
  1. 据NPR新闻的黛安·雷姆报道,数据表明,相较于去年,今年有更多的民众参与到购物潮中,但是他们的消费却减少了。

    NPR 's Diane Rehm reports they show more people went shopping this year than last , but they spent less .

  2. 另一方面,发达的手机支付应用程序也推动了手机购物潮。

    So it has been able to leapfrog past other markets , which mainly used PCs for purchases . Sophisticated mobile payment apps are partly fueling the mobile boom .

  3. 该研究还调查了不同月份的网购情况,发现十一月圣诞节前的购物潮是你最可能从网上淘到便宜货的时节,而非一月份的特卖。

    The study also looked at months and found that the pre-Christmas rush in November is when there are most bargains around on the web - and not the January sales .

  4. 但是分析家们则开始预测今年将是个购物最低潮年。

    But analysts start predicting this will be the weakest shopping season in years .