
lián tōng
  • communicate;connection;connect;intercommunication;feed through
连通 [lián tōng]
  • (1) [connect]∶互相连接起来,相互有联系往来

  • 连通管

  • (2) [communicate] [哲]∶逻辑上有某一共同点;对共同的全称命题进一步分类说明或具有交迭的内涵

连通[lián tōng]
  1. 关于临界h连通图的几个结论

    On the Conclusions of the Critical h Connection Chart

  2. Web主站性能直接影响宏观网络与微观网络连通的速度,也是Web访问最容易产生瓶颈的地方。

    The performance of Web main station influences directly the connection speed of the macro network and the micro-network .

  3. 新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。

    New roads will link the principal cities of the area .

  4. 巴拿马运河连通两大洋。

    The Panama Canal joins two oceans .

  5. 如果一个图是不连通的或有割点,就发生这种情况。

    This happens if the graph is disconnected or has a cutvertex .

  6. 铁路连通了两个城市。

    A railroad has connected the two cities .

  7. 另外,fuzzy实直线是局部连通的。

    Moreover , fuzzy real line is locally connected .

  8. 个人防火墙可以根据用户的要求隔断或连通用户的计算机与Internet间的连接,用户可以通过设定规则来决定计算机与Internet间的数据传输。

    Personal firewall can control the link between user computer and Internet according to user settings .

  9. *R中的每个银河都是(*R,S)的连通分支;

    Every Galaxy of R is a connected component of ( R , S );

  10. G是一个极小连通图。

    G is a minimal connected graph .

  11. 具有围长g的连通图的周长

    Circumference of Connected Graph with Girth g

  12. K连通图的k分割多项式算法

    A polynomial algorithm of finding a K partition for an undirected simple k connected graph

  13. V(G),G中都有(a.b)控制路,则G是Hamilton连通的。

    V ( G ), the G is Hamilton & connected .

  14. 条件有向图需要二种矩阵(连通矩阵C及条件矩阵D)进行表示。

    Conditional digraph is represented by connectivity matrix C and conditional matrix D and an algorithm for computing reachability matrix R is devised .

  15. 在平面有界域上考虑二维奇异积分方程这里G是有界单连通域,记。

    In this paper , singular integral equations are considered , where G is bounded domain in the plane .

  16. 证明n个顶点的收缩临界5连通图中至少有n+1条平凡不可收缩边。

    It is proved that any contraction critical 5-connected graph on n vertices has at least n + 1 trivially non-contractible edges .

  17. 连通容器气体爆炸流场的CFD模拟

    CFD simulation on gas explosion field in linked vessels

  18. CIMS网络连通性模糊随机分析与应用解析

    Research on Fuzzy Random Analysis and Simulation of Connectivity of CIMS Network

  19. 局部有限散度半序集P的区间拓扑是连通的,当且仅当P是稠的且条件备;

    In a partially ordered set P of locally finite width , the interval topology is connected if and only if P is dense and conditionally complete ;

  20. CFD技术在连通类高大空间空调系统设计中的应用研究

    Application Research of CFD Technology in Air Condition System Design of Run-Through Large Space

  21. 采用连通图中极小支配集概念对平面分布的adhoc网络进行层次划分;

    We use distributed minimum dominating set algorithm to construct a hierarchical architecture for mobile Ad hoc networks ;

  22. 论文最后研究和讨论了两连通拓扑控制算法在实际adhoc网络管理系统中的实现技术。

    Finally , the implementation of the fault-tolerant topology algorithm on a testbed ad hoc network is given .

  23. 图的连通度与模linkage

    Graph Connectivity and Modulo Linkage

  24. 最小度与Hamilton连通图

    The minimum degree and Hamilton - connected graphs

  25. 利用Riemann映射性质将单位圆内Hp(p≥1)空间的定义推广到了在一般单连通区域上定义Hp(p≥1)空间。

    Expand the definition of Hp ( p ≥ 1 ) space in unit circle to the simply connected region using Riemann mapping .

  26. 多连通域Voronoi图的算法及数据存储

    Algorithm and data structure of multi-connected domain voronoi diagram

  27. 连通Locale的基本性质

    Basic Properties of Connected Locale

  28. 进一步,如果图G是极大边连通的,且每一个最小边割只孤立G的一个点,则称G是超边连通的(super-λ)。

    A graph G is said to have super edge-connectivity or simply G is super λ if G is max λ and every minimum edge-cut set of G isolates one vertex .

  29. 高SiOH含量下漏电流的降低是由于封端的SiOH基团降低了薄膜中SiO网络的连通概率p而导致网络电导下降的缘故。

    The decreasing of leakage current at high Si OH content is due to the low connecting probability p of networks because the networks break at the terminal Si OH groups .

  30. 通过探讨网络的连通性和中心性,研究了EPON网络拓扑结构的可靠性。

    By discussing the connectivity and centrality of the network , the reliability of network topology configurations is studied .