
  • 网络Internal Recruitment;internal recruiting
  1. 我认为内部招聘对激发员工的积极性有好处。

    I think the internal recruitment is good for motivation .

  2. ①内部招聘能够对组织员工产生较强的激励作用。

    Firstly , internal recruitment can create strong incentives to staff and especially to the employee promoted .

  3. 新职位仅限于内部招聘。

    The new posts were only advertised internally .

  4. 以上所有资料尽作内部招聘用途使用。

    The above information is only used for recruitment use only .

  5. 我希望他们没有通过内部招聘犯错误。

    I hope they 're not making a mistake by hiring internally .

  6. 多年以来,人力资源顾问一直在大力宣扬内部招聘的理念。

    Human resources consultants have been chanting the same mantra for years : hire from within .

  7. 在内联网公布职位空缺、新政策等等,进行内部招聘。

    and using the intranet so all the staff know about vacancies , new policies , and so on .

  8. 许多公司使用内部招聘系统的标准模板来发送回绝信。

    Many companies rely on standard jargon generated by their applicant tracking system for the so-called Dear John letter .

  9. 最后,本文为××商业银行设计出了一套完整的基于模糊综合测评方法的员工内部招聘流程。

    Finally the paper design of a complete set of internal employee hiring process based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method .

  10. 随着企业对内部招聘的重视,如何提高内部招聘的有效性就成了企业必须面对的问题。

    With the importance of internal recruitment , how to improve the effectiveness of internal recruitment has become enterprises must face .

  11. 一旦有职位空缺,许多公司喜欢在内部招聘或心中已决定人选。

    Many companies like to hire internally or already have a candidate in mind as soon as the position is available .

  12. 对,首要的问题是:我们应该对外招聘还是从内部招聘?

    Right , the first question is : do we want to fill this post with an outside recruit or an internal candidate ?

  13. 本文认为企业提高内部招聘有效性要做到以下几点:建立完善的员工职业生涯规划体系;

    This article holds that the enterprises to improve the effectiveness of internal recruitment to do the following : the establishment of a comprehensive lunwen114career planning system ;

  14. 这段时间,如果你不利用人脉圈,找到一份工作就更难了。一旦有职位空缺,许多公司喜欢在内部招聘或心中已决定人选。

    These days , it 's even harder to get a job if you 're not using your network . Many companies like to hire internally or already have a candidate in mind as soon as the position is available .

  15. 最后,文中将获得权重的胜任力模型运用到内部总管招聘上,取得了不错的效果,从而也证明了该模型的有效性与可行性。

    Finally , the author applied the competency model with detailed weighted coefficients to the internal recruitment of SRM , and obtained good effects , which proved that the model is effective and practicable .

  16. 中小企业获取人才应重在内部培养,招聘人才的天平应向无资历但有潜力的新手倾斜,要重视情感管理,要建立科学合理的人才吸纳机制和考评机制。

    In order to get qualified personnel , small and medium enterprises should emphasize internal training and feelings management , give more opportunities for inexperienced recruits , and build up the scientific mechanism for qualified persons ' recruitment and assessment .

  17. 内部晋升与外部招聘抉择的策略研究

    A Strategic Study on Choice of Internal Promotion and External Recruitment

  18. 提高内部选拔与网络招聘的利用率,不拘一格地引进人才。

    Improve utilization ratio of internal selection and e-recruitment import talent by all means .

  19. 同时,加大投入,通过企业内部培训、外部招聘等方式,提高从业人员营销管理水平,以适应市场竞争的需要。

    At the same time , through enterprise training , wanting , and so on , improve marketing managing level , adapt to market competition need .

  20. 在企业内部实施的员工招聘与解聘科学管理可以概括为两个方面,一是通过树立人本管理理念和社会责任意识进而提高招聘的有效性,二是规避法律风险。

    In-house employee recruitment and dismissal management can be summarized into two aspects , the first , improving the effectiveness of recruitment through the establishment of a sense of Human Management and Corporate Social Responsibility ; the second , avoiding legal risk .