
  • 网络internal consistency
  1. 信度检验包括①内在一致性:计算Cronbachα系数,分量表相关,计算各分量表条目之间的Person相关。②重测信度系数:计算93名学生前后各分量表得分的Person相关。

    Determination of reliability : ① Internal consistency : To calculate Cronbach a coefficient , correlation of subscales , and correlation of Person in each subscales ② Coefficient of the test-retest reliability : to calculate Person correlation of the results in every subscale in twice measurements of 93 students .

  2. 梦象与藏象的内在一致性探析

    On Internal Consistency between Symbols of Dream and Visceral Manifestations

  3. 科学哲学和西方经济学之间存在着内在一致性和思想方法论关联。

    There are inherent consistencies and relations of ideal methodology between philosophy of science and western economics .

  4. 态度理论与思想政治教育过程具有内在一致性。

    Attitude theoretical and ideological political educational course has inner consistency .

  5. 试证互斥方案多种解法具有内在一致性

    The Inherent Consistency in the Different Solutions for Exclusive Project

  6. 从长期来看,更具有内在一致性。

    In the long term , they have internal consistency .

  7. 结果分半信度、内在一致性信度良好。

    Results The semi-reliability and consistency reliability were good .

  8. 说明问卷的内在一致性和结构性较好。

    The questionnaire of the consistency and structure of a good . 2 .

  9. 论梁启超《新史学》与《新民说》的内在一致性

    On the Inner Coherence Between Liang Qichao ′ s New Historiography and New Citizenship

  10. 疲劳量表在癌症患者应用中内在一致性和重测信度的研究

    Studies on Internal Consistency and Test-retest Reliability of Brief Fatigue Inventory in Cancer Patients

  11. 科学主义和人文精神,在人本关怀和自由理性这一基点上是具有内在一致性的。

    Scientism and humanism are consistent internally in spirit of humanity and sense of freedom .

  12. 翻译与逻辑的内在一致性

    The Internal Relations of Translation with Logic

  13. 武术的健身功能与行为医学有着内在一致性,从行为医学的角度探讨了武术运动的健身功能。

    This paper explores the body-building functions of wushu from the perspective of behavioural medicine .

  14. 内部经济失衡和外部经济失衡是相互影响和相互依赖的,二者既有内在一致性,又有冲突性。

    Internal imbalance and external imbalance are interactional and interdependent , they have consistency and conflict .

  15. 问卷总分的内在一致性系数和稳定系数分别为0.867和0.661。

    The coefficient of internal consistency and coefficient of stability are 0.867 and 0.661 for total score .

  16. 要探讨二者的互补,首先必须弄清它们的区别和内在一致性。

    In order to study mutual complementation of them , we should study their differences and similarities .

  17. 其次从红色资源应用与社会主义核心价值体系大众化的内在一致性及其相互关系入手。

    Then it discusses the inner-consistence and interrelationship between Red Resources utilization and Socialist Core Values System popularization .

  18. 历史和逻辑两个维度的分析凸显了制度产生和存在的主体依据,主体的历史性与制度的历史性具有内在一致性。

    Analysis from the angle of history and logic shows the subjective basis for institution to generate and exist .

  19. 在对思想家思想进行研究时,对其思想转变的内在一致性应给予应有的重视。

    The internal consistency of the changing thought should be paid due attention in studying the thinkers ' thought .

  20. 实际上,周梅森前后两个时段的创作存在着内在一致性。

    In fact , there are a few same intrinsic characteristics in Zhou s early and later period creation .

  21. 研究发现了简单多边形裁剪和交并计算的内在一致性。

    In this paper , the consistence of the clipping , intersection and union operations of simple polygons has been discovered .

  22. 该文提出的方法对以上两个应力分别应用亚格子基模型和尺度相似假设。这样就无需对系数分布做出假定并保证了方法的内在一致性。

    A new dynamic procedure was developed in which these two stresses are modeled by the base model and the scale-similarity hypotheses .

  23. 公民政治社会化与思想政治教育在主导者、教化内容以及目的等方面有着内在一致性。

    There is inherent coherence between citizen political socialization and ideological and political education on dominanting , civilizing content and civilizing object .

  24. 垄断、公共物品、信息不完备等市场失灵现象与外部性问题具有内在一致性。

    Phenomena of market failure such as Monopoly , public goods , asymmetric information , are inherently consistent with the problem of externality .

  25. 大学新生始业教育与博雅教育具有“精神成人”、“心智训练”的内在一致性。

    New students'beginning education on campus and liberal education has internal consistence in the " Spirit Adult " and " Mentality Training " .

  26. 幸而,国家实践制度并未与之发生冲突,而在一定程度上与之具有内在一致性。

    Fortunately , the national practice system is not conflicts with it , but to a certain extent they have the internal consistency .

  27. 社区意识的内涵与社会建构论的本质意涵具有内在一致性,二者具有方法上的互补性和价值追求上的一致性。

    The sense of community and the social constructivism , complementary in methods and coherent in pursuit of value , are consistent in essence .

  28. 这也论证了权利与责任的内在一致性,提倡从权利话语到责任话语的重构。

    Meanwhile it demonstrates the internal consistency of the rights and duties , and also advocates the reform from the rights-talk to the duties-talk .

  29. 目的探讨中文版简明疲劳量表在癌症患者应用中的内在一致性和重测信度。

    Objective To investigate the internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the Chinese Version of Brief Fatigue Inventory ( BFI-C ) in cancer patients .

  30. 在这种背景下,应该加强对在复杂环境中企业战略与演化机理的内在一致性的基础理论研究。但从总体上看,目前我们对这些问题的研究是不够的。

    So we should strengthen the capability to study the internal consistency of basic theories of enterprise stratagem and evolution mechanism in complicated circumstance .