
ɡòu mǎi quán
  • Right of Purchase;power to purchase
  1. 现有股东将有优先购买权。

    Existing shareholders will have pre-emption rights .

  2. 如果你决定出售这辆车,给我优先购买权好吗?

    Will you give me first refusal on the car , if you decide to sell it ?

  3. 若房产要出售,承租人可以有优先购买权。

    A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offered for sale .

  4. 如一方想出售或转让其投资之全部或部分,另一方有优先购买权。法律用词assign较transfer正式。

    In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed , the other party shall have the preemptive right .

  5. 然而,在努力控制新股东人数的过程中,facebook正行使其回购自己股票的优先购买权,往往将这一权利转让给投资公司tigerglobal等现有股东。

    But , in an effort to limit the number of new shareholders , Facebook is exercising its right of first refusal to buy back its own shares , often assigning that right to an existing investor such as tiger global , the investment firm .

  6. 我国民事立法中的按份共有人优先购买权便是其中之一。

    Co-owner by shares in PRC Civil Law is one example .

  7. 股权优先购买权研究:交易成本视角

    Research on the First Refusal of the Shareholder from Transaction Cost

  8. 中国古代不动产优先购买权制度研究

    On The System of Realty Right of Preemption in Ancient China

  9. 最后,讨论了优先购买权的竞合问题。

    Finally , we discuss the concurrence of preemptive rights forpurchase .

  10. 第四部分:按份共有人优先购买权的法律救济。

    The legal remedy of co-owners by shares ' pre-emptive rights .

  11. 论房屋优先购买权的性质及其行使

    On the Nature of House Purchasing Priority and its Operating

  12. 他们说可以给我们这所房子的优先购买权。

    They said they 'd give us first refusal on the house .

  13. 首先,分析违反股东优先购买权条款而订立的股权转让合同的效力,结论为此类合同是相对无效合同。

    The contract which violated the shareholders preemptive right terms is ineffective .

  14. 承租人的优先购买权若干问题初探

    Probe into Several Issues about Contractor 's Priority of Purchase

  15. 优先购买权类型化研究及法理分析

    Study on the Types of Purchasing Priority and Legal Analysis

  16. 房屋承租人与相关主体的优先购买权冲突及其解决

    The Conflicts and Solutions of Preemptive Right between the Lessee and Other Subjects

  17. 优先购买权的法理分析及在执行程序中的适用

    The Legal Theory Analysis of the Priority and its Application in Enforcement Proceeding

  18. 应该是“乙方在同等条件下享有优先购买权”吧?

    Party B shall have the right of first refusal under equal conditions .

  19. 优先购买权若干法律问题探讨&以房屋承租人为视角

    Some Legal Discussion On the Preemption & on the view of the lessee

  20. 国家优先购买权:文物收购的新思路?

    National Preemption : New Way for the Government to Purchase Precious Antiquities ?

  21. 承租人优先购买权制度的基本理论及其涉及的若干问题

    Basic Theories on and Issues Concerning the System of the Lessee 's Preemption

  22. 提供给员工持股计划或公司高级职员的股票保留购买权;

    Providing stock purchase plan for employees or stock options for corporate officers ;

  23. 承租人优先购买权性质之分析

    Analyzing on the Nature of Preemption of Tenant

  24. 承租人的优先购买权是否被侵犯

    Whether the Right of the Leaseholder Is Impinged

  25. 拍卖过程中优先购买权问题探讨

    The Right of Preemption In The Auction Process

  26. 第二章,主要分析了股东优先购买权的行使主体问题。

    The second chapter mainly analyzes the exercise subject of shareholder ' spreemptive right .

  27. 多个共有人应按其财产份额行使优先购买权。

    More than one co-owner should exercise the preemptive right according to their shares .

  28. 最后,讨论了承租人优先购买权的行使期限。

    Finally , the article discusses the deadline to exercise the right of preemption .

  29. 优先购买权的法律性质及其制度价值

    On the Nature of Privileged Right of Purchase

  30. 优先购买权制度是民商法上一项十分重要的法律制度。

    Privileged right of purchase is an important legal system in civil commercial law .