节是全球性的,两百多个国家的购物者们都可参与购物。

    This year 's festival is global , reaching shoppers in more than 200 countries , the company said .

  25. 本月初亚马逊的年度购物促销节“黄金日”是公司有史以来销量最大的一天。

    Prime Day , Amazon 's annual promotional shopping festival earlier this month , was the company 's largest ever sales day .

  26. 去年仅中国光棍节一天——光棍节是阿里巴巴创造的购物狂欢节,类似于美国的黑色星期五——阿里巴巴的销售总额就达143亿美元,较之2014年高出了60%。

    Last year , China 's Singles Day - a consumer shopping day invented by Alibaba and much like Black Friday in the U.S. - totaled $ 14.3 billion , which is 60 percent higher than 2014 .

  27. 12月26日,很多来自远东地区的购物大军涌入节礼日打折季。熬夜排队,七嘴八舌,甚至还能打群架这一幕幕混乱场面于当日在全英上演。

    Overnight queues , pandemonium , and even the odd punch-up chaotic scenes played out across the country as a huge influx of shoppers , many from the Far East , flooded the Boxing Day sales .

  28. 该报称,由阿里巴巴(Alibaba)推广到海外的、销售规模达90亿美元的购物节日“光棍节”(由于发生在11月11日,在中国也被称为“双11”),可能是中国首个可出口的现代节日。

    It claims that " Single 's Day , " the $ 9bn shopping holiday popularised overseas by Alibaba and known in China as " Double 11 " ( as it occurs on November 11 ) , may be China 's first exportable modern holiday .

  29. 和母亲节激烈的宣传活动相比,购物中心对父亲节表现出很淡的热情。

    Shopping malls have shown little enthusiasm about Father 's Day , compared with the fierce promotion campaigns for Mother 's Day .

  30. SEANCALLEBS(CNN记者):黑色星期五是传统的节日购物季节的开始。在沃尔玛,购物节拥有一个非常狂热的开始。许多人今天一大早就来了。大约在东部时间早上五点钟,他们就来搜寻特价商品。

    SEAN CALLEBS , CNN CORRESPONDENT ( on camera ) : Black Friday , the traditional start of the holiday shopping season .