
  • 网络Ticket;raffle tickets;Lucky Draw Coupon
  1. 你想买一些抽奖券吗?

    Jamie : Do you wanna buy some raffle tickets ?

  2. 你知道,抽奖券或糖果或其他一些戈得帮助“事业”筹钱?

    You know , raffle tickets or candy or some other goody to help " the cause " raise money ?

  3. 每位学生花一美元买一张抽奖券。

    It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw .

  4. 一些经销商向购买者提供可赢得一辆梅赛德斯(mercedes)或宝马(bmw)轿车的抽奖券;还有的经销商提供零首付的融资优惠。

    Some dealerships give buyers raffle tickets to win a Mercedes or a BMW car ; others offer financing incentives like zero down payment .

  5. 那么附上抽奖券如何?

    How about attaching a lottery ticket ?