
zì dònɡ lí zhí
  • Automatic resignation;leaving office voluntarily
  1. 它还计划要给165名高级管理人员提供“自动离职”一揽子计划。

    It   also   plans   to   offer   " voluntary   separation "   packages   to   165   senior   executives .

  2. 2005年《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)一项叫做隐性人力流失的研究显示,虽然37%的高素质妇女自愿离职,但93%的自动离职妇女想回去工作。

    A 2005 Harvard Business Review study called " The Hidden Brain Drain " showed that 37 per cent of highly-qualified women take voluntary time off work but 93 per cent of the women " off-ramped " want to return .

  3. 上周三,管理层向员工宣布了自动离职计划。

    On Wednesday , management announced the voluntary redundancy plans to employees .

  4. 高校教师自动离职现象的分析研究

    Phenomenon On the Problem of Teachers Taking French Leave and Its Solutions

  5. 我们继续同工人们就自动离职问题进行沟通,刘莹表示。

    We continue to communicate with the workers on voluntary redundancies , Ms Liu said .

  6. 或公司业务的行为。比如说,让员工提早退休,给予补偿金,下岗分流,自动离职或是解雇。

    Process whereby a company reduces its'staff and / or operations through various actions such as early retirement , compensation packages , lay-offs , attrition , and firing .

  7. 生产调谐器、扬声器和其它电子部件的北京松下电子部品有限公司上周五表示,该公司不会关厂,而只是寻求员工“自动离职”,以达到裁员目的。

    Panasonic electronic devices ( Beijing ) , which makes tuners , speakers and other electronic parts , said on Friday it would not close its plant , and would only seek voluntary job cuts .

  8. 以一家自动离职率非常低的核电集团为案例,基于257份有效问卷对进行多元回归分析,对情感承诺、价值承诺、制度承诺的变量进行研究,发现人力资源管理是双向的。

    Multivariate regression analysis was employed for 257 questionnaires on a nuclear power company of very low turnover intention to examine the relative importance of different component variables on affective commitment , value commitment and system commitment . The two-way of human resource management is discovered during the study .