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nèi fǔ
  • treasury of the imperial palace
内府 [nèi fǔ]
  • [the imperial storehouse] 皇宫的仓库

  1. 清代诸帝这些不同的文化旨趣在清代内府刻书中均能够得以充分体现。

    Qing Dynasty emperors ' different cultural interests can be fully reflected in the imperial printed books in Qing Dynasty .

  2. 本文通过全面梳理目前考古出土和传世的元明时期“内府”款梅瓶,着力探索其背后蕴藏的社会、历史和文化内涵方面的信息。同时。

    This article tried to search after the information about society , history and culture on basis of the study on Mei vase with Neifu inscription of Yuan-Ming period .

  3. 本文对南唐三主及其内府书画鉴藏进行梳理,尤其彰显江南后主李煜在位时期内府鉴藏在美术史中的地位。

    In this paper , the three main Southern Tang and sorted out within the government and collectors paintings , in particular , highlight the position of collectors in art history in the reign of Li Yu southern emperor of the period .

  4. 明清帝王的文化修养也决定着明清历代内府刻书活动的规模与内容,而明清内府书籍的种类与内容,也充分体现出明清皇帝的文化修养和素质。

    The cultural accomplishment of Ming and Qing Dynasties ' emperors determines imperial printed books ' activity scale and content , and the kinds and content of imperial printed books also fully embody the cultural accomplishment of the Ming and Qing emperors .

  5. 同时,圈内府际耦合动力目前仅表现为组织、机制的初步建立,缺乏威权;在合作主体方面存在次级行动主体严重不足等现象。

    Meanwhile , the motive force for intergovernmental integration within the megalopolis shows only in the rudimentary establishment of the organization and mechanism , and is still inauthoritative . In terms of subjects in cooperation , there is also a severe lack of subordinate subjects in execution .

  6. 在明清宫廷帝学教育方面,明清内府刻书直接为宫廷帝学教育提供读本和教材服务,而明清帝学教育成果又具体以内府刻书为表现形式。

    In aspect of imperial education in Ming and Qing Dynasties , the paper research the imperial printed books in Ming and Qing Dynasties directly services the education textbooks and teaching materials to imperial education , and the achievement of imperial education also concretely form with the imperial printed books .

  7. 在明清国家理学意识领域,内府书籍同样发挥着重要的政治文化功能,并伴随着明清官方理学思想的发展演变而呈现出明显的阶段性特征。

    In aspect of national Neo-Confucianism consciousness in Ming and Qing Dynasties , represents national science consciousness , the imperial printed books plays an important role in political culture , and represents obvious stage characteristics accompanied by the developments and changes of national Neo-Confucianism consciousness in Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  8. 这种地域分布的差异性在政区内的各府、州、县也有鲜明体现。

    The unequally geographical distribution also existed between different prefecture and county .

  9. 其中,最具代表性和典型意义的市场化途径就是以浙江省为代表的沿海民间主导型市场经济和以安徽为代表的内陆政府主导型市场经济。

    Among them , the most representative and typical market approach is represented by Zhejiang Province coastal " civilian dominant " market economy and to Anhui as the representative of the inland " governmental dominant " market economy .