
  • 网络sequent occupance
  1. 票房排行第二的是《邻家凶手》,它已经在之前连续占据首位三周。

    The No.2 film at the box office was Disturbia , which had held the top position for the previous three weeks .

  2. 该片的制片人希望纳尼亚系列电影能创造《指环王》系列电影的辉煌。《指环王》系列电影曾在2001至2003年连续占据圣诞节的票房榜首。

    The producers of the Narnia films will be hoping to emulate the success of the Lord of the Rings films which topped the Christmas box office between 2001 and 2003 .

  3. 连续占据媒体头条近两周之后,许多人渴望弹丸之地的塞浦路斯岛不久之后即从全球金融媒体的视线中悄然淡出,恢复从前的隐秘。

    Many are hoping that , after dominating the headlines for almost two weeks now , the tiny island of Cyprus will soon return to virtual obscurity in the global financial media .

  4. 经过三十多年的发展,深圳珠宝产业集群已经形成规模,连续多年占据国内珠宝首饰加工贸易70%以上的市场份额,但集群也面临着市场定位偏低、知名度不高等一些问题。

    After 30 years of development , Shenzhen jewelry industry cluster has been formed , and occupied the domestic processing trade jewelry for more than 70 % market share for many years .

  5. 今年2月,她凭借《爱乐之城》赢得奥斯卡奖,作为本届奥斯卡最佳女主角奖得主,石头姐取代了连续两年占据榜首的詹妮弗劳伦斯。

    The reigning Best Actress Oscar champ , who took home the trophy for La La Land in February , has dethroned Jennifer Lawrence who had topped the list for two years running .

  6. 中国工商银行连续两年占据第1名的宝座,中国建设银行次之,而且中国农业银行向上移动了5名成为第3名。

    State-controlled Chinese bank ICBC holds onto its No.1 spot for a second consecutive year , while China Construction Bank takes second place and Agricultural Bank of China moves up five spots to third .

  7. 草甘膦是一种灭生性除草剂,具有广谱、高效、低毒和无残留的特点,其销售额占整个除草剂市场总量的30%,已连续多年占据世界农药销售额首位。

    Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide . Because of its broad-spectrum effect , high efficiency , and low toxicity and residual effect , it occupies 30 % of the total herbicide market and has ranked the first agrochemical for many years .

  8. 据《中国电影新闻》报道,DC漫画公司的超级英雄电影《海王》,连续两周占据中国大陆电影票房榜首。

    The DC Comics superhero film Aquaman continued to lead the Chinese mainland box office for the second straight week , according to China Film News .

  9. 《放手去爱》这张专辑连续六周占据榜首宝座,并为泰勒赢得了乡村音乐学院奖的年度最佳唱片大奖。

    Fearless resides at No.1 for more than six straight weeks and earns Taylor Album of the Year at the Academy of Country Music awards .

  10. 微软联合创始人比尔•盖茨目前为止仍是美国首富,这位科技和慈善大人物已经连续19年占据福布斯400大富豪榜的榜首,目前他的净资产为660亿美元。

    Microsoft Corp co-founder Bill Gates remains America 's richest man by far , as the tech and philanthropy giant took the top spot on the Forbes 400 list for the 19th year running , with a net worth of US $ 66 billion .

  11. 《猩球黎明》连续第二周占据周末票房榜榜首,票房约为3600万美元。

    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes took top honors of the weekend box office for a second straight week bringing in an estimated 36 million dollars .

  12. Xbox360的销售已连续18个月领先各大品牌,并连续16个月占据超过40%的市场份额。

    The console led the way in total sales for the 18th month in a row , and held over 40 % share for the 16th-consecutive month .

  13. 这是这所美国学校连续第3年位列第三。该校在2014年连续第12年占据定制课程排行榜榜首位置,创下纪录。

    It is the third year in a row that the US school is in third place , having previously topped this ranking for a record 12 consecutive years to 2014 .