
  • 网络sampling design;sampling plan
  1. Taylor幂法则在昆虫种群抽样设计方面的应用

    Application of Taylor ′ s Power Law to Sampling Design of Insect Population

  2. PPS系统抽样设计是国际上比较流行的设计,它在实践中有着广泛的应用。

    Systematic PPS sampling design is a kind of popular design in the world that is widely applied in practice .

  3. 文中介绍了基于lagrange算子的成形滤波器的设计方法,并与窗函数和频率抽样设计进行了比较。

    This paper introduces the design of the pluse-shaping filter based on the Lagrange multiplier and compares it with the methods of the windows and the frequency sampling .

  4. MPPS抽样设计方差估计的比较研究

    The Comparative Analysis of Estimating Deviation Square of MPPS Sample Design

  5. 多波束测深是一个动态的过程,采集得到的水深数据具有不可重复性,针对这一特点,将Bayes估计理论和MCMC抽样设计方法引入到测深异常值的探测中。

    Multibeam echosounding is a dynamic process ; the depth is not repeating data . Aiming at the character ; the Bayes estimation theory and MCMC sampling design method are imported to detecting outliers .

  6. 我国农产量调查采用的是对称等距抽样设计,它实际上可理解为是一种变形的PPS系统抽样设计,使用的是以播种面积作为辅助变量。

    The symmetric and systematic design has been adopted in China Crops Survey , and it is a kind of ( systematic ) PPS sampling design with auxiliary variable , area of crops planted . system ) .

  7. 将非正态分布下的动态Shewhart均值控制图推广到EWMA均值控制图的情形,在总体服从非正态分布的条件下,对EWMA均值控制图进行了可变抽样设计;

    2 , The Shewhart mean control chart under non-normality is extended to EWMA mean control chart . The EWMA mean control chart with variable sapling intervals under non-normality is proposed .

  8. 方法该抽样设计的基础是两级抽样,首先构建一个初级抽样单位(PSU)框架,此框架由流动人群发生的时间和地点组成。

    Methods The essence of such designs involves first constructing a sampling frame of primary sample units ( PSU ) that consist of time period / location combinations during which and where the flow takes place .

  9. 文章给出了几种可行的PPS系统抽样设计,辅助变量分别取为农户数、播种面积、耕地面积、切块数,并对这几种抽样设计进行了应用分析。

    This paper presents several ( feasible ) systematic PPS sampling designs , with household , area of crops planted , area of cultivated land and number of segment are chosen as auxiliary variables . Some discussion for the application of these sampling ( designs ) are also presented .

  10. 中国农村统计多目标抽样设计

    Design of multi-objective sample survey in China 's rural areas

  11. 病例对照研究中两阶段抽样设计与参数估计方法

    Design and estimator of parameter for two-stage case-control study

  12. 成本条件下多目标复合抽样设计

    Multi-project Compound Sample Design under the Constraint of Cost

  13. 种群空间格局研究的Z&V模型及其抽样设计方法

    Model Z-V and Sampling Method in the Research of Spatial Patterns of Population

  14. 电话调查中如何进行抽样设计

    How to sampling in the telephone interview surveys

  15. 棉花苗期棉蚜的二项式抽样设计及其精度分析

    Binomial sampling plans and the sampling precision analysis for cotton aphid on vegetable stage

  16. 时期数总体的抽样设计方法

    The Sampling Design Method for Time Number Population

  17. 对不同抽样设计效率的比较

    Comparison of the different sampling designing efficiency

  18. 中文网络论坛的研究之抽样设计

    Sampling Design of Chinese Internet Forums Research

  19. 目的通过抽样设计,确定浙江省公共卫生监测样本地区。

    Objective To select a most economic and efficient area sample for public health surveillance .

  20. 对分层抽样设计的改进

    Improvements of stratified sampling design

  21. 利用频率抽样设计法设计的数字带通滤波器应用于动平衡机中取得了满意的效果。

    A newly-designed digital bandpass filter for the dynamic balance machine is presented by using frequency sampling design method .

  22. 包括建构本文的研究框架、提出假设、说明问卷的设计过程、变量的测量方法和抽样设计方法。

    Including construct the frame of this study ; propose hypothesizes ; show the questionnaire design process ; measure the variables and sampling design .

  23. 经营单位级的湿地保护工程监测体系包括工程类别、监测目标、抽样设计、专题数据调查和统计分析。

    Project level of wetland protection project monitoring system includes type of construction , monitoring objectives , sampling design , special investigations and statistical analysis .

  24. 我国劳动力调查抽样设计复杂,采用通常方法进行方差估计比较困难。

    It is difficult to estimate the population parameters using the usual methods in that the sampling design of Chinese Labor Force Survey is very complex .

  25. 此外,文中还就种群聚集临界密度进行了探讨。为进行松毛虫种群动态的研究和实施综合管理决策,提供了优化的抽样设计,收到了良好的应用效果。

    These provide better sampling designs for the studies of population dynamics and the intergrated management of these insects , and has shown better results in application .

  26. 结论监测区监测结果与全省结果一致,卫生监测区地区样本抽样设计是合理的。

    Conclusions The data from surveillance areas is consistent with that from whole province epidemic report , and the sampled area for public health surveillance is rational .

  27. 同时探讨了空间分布型在资料代换、抽样设计和病害防治中的应用。

    This disease gradually spreaded by the focus of infection in stands . The application of spatial pattern to data transfer , sampling design and integrated control was discussed .

  28. 主要包括测量项目的理论基础,测量项目产生的理论过程,问卷设计,抽样设计,数据收集。

    This part mainly includes the theoretical basis for measurements , measurement theory , the process generated by the project , questionnaire design , and sample design and data collection .

  29. 从事后质量抽查的作用、抽样设计、调查方法、估计方法、抽查结果以及与以往相比有何改进等方面论述了2000年第五次全国人口普查中的事后质量抽样调查。

    This paper studies the post enumeration survey of China 2000 census by discussing its functions , designing , sampling methods , estimating methods , results , and improvements contrasting to previous ones .

  30. 论文在顾客测量方面阐述了定性和定量调查的原则,提出了一条实用性强的包括问卷设计步骤、抽样设计原则、量表设计原则的问卷调查实施方案;

    In the customer measuring , author introduces the principle of quality and quantity survey , and put forward a series implementation project includes questionnaire designing , sample designing , scale table designing methods .