
  • 网络self-preservation;preservation;self preservation
  1. 虽然环境的各个方面对于预测和防范危险都是重要的,但那些与潜在危险和自我保存相关的信息显然更有意义。

    Although the various aspects of the environment are important for prediction and prevention of risk , the information relating with potential danger and self-preservation is more meaningful clearly .

  2. 自然状态下的个人不仅享有自我保存的权利,还负有保全他者和全人类的宗教和道德义务,因为洛克是一个具有神学背景的新教徒。

    The individuals in the natural state not only hold the right of self-preservation , but also have the obligation of religious and moral to preserve others and the mankind , because Locke was a Protestant with theological background .

  3. 它伴随着人类社会的始终,具有自组织性和技术中立性的组织特性以及生态共生性和自我保存性的生态特性,是一个不依人的意志为转移的自组织(self-organization)系统。

    It follows human society from beginning to end , it has the organizational characteristics of self-organization and technical neutrality , and ecological characteristics of ecological symbiosis and self-preservation , it is a self-organization system that does not change according to human minds .

  4. 斯宾诺莎认为人的自我保存是人的幸福的基础。

    Spinoza considered that self-preserving is the foundation of human happiness .

  5. 他们被诸如自我保存、自尊、喜好权力等欲望驱使;

    They are moved by desires , such as selfpreservation , self-esteem , or love of power ;

  6. 本文通过研讨人类的本能和基本心理,得出结论自我保存本能是正义存在的基础;

    By analyzing the instinct and basic psychology , the paper draws the conclusion that the instinct of self-protecting is the rationale of justice ;

  7. 从实体反思样式,人们还可以摆脱在现实的感观世界中受奴役的处境,通过一种自我保存(肯定)充分实现人的内在自由。

    By the reflection , man can free himself from slavery in realistic perceptual world and achieve the inner freedom through self-persisting ( affirmation ) .

  8. 而且她还进一步分析了女性道德判断发展的水平,即自我保存的倾向、自我牺牲的善和非暴力的道德。

    Furthermore , she set forth the levels of the development of women 's moral judgement , that is , orientation to individual survival , goodness as self-sacrifice and morality of nonviolence .

  9. 人具有自我保存的本性,每个人都应该努力保持自己的存在,这是人的自然权利赋予人的特质,这种自我保存的力量来自神的力量。

    Human has the nature of self-preserving , and each of us should preserve his or her self-existing . This is the natural right of human . This self-preserving power is the power of God .

  10. 人类是否如此缺少智慧,如此缺少无私的爱,如此盲目,甚至连自我保存的最简单命令都听不见,以致要用灭绝地球上的所有生命来最后证明它那缺乏理智的小聪明?——

    Is our race so destitute of wisdom , so incapable of impartial love , so blind even to the simplest dictates of self-preservation , that the last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet ? -

  11. 天性是一种关注自我利益、保存生命的自爱之心,在道德上是中立的。

    Nature is a kind of self-respecting mind that man cares for his benefit and preserves his life . Morally , nature is neutral .