
  • 网络Automatic Variable;auto;auto variable
  1. 局部变量也叫自动变量。

    B.Local variables are also called automatic variables .

  2. 一个包含后进先出队列的内存区域,用来存储参数、自动变量、返回地址和其他一些必须在函数调用中进行维护的信息。

    An area of memory that contains a last-in-first-out queue of storage for parameters automatic variables return addresses and other information that must be maintained across function calls .

  3. 基于LINUX的自动变量喷药系统设计

    Design of the Auto-Variable Spraying System Based on Embedded LINUX

  4. K个自动变量生成函数

    K argument generating function

  5. 采用自主开发设计的基于GPS和GIS技术的自动变量施肥系统,于2003、2004年间进行了玉米种植条件下变量施肥田间试验。

    During 2003 and 2004 , the experiments of variable rate fertilization ( VRF ) for maize were carried out using the VRF system , which was researched and produced by the authors themselves .

  6. 精确农业自动变量施肥机控制系统设计与实现

    Design of control system of variable rate fertilizer applicator in precision agriculture

  7. 一种精确农业自动变量施肥技术及其实施

    Development and application of a variable rate fertilizer applicator for precision agriculture

  8. 半自动变量施肥控制器的研究与开发

    Study and Development on the Controller of Semi-automatic Variable Rate Fertilizer Applicator

  9. 双作用叶片泵自动变量控制系统研究

    Research on Auto-control System of the Variable for Double - Acting Vane Pump

  10. 田间试验结果表明:提出的数据采集与处理方法可以满足精确农业自动变量施肥机进行田间施肥作业的要求。

    The results of experiments in the field showed that the method was competent for variable ratio fertilizing in precision agriculture .

  11. 自动变量施肥控制系统的开发和研制有机肥料比化学肥料安全。施用化肥需要及时好控制盐分。

    Research Development on Automatic Control System for Variable Rate Fertilizer Application Organic fertilizers are safer than chemicals . Chemical fertilizers may , in time , build up salts .

  12. 在早期,Java设计人员并不支持闭包,因为Java用户对无需显式完成new操作就在堆上自动分配变量心存芥蒂(参见参考资料)。

    In the early years , the Java designers did not support closures because Java users were skittish about automatically allocating the variables on the heap without an explicit new ( see Resources ) .

  13. TDT自动识别变量和任务并建立匹配的动作。

    The TDT automatically recognizes changes in variables and assignments and creates test actions to match .

  14. 该T-S模糊神经网络基于样本的分布特性,自动确定变量语言值的隶属度函数,合理划分模糊空间。

    Membership functions of linguistic values of variables are obtained automatically based on the distribution characteristics of samples . So the fuzzy space is partitioned reasonably .

  15. 增加自动对象实例变量打包(automaticobjectivarpacking)功能(提升内存利用率)

    Add automatic object ivar packing ( improves memory usage )

  16. 这就是说线程能够自动发现volatile变量的最新值。

    This means that threads will automatically see the most up-to-date value for volatile variables .

  17. 自动调用这些变量的setter方法以输入从HTML表单中检索而得的值。

    Automatically calls the setter methods of these variables to enter the values retrieved from the HTML form .

  18. 在原始的LatentSVM模型训练方法中,首先根据样本图像的HOG特征由SVM算法获得简单的分类模板,然后再对分类模板使用贪心算法自动生成隐变量。

    In the original Latent SVM model training process , a simple classification template is trained from sample HOG features by SVM algorithm . Then a greedy algorithm is conducted with the classification template to obtain the hidden variables .

  19. 为了获得更好的训练模型,本文提出一种结合Mean-shift与差分演化的图像分割算法自动生成隐变量特征。

    In order to get a better training model , a new image segmentation algorithm based on Mean-Shift and differential evolution algorithm is proposed to generate better latent variable .

  20. 相比现有处理噪声问题的概率主元分析(PPCA)、因子分析(FA)算法,新方法不仅可以自动确定潜隐变量个数,而且提高了故障检测效果,同时还避免了过拟合问题的出现。

    Compared with the existing probabilistic PCA ( PPCA ) and factor analysis ( FA ) models , the new method not only determines the number of latent variables , but also avoids over-fitting problems and improves the performance of fault detection .

  21. 高压自动控制型变量马达的设计探讨

    Probing into designing the high-pressure auto-control type variable motor

  22. 稳定土拌和机阀控功率自动分配系统变量机构动态特性研究

    A study of the dynamic characteristics of variable mechanism for valve control automatic power apportioning system of stabilizer

  23. 本文讨论了统计试验方法及其在机械优化设计中的应用,重点探讨了自动变更设计变量搜索区域的方法。

    The method of statistical test and its applications in mechanical optimum designing are discussed in this paper .

  24. 介绍了一种高压自动控制型变量驱动马达的原理。

    This paper describes the theory of a kind of variable displacement drive motor with automatic control , high pressure related .

  25. 由于模板系统将为用户需要的名称自动换出变量$className$,因此将其命名为$className$.java。

    It 's named $ className $ . java because the templating system will automatically swap out the variable $ className $ for the user-desired name .

  26. 输入采用将模型数字表达式直接读入方式,简便、直观。可在模型中自动插入全部变量的汉字注释,使模型与生产流程的关系一目了然。

    The mathematical expressions of the model with Chinese annotations are inputted directly , and the relationship between the expressions and the processing is clear at a glance .

  27. 值得欣慰的是,当今大部分的shell都对此进行了防范,当它们启动时至少会自动重新设置IFS变量&包括GNUbash,GNU/Linux常用的shell。

    Thankfully , most of today 's shells counter this by at least automatically resetting the IFS variable when they start & and that includes GNU bash , the usual shell for GNU / Linux systems .

  28. 当在过程中遇到了错误,将自动填充一些错误变量。

    When errors are encountered in a procedure , several error variables are automatically populated .

  29. 自动选择函数或变量样式

    Chooses Function or Variable style automatically

  30. 概率神经网络方法还具有动态适应性,当地质岩性类别变化或地震参数修改时,网络可自动适应新的变量,调整权系数,直到收敛。

    The probabilistic neural network approach also has the dynamic adaptability , the network can automatically adapt to the new variable to adjust the weight coefficients , until convergence , when geological lithology category or seismic parameters changed .