
  • 网络Abstract;abstract art
抽象艺术 [chōu xiàng yì shù]
  • [abstract art] 现代西方流行的主要存在于绘画中的一种艺术派别,主张脱离现实,用抽象符号来反映纯精神世界

  1. EaglesNest,BayofIslands,NewZealand新西兰岛屿湾五个远离喧嚣的别墅,隐藏在北新西兰岛屿湾的半岛中,混合了海景和最简约的当代家具、抽象艺术和迷人的配件、包括平板电视和家庭影院系统。

    Five secluded villas , hidden away on a peninsula in northern New Zealand 's Bay of Islands , blend ocean vistas with minimal contemporary furniture , abstract art and glam gadgets , including flatscreen TVs and home cinema systems .

  2. 抽象艺术理论及其艺术表达形式研究

    Study on the Abstract Art Theory and Its Form of Artistic Expression

  3. 我曾在许多类型的画上运行过Seurat,在抽象艺术和具象艺术方面都得到了有趣的结果。

    I 've run Seurat on many types of paintings , with interesting results on both abstract and representational art .

  4. 李名觉还跟舞台设计师鲍里斯·亚伦森(BorisAronson,与阿诺德·亚伦森没有关系)合作过。亚伦森博士说鲍里斯·亚伦森把抽象艺术运动带入了美国戏剧界,提供了一种与梅尔齐纳的诗意现实主义相反的重要方法。

    Mr. Lee also worked with the set designer Boris Aronson ( no relation to Arnold Aronson ), who Dr. Aronson said introduced nonobjective art movements into the American theater , providing an important counterpoint to the poetic realism of Mielziner .

  5. 李名觉还跟舞台设计师鲍里斯·亚伦森(BorisAronson,与阿诺德·亚伦森没有关系)合作过。亚伦森博士说鲍里斯·亚伦森把抽象艺术运动带入了美国戏剧界,提供了“一种与梅尔齐纳的诗意现实主义相反的重要方法”。

    Mr. Lee also worked with the set designer Boris Aronson ( no relation to Arnold Aronson ) , who Dr. Aronson said introduced nonobjective art movements into the American theater , providing " an important counterpoint to the poetic realism of Mielziner . "

  6. 印象主义运动是抽象艺术的鼻祖之一。

    The impressionist movement was one of the ancestors of abstract art .

  7. 我倾向于爱好印象派绘画,而不喜欢抽象艺术。

    I tend to prefer figurative painting to abstract art .

  8. 通过抽象艺术,康定斯基试图建立纯粹的美学。

    Kandinsky seeks to establish pure aesthetics through abstract art .

  9. 意象表达:中国方式的当代抽象艺术研究

    Expression of Imagery : Study on Contemporary Abstract Art of Chinese Style

  10. 第二个是创新性的将抽象艺术和现代中式园林联系在一起。

    The second is the innovative abstract art and modern Chinese garden .

  11. 答:它是一座抽象艺术的杰作。

    Answer : it is a masterpiece of abstract art .

  12. 浅谈建筑创作中的抽象艺术理论

    Elementary introduction to abstract art theory in Architecture Creation

  13. 今年他对抽象艺术很感兴趣。

    He 's hung on abstract art this year .

  14. 中西抽象艺术之比较

    Contrastive analysis between Chinese and west abstract art

  15. 在当今的抽象艺术创作中,这些因素构成了抽象艺术的基本条件。

    In abstract art today , these factors make up of the basic conditions .

  16. 康定斯基和蒙得里安的抽象艺术及其对具象绘画的启示

    Kandinsky and Mondrian 's Abstract Art and Its Impact on Painting as an Inspiration

  17. 许多街头塑像都属于抽象艺术。

    Many of the sculptures by the streets can be categorized as abstract art .

  18. 声乐是抽象艺术。

    Vocal music is an abstract art .

  19. 美味的单纯,单纯的美味。通过抽象艺术,康定斯基试图建立纯粹的美学。

    Deliciously simple . Simply delicious . Kandinsky seeks to establish pure aesthetics through abstract art .

  20. 但是,今天,麦迪逊大道的画廊却有许多抽象艺术的展览。

    But nowadays , galleries along the Madison Avenue gives scores of exhibitions of abstract art .

  21. 抽象艺术与现代设计

    Abstract Art and Modern Design

  22. 抽象艺术与具象艺术

    Abstract art and figural art

  23. 第一是对抽象艺术和现代中式园林概念的梳理总结。

    The first results are combing summary of the concept of abstract art and modern Chinese garden .

  24. 但是要记住这一点,在尼尔的那个年代抽象艺术极具盛行。

    But keep in mind that she was doing this when abstract art dominated the art scene .

  25. 具象艺术已经经过印象派和野兽派的发展阶段,达到我们所称的抽象艺术。

    Figurative art has evolved through Impressionism and Fauvism to arrive to at what we call Abstract art .

  26. 上述写实或者抽象艺术的系统,是靠许多相关的技术子系统来支撑的。

    The system of realistic or abstract art relies on a number of related technology subsystems for support .

  27. 我喜欢去美术馆,尤其是在举行抽象艺术展的时候。

    I love going to art galleries , particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art .

  28. 并在现象学和视觉心理学的一些理论基础上对抽象艺术的观念和视觉语言进行了一定深度的剖析。

    Opinions of Phenomenology and Psychology are applied to analysis the concept and visual language of abstract art .

  29. 汉字艺术是东方的抽象艺术,抽其具象,留其意象。

    The art of Chinese Characters is an Oriental abstract art , with imagery remaining but concrete extracted .

  30. 通过全面的剖析,为以后运用抽象艺术的现代中式园林设计提供设计方法。

    Through comprehensive analysis , the use of abstract art , Chinese landscape design to provide a theoretical method .